search for: john_johnk

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "john_johnk".

2024 Oct 16
Optimal File Permissions for Shared Access Between Windows and Linux
...ize for not including the global section in my previous message. Here it is: [global] ?? min protocol = SMB3 ?? workgroup = WORKGROUP As you can see, there isn?t much in the global section. To answer your question about the permissions on |/mnt/shared|, here are the settings: drwxrwxr-x 30 john_johnk sharedaccess 4096 Oct 15 23:42 shared The directory is mounted from an external disk (|/dev/sdb1|), and it is not part of the local filesystem john_johnk at raspberrypi:~ $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 1.8T 0 disk ??sda1 8:1 0 1.4T 0...
2024 Oct 16
Optimal File Permissions for Shared Access Between Windows and Linux |0002| in my shell, but I am > struggling to find the right settings to achieve optimal > compatibility between Windows, Linux, and Samba. > > For comparison, here are the permission settings for two directories: > > * > > |/mnt/shared/Office 2013|:|drwx------ 2 john_johnk john_johnk > 4096 Apr 8 2022| > > * > > |/mnt/shared/partage_de_fichiers|:|drwxrws--- 4 john_johnk > sharedaccess 4096 Oct 15 18:56| What are the permissions set on /mnt/shared ? Also, why is the share there, is it mounted from somewhere else ? If so, where and what is th...
2024 Oct 15
Optimal File Permissions for Shared Access Between Windows and Linux
...the file owner. I have a |umask| set to |0002| in my shell, but I am struggling to find the right settings to achieve optimal compatibility between Windows, Linux, and Samba. For comparison, here are the permission settings for two directories: * |/mnt/shared/Office 2013|:|drwx------ 2 john_johnk john_johnk 4096 Apr 8 2022| * |/mnt/shared/partage_de_fichiers|:|drwxrws--- 4 john_johnk sharedaccess 4096 Oct 15 18:56| I have confirmed that my wife's user account is part of the |sharedaccess| group and have restarted the Samba service multiple times. Any guidance or suggestions f...