Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "johnmacfarlane".
2008 Sep 14
...d lists, LateX math, etc.),
pandoc can read HTML, LaTeX, and reStructuredText. It can write HTML,
LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook, RTF, OpenDocument XML, ODT, MediaWiki, groff
man, S5, GNU Texinfo, markdown, and reStructuredText.
Downloads: http://pandoc.googlecode.com/
User's guide: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html
Examples: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/examples.html
Interactive demo: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/trypandoc/
Bug tracker: http://code.google.com/p/pandoc/issues/list
Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/pandoc-discuss
Some highlights of thi...
2012 Oct 30
horizontal space/indent and HTML/PDF
What is the best method to introduce horizontal space in text in a
Pandoc document? Preferably something that would work for both HTML
and PDF output?
I need this for some poetry that has indented lines, ala the 2nd and 3rd lines:
hickory dickory dock
the most ran up the clock
the clock struck one
the mouse ran down
Chris Lott <chris at chrislott.org>
2007 Sep 30
two pandoc web apps
I've put together two small web apps to demonstrate pandoc:
1. [html2x](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/html2x.html) can convert
most web pages to markdown, reStructuredText, DocBook, LaTeX, ConTeXt,
RTF, or groff man. Bookmarklets are provided. html2x is modeled
on Aaron Swartz's [html2text](http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/html2text/),
but it's faster, supports multiple output formats...
2014 Nov 06
updating pandoc and converting to UTF-8
Hi guys,
I need to run pandoc. (http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/installing.html)
I did this:
rpm -ivh
yum install -y pandoc
This is version
They are up to 13.1.1.
How can I update to the latest? Yum doesn't have anything more that I can
Also, is there a...
2012 Oct 19
saving to docx
hi all,
how can i saving R output to docx or Jpeg format?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 08
<footer> and cie.
...f the new HTML5 elements are in that same situation.
In PHP Markdown 1.0.1p I started treating them as block-level elements and they get the same treatment as `<div>`, but implementations don't seem to agree on this (and yes PHP Markdown Extra gives something that makes no sense):
2015 Mar 12
Requirement for pandoc 1.12.3 in R 3.1.3
Are other developers finding R 3.1.3 problematic because vignette
building requires pandoc 1.12.3, while Linux Mint 17 / Ubuntu 14.04 have R 3.1.2 seems to work fine.
I'd very much like to avoid having to build as large a Linux package as
pandoc, which has given me issues outside of R (it leaves out words,
sentences or paragraphs when converting Latex to epub in a novel I'm
2015 Mar 12
Requirement for pandoc 1.12.3 in R 3.1.3
> R has no built-in support for non-Sweave vignettes, and there is no
> mention of pandoc in the R 3.1.3 sources except for the manual:
> 'Complete checking of a package which contains a file @file{README.md}
> needs @command{pandoc} installed: see
> @uref{http://johnmacfarlane.net/@/pandoc/@/installing.html}.'
> which is true (but is not done with R 3.1.3).
> I suspect you are confusing an R update with an update of whatever
> packages you use to process your vignettes: package rmarkdown has a
> pandoc version requirement of
> SystemR...
2011 Feb 27
ascii package updated
I have uploaded a new version of the ascii package, it should be availble on
CRAN soon.
Major new features are:
- pandoc support (http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/)
- an alternative to the Sweave "way" to create reports: see ?Report. This
feature needs a working installation of asciidoc, txt2tags and/or pandoc.
It becomes increasingly difficult for me to maintain and test all the
available markup languages (asciidoc, txt2tags, org, tex...
2011 Feb 27
ascii package updated
I have uploaded a new version of the ascii package, it should be availble on
CRAN soon.
Major new features are:
- pandoc support (http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/)
- an alternative to the Sweave "way" to create reports: see ?Report. This
feature needs a working installation of asciidoc, txt2tags and/or pandoc.
It becomes increasingly difficult for me to maintain and test all the
available markup languages (asciidoc, txt2tags, org, tex...
2012 Jun 22
converting .doc to html
Anyone got a preferred program or package for this? I'd like a *good* one,
and Word or OO.o's save as html in no way qualifies as other than amateur
So far, with a little googling, I've found the wv package. wvHtml works,
but I don't like the output - it insists on <div>, and on &rhquo instead
of plain, simple ".
mark "what, ask for an opinion in
2008 Feb 08
unwanted paragraph (syntax edge-case)
Hi list!
Take this markdown input:
* asdf
* asdf
* asdf
What I want:
But markdown puts the first asdf into a paragraph. There is nothing I can do
2009 Nov 04
A Suggestion for Strikethrough Syntax
Hopefully, I'm not covering old territory, and a search of the list
archives seems to indicate that I'm not. If I am, then I extend my
apologies in advance.
I use strikethrough a lot so I modify my Movable Type Markdown module
as shown below, right about line 1040 or so. I assume other Markdown
implementations can use this change as well:
sub _DoItalicsAndBold {
2012 Mar 10
ANN: pandoc
...on's package repository.
Most likely it contains some version of pandoc. If the version
is outdated, you can get the latest version by installing the
Haskell Platform, then doing 'cabal update && cabal install pandoc'.
For more information, see the pandoc website:
2009 Feb 18
Are there any standards emerging for how to represent tables in Markdown?
- Daniel
Dr Daniel Winterstein
Winterwell Associates Ltd
tel: 0772 5172 612
Registered in Scotland, company no. SC342991
2009 Feb 18
Disambiguate List Item Followed by Code Block
Quick question: Since list items with multiple paragraphs need to be
indented four spaces, and code blocks are also indented four spaces,
is there any way to disambiguate a list followed by a code block?
* This is a list
* And so is this.
Is this a second paragraph in the second list item,
or a code block?
It looks like Markdown.pl and discount
2007 Sep 22
anchor names from headers (Setext and atx)?
It would be useful if defining headers (either Setext and atx style), if
Markdown would also generate corresponding anchors:
## This is an H2 ##
would create:
<a name="This is an H2"/>
<h2>This is an H2</h2>
Or something like that.
Or is that available some different way?
Jeremy C. Reed
2012 Feb 27
easiest markdown to PDF conversion
I'd love to hear everyone's favorite way to convert markdown to PDF. I'm looking for the easiest, most straightforward option.
>From what I've gathered, the method needs to include something like LaTeX in order to have it paginate correctly, so I'll need to install that as well. Is this correct? When I've used the simple export-to-PDF options in Marked, MMD
2007 Sep 27
Math equations, and extensions in general
...(which is
standard LaTeX notation): `$\{ x \mid x^2 \in S \}$`.
[MultiMarkdown]: http://fletcherpenney.net/
[asciimath]: http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/asciimath.html
[mdx_math]: http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown/mdx_math
[Pandoc]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#inline-latex
While I'd love to see mathematics support in the "official" Markdown
syntax, I understand that it's not a huge priority for most people
(particularly since an ideal widely-supported HTML rendering isn't
available). I'm more intere...
2012 Sep 04
R, knitr y markdown . ¿Cómo insertar tabla de contenidos en documento markdown?
Hola, ¿qué tal?
Estoy haciendo un informe con R, knitr, y markdown y no sé cómo podría
añadirle una tabla de contenidos. O mejorar el aspecto del fichero
final en html.
¿Algún consejo?