Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "jniesch".
2001 Sep 26
installing RMySQL
...MySQL package after upgrading
from SuSe 6.3 to 7.2 and from R 1.2.1 to R 1.3.1,
to no avail
It compiles happily but when loading the package I get the following
> library(RMySQL)
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
libmysqlclient.so.10: cannot load shared object file: No such file or
Error in library(RMySQL) : .First.lib failed
I don't understand why, the shared library hasn't move...
2001 Sep 24
Problem with read.table and scan
I have just installed R on a Windows NT system. Unfortunately I am unable
to open any of the data files I wish to work with. I have tried using
read.table and scan and to the best of my knowledge am using the correct
syntax. The error message I receive is
Error in file(file, "r") : cannot open file [file name]
I have the data in text files in white-space delimited form. I put them
2000 Feb 22
R-0.99 installation on UNIX
{message bounced because it has "$$$" in it.
manually approved by list maintainer -- MM}
> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 13:03:35 +0100
> From: jens <jniesch at gwdg.de>
> I have trouble to install R on Sparc Sun Solaris 2.6.
> make returns the error message:
> Undefined symbol first referenced in file
> d_lg10 ../appl/libappl.a(uncmin.o)
> d_sign ../appl/libappl.a(dpoco.o
> Anybody can help me out?
Try installin...
2001 Aug 13
subset syntax
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this command??
Warning message:
longer object length
is not a multiple of shorter object length in: LOCAL.NAME ==
c("Chifumbata", "Chikota")
both of the following commands work fine
2001 Oct 18
Sgeostat module
Dear Users,
I use Sgeostat to calculate co variogram (function est.variogram with two
If i inverse the 2 variables in the functions, the co variogram change!
Normaly it is symmetric, isn't it?
Someone could me explain why, or give me an idea to calculate co variogram
in a easy way...
Thanks in advance
ps : sorry for my english
Laurent William Dubroca
Centre de
2001 Nov 18
plotting overlapping data points
I am just learning to use R. The data from my current project are
integer-valued. I am able to create scatterplots, but I would like to
have some indication on the plots when multiple data points overlap at
the same x-y coordinate. SPSS uses 'petals', and other packages use
jitter. Are there similar options in R? I have not been able to find
any in the documentation.
Thanks very much,
2001 Oct 10
Importing many files
Hello Cracks,
we want to import 10 x 365 files containing each 7 variables with 1211
rows. The filenames end with numbers from 1 to 365. We tried a for loop
to import using read.table but we couldn't create the r objects within
the loop. We want each file in an own r-objekt (matrix).
Does anyone know what can be done?
Thanks, Felix
Felix Tiefenbacher
Eidg. Institut f?r Schnee- und
2001 Aug 15
Re: R: Mailing Lists
Is it true that append=T does not work in assignTable() in RMySQL ?
More specifically: I cannot append a data.frame to an existing table
in a MySQL database, although I can use the same data.frame to
create a new table.
Even more specifically:
> assignTable(con,"employee",dita,append=T)
Error in execStatement.MySQLConnection(con, statement, ...) :
RS-DBI driver: (could not
2001 Dec 07
Help for Linear Discriminant Analysis
Dear colleague,
I'd like to compute linear discriminant analysis, using R. In the book Modern applied statistic with Splus (Venables & Ripley, p. 396), lda function is used. Could you tell me where I can find this function? At what site, can I download this library ?
Thank for your help.
Best Regards
Prof. Sovan
2002 Feb 19
No subject
I'm a new R users (although I have a little experience with S+). I am using the latest version (1.4.1) of R on a Windows 2000 system.
I have obtained several of the additional R packages ("modules") and would like to know how to permanently install them. What I am after is something similar to the following in S+
> .First <- function() { module("module_name")
2000 Sep 08
Installing R from source ? (PR#655)
Full_Name: Jens Nieschulze
Version: R-1.1.1
OS: sparc sun solaris 2.7
Submission from: (NULL) (
I tried to install R today and got the following at the first try
rbitmap.c:239: parse error before `jmp_buf'
rbitmap.c:239: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
rbitmap.c: In function `my_error_exit':
rbitmap.c:257: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
2001 Sep 06
overlay plots
Hi all!
I new to R (I don't know anything about S+ either!)
I've a simple question:
How do I generate overlay plots in R?
So far as I can see the plot(x, y) operator will only give me one graph and
the plot(x ~ y + z) will give me 2 separate plots.
Is there an easy way to overlay or am I missing the obvious?
Any help welcome.
Gerard Keogh
The information in this email, and any
2002 Jun 12
Opening all files in a directory
Is there any way that R can be programmed so that it will cycle through
all files in a directory without having to define file names? The reason I ask
is because I will have about 50-100 files in a directory which will be randomly
named. ie: MIDEX, OACES-CO2, ODEN91, etc...
If not...are there any languages out there that will do this sort of things? Or is
there another method you could
2002 Feb 26
Cross-tabulation of data from database
I am quite new to R, so please bear over with me if I have problems with the
R terminology.
I want to (try to) use R for some analyses within vegetation ecology, using
the vegan package. I have my data in a postgresql database, and I manage to
get them into R as a dataframe with columns for respectively: Name of the
analysed m2, Name of the species, coverage of species in the square in %. I
2002 Aug 09
RMySQL fetch defaults to N=500?
It appears that fetch() gets only the first 500 rows by default. I
don't see this in the documentation, but
timeinfo <- fetch(rs)
gets only 500 rows where
timeinfo <- fetch(rs,n=-1)
gets (correctly) 736 for the same query. Is this an undocumented
feature? I played with this data for an alarming amount of time
before I realized that I was missing a third of the data. I
2002 Nov 26
URGENT Help required
I've the following problem:
The below function runs a loop with regression analysis and stores F-Stat
in a matrix. When I call the matrix elements (models[i,j]) in the function
I get proper results, but when I try to call the same elements outside the
function the matrix appears to be empty e.g when I call compt inside the
function I get: 5 but when I call it outside I get: 1. This is the
2001 Oct 16
help me
I have dowloaded the R-version for Windows.
I would want to plot different pictures on the same device, but I am not
able to do it (i.e I would like make 2 qqplot on the same graphic).
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
reply to: d.tarfanelli at libero.it
r-help mailing list -- Read
2002 Aug 21
A layman seeks help!
I have been given a 'code' file and a 'data' file which is designed for use
in R.
I have successfully installed the program onto my pc, but am struggling to
actaully use the code. How do i prompt R to read the code file and run?
Any ideas?
Many thanks
Mark Edwards
mark at miic.org.uk
2002 May 27
functions and getting them into R
Dear All,
I am new to R and can see it is a very powerful and versatile system for
programming and statistical analysis.
Say I have written a simple function and want to use it on a regular
basis. I have the file as a text file say 'c:\R-funcs\func.txt' how do I
get R to find it on the hard disc or alternatively where is the default
location for looking up functions where I can place
2001 Jul 26
replacing values in a vector
Hi all,
there is a vector v with several NAs. I want to create a new vector n of
the same length as v and the same NAs as in v and tried this:
n <- vector(length=length(v), mode="numeric")
replace(n, which(is.na(v)), NA)
but this does't work, all values in n are 0. What went wrong?
Thanks, Sven