search for: jff

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "jff".

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2011 Jun 07
Setting up a State Space Model in dlm
...; ! ## First attempt buildNAIRU <- function(x) { modNAIRU <- dlm(FF=t(matrix(c(1,1,1,0))), GG=diag(4), W=matrix(c(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0.04,0, 0,0,0,0),4,4), V=exp(x[4]), m0=rep(0,4), C0=diag(1e07,4), JFF = t(matrix(c(1,1,0,0))), X=cbind( tvnairu.df$pilag, tvnairu.df$u)) return(modNAIRU) } (fitNAIRU <- dlmMLE(tvnairu.df$pi, parm=c(0,0,0,0) , build=buildNAIRU, hessian=TRUE, control=list(maxit=500))) (dlmNAIRU <- buildNAIRU(fitNAIRU$par)) ## Second attempt buildNAIRU <-...
2013 Feb 20
Tracking time-varying objects with the DLM package (dynamic linear models in R)
Hello all, I am working with the dlm package, specifcially doing a dlm multivariate Y linear regression using dlmModReg and dlmFilter and dlmSmooth... I have altereted the inputs into dlmModReg to make them time-varying using JFF, JW etc. How do I track the results of the time varying system matrices? For example what I am really interested in is JW - my system variance matrix for each time period - I cannot get R to give me the array of this matrix Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks -- View this message in c...
2011 Jun 03
Package dlm generates unstable results?
...model is really simple. Y_t = X_t * a_t + noise(V),(no Intercept here) a_t = a_{t-1} + noise(W)   I first run the following code: (I shall provide data at the end of the mail)   BuildMod <- function(x){  return(dlm(   m0  = x[1],   C0  = x[2],   FF  = 1,   GG  = 1,   V   = x[3],   W   = x[4],   JFF = 1,   X   = X   )) } ModFit  <- dlmMLE(Y,rep(1,4),BuildMod,debug=T) dlmMod  <- BuildMod(ModFit$par) V <- dlmMod$V W <- dlmMod$W ModFilt <- dlmFilter(Y,dlmMod) v <- tail(dlmSvd2var(ModFilt$U.C,ModFilt$D.C),1) m <- tail(ModFilt$m,1)   The results are: V = 5.945003e-05 W = 0.000...
2011 Jun 03
How to reconcile Kalman filter result (by package dlm) with linear regression?
...a lot.   Wei   nTotal = nMatrix + 1 BuildMod <- function(x){  L1 = matrix(0,nFactor,nFactor)   L1[upper.tri(L1,T)] <- x[1:nMatrix]  return(dlm(   m0  = rep(0,nFactor),   C0  = diag(nFactor)*10,   FF  = matrix(1,1,nFactor),   GG  = diag(nFactor),   V   = tail(x,1)^2,   W   = crossprod(L1),   JFF = matrix(1:4,nr=1),   X   = X   )) } ModFit  <- dlmMLE(Y,rep(0.1,nTotal),BuildMod,debug=T) dlmMod  <- BuildMod(ModFit$par) V  = dlmMod$V W  = dlmMod$W m0 = dlmMod$m0 C0 = dlmMod$C0 ModFilt <- dlmFilter(Y,dlmMod) v <- tail(dlmSvd2var(ModFilt$U.C,ModFilt$D.C),1) m <- tail(ModFilt$m,1)...
2008 Aug 09
xy plot in version 2.7.1 for Mac (PR#12520)
...vYmoKPDwgL1R5cGUgL0Nh dGFsb2cgL1BhZ2VzIDMgMCBSIC9WZXJzaW9uIC8xLjQgPj4KZW5kb2JqCjMwIDAgb2JqCjw8IC9M ZW5ndGggMzEgMCBSIC9MZW5ndGgxIDY5ODggL0ZpbHRlciAvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGUgPj4Kc3RyZWFt CngBhVgNfFTFtT8zc/fuR3azmwD5Jns3S1bJJgSCGBLSZPOxARoxAYJmKZGEEAkoEg0gtohLFdFF AXmWCm1Fa1tpferNh7ggfaSCtEURay22qIAUq/ZXCvZXtVbJff+5G6jp89d3Z//nnDlz5uvMmdk7 lxgROSlKgkIdy9u7yUbboHkFyOhYvVLb3v36ashnidSJN3YvWd7yxEfVRNbRRJbfLLn5jhu3Pv7s fjTwARHf2tXZvvjjl8Y+RORegzpXd0GRutx5D/I68uO6lq9c4yDmRv4N5G03r+hoZzPoauTfRl5d 3r6mW4k6v4M8+iPtlvblnWfGLFhE5FFkvntFz0rjXtqO/DjkA923dXbPGTr0IfLXEDkM6BiSfJyk AkRrpMayjzKBLMuTlKkEKIPIeB/AmI33h5YaH8hyyf...