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2009 Dec 22
Will paginate is missing on rake db:migrate
...l in my app. To make the rake pass I have to comment out the gem in my environment.rb file. environment.rb: config.gem "will_paginate", :version => "~> 2.3.11", :source => "" I use snow leopard. What have I done wrong? Jonas-MB:stuteri jeb$ gem list *** LOCAL GEMS *** actionmailer (2.3.5) actionpack (2.3.5) activerecord (2.3.5) activeresource (2.3.5) activesupport (2.3.5) authlogic (2.1.3) nifty-generators (0.3.0) rack (1.0.1) rails (2.3.5) rake (0.8.7) searchlogic (2.3.9) sqlite3-ruby (1.2.5) tabs_on_rails (1.0.0) will_paginate (2...
2004 Sep 10
About maildir
...= static uid=500 gid=500 home=/var/mail/vhosts/%d/%n auth_passdb = passwd-file /usr/pkg/etc/dovecot-passwd.conf all thing work exept that i don't see my email. dovecot has created /var/mail/vhosts/domaine.tld/testuser/mail/ and it seems that inbox email are stored in /var/mail/vhosts/ (i have put an email on my inbox folder into my email client) but when i get a mail it's in /var/mail/vhosts/ so i'am wondering what is wrong, thank you, -- Jean-Edouard BABIN Mail: Jeb at Web : IRC : Jeb @ Undernet
2005 Nov 20
NFS question (and Best Practices)
I saw in another post that a best practices doc will be coming, but I figured I would try to get this working. I''m trying to understand why zfs uses so many "zfs create" so I can use it better. What makes sense is that each zfs fs can have it''s own options (compression, nfs, atime, quota, etc). I really love this because it is so tuneable -- compression on these
2005 Sep 30
How to use alias interface ?
..." = "N" but setting this to the machine-name of my alias-interface hasn't really helped me (The application took the new machine-name, but still took the IP from the primary-Interface). Is there any way to tell wine somewhere, not to use the primary interface or that IP ? JEBs
2003 Mar 07
gui wrapper for ssh -X
...for when it asks for the password. Before I go further down this path, does ssh uses pipes in the standard way, or is this method impossible. Does anyone have a suggestion of another way to go about this, currently I'm trying to use the g_spawn_async_with_pipes call from glib2.0 thanks jeb
2005 Jul 22
AOE (Ata over ethernet) troubles on xen 2.0.6
...s is dom0, I''m not sure why the aoe module is not seeing the packets (unless the bridge is messing it up). Any tips for debugging this would be appreciated -- I don''t really care if we get this working in xen2, but I think this is important for xen3. Thanks for your time, -- Jeb Campbell _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list
2004 Sep 21
Cisco 7905/7912 SIP image location (on Cisco's site)
Hello all, I feel dumb asking this, but does anyone have a link to the SIP firmware for the 7912 on Cisco's site? I have a SmartNet contract, but I just can't find the link (you can search for "7960 sip firmware" and find that fast). Thanks for the help, Jeb Campbell
2004 Nov 18
(Analog Intercom) PagePal by ATT -- was hooked to a Merlin
...into one of the Merlin ports. I tried bring it up with fxo_ks and fxo_ls (assuming it was analog and autoanswered) but no luck. I would be happy to replace if anyone knows of an analog phone to page system, but of course I would like to reuse what is there. Thanks for any advice or pointers, Jeb Campbell
2004 Dec 11
Installing on debian sarge
Hi, I've been trying to get the winehq apt repository going, but haven't been able to get apt to recognise it, it just keeps ignoring the winehq sources when i 'apt-get update'. I've included my sources.list below, any clues much appreciated. Jeb #deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main deb testing main deb-src testing main deb testing/updates main deb testing main deb binary/ d...
2004 Apr 08
AGI -> GET DATA not working on current stable cvs (anyone else?) is from the print statements, and asterisk-perl reports nothing). But asterisk is getting DTMF because my menu in extensions.conf works. I will go through the code Friday, but I just didn't know if anyone else was seeing this? Setup: 23 voice pri from Avaya PBX to Asterisk IVR. Thanks, Jeb Campbell
2004 May 01
Fax Detect problem (have consulted archives, wiki & irc)
Hi All, I'm using an X100P to connect to PSTN ( context=from-pstn ). I'm trying to get fax detection to work. Using the simplest dialplan, I cannot get * to detect fax tones: [from-pstn] exten => s,1,Answer exten => fax,1,Goto(ext-fax,999,1) The fax is never detected (ie: Goto never executed) All that I see on the * -vvvvc console is: -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1",
2012 May 04
[virt-tools-list] libguestfs for Windows guests?
On 05/04/2012 08:22 PM, Jonathan E. Brickman wrote: > Is libguestfs working for Windows guests? Ccing libguestfs list. > > -- > Jonathan E. Brickman > /Ponderworthy Music/ <> > 805 SW Jewell Ave > Topeka KS 66606-1610 > jeb at <mailto:jeb at> > > > _______________________________________________ > virt-tools-list mailing list > virt-tools-list at >
2004 Apr 27
Second Hand Servers - How Powerful?
Hi, I'm looking at setting up a small production system - predominantly for voice mail and IVR (with a few extensions and hold music MP3's). I've found a couple of IBM X330 servers, with dual 1.13Ghz P3 processors. My question is; is a dual 1.13Ghz P3 server sufficient to run for real-life demands? I come from a Unix/Mac background, so I'm not swayed by the '3Ghz'
2011 Aug 29
MuMIn Problem getting adjusted Confidence intervals
Hello R users I'm using MuMIn but for some reason I'm not getting the adjusted confidence interval and uncoditional SE whe I use model.avg(). I took into consideration the steps provided by Grueber et al (2011) Multimodel inference in ecology and evolution: challenges and solutions in JEB. I created a global model to see if malaria prevalence (binomial distribution) is related to any life history traits of 14 different birds species, while controling for Family and genus in a GLMM: global.model.Para<-lmer(cbind(Parahaemoproteus,FailPh)~factor(SS)+factor(NT)+NH+W+IT+factor(MS)+(...
2005 May 31
...problem and many lost their jobs to H-1Bs. 6) Let's not forget the stolen election in Florida - read these words - S T O L E N E L E C T I O N. His Florida campaign manager was none other than Kathrine Harris - the Florida Attorney General who "certified" the election. Her boss was Jeb Bush, bushwhack's brother. Instead of being indicted for election fraud she was rewarded - with a position in the House of Representatives in a district with no other candidate running - from the democratic party, or any OTHER party. She ran unopposed. Learn more about Harris at this site: ht...
2005 Jun 14
Python using 99% cpu, xend unresponsive
Hi I''m a new xen user. I gather from the mailing lists that this problem occurs with excessive console output. However, I believe dom1 was sitting idle at the login prompt when I noticed top on dom0 was showing python at 99% cpu. xend would not respond to restarts. Reboot fixed it. What debugging output can i give you, if any, if this happens again? sam elstob
2005 Jun 27
Hi there I have created a multivariate logistic regression model looking at the presence/absence of disease on farms. I would like to plot the diagnostic plots recommended by Hosmer & Lemeshow to look particularly for any points of high influence. In order to do this I need to extract values for delta-beta. The function dfbeta gives a value for change in each coefficient but I am looking
2010 May 25
Rails 2.3.8 still escaping html in strings some content passed through in a parameter - if content is passed in via the parameter then that is getting escaped. Is this the expected behaviour for 2.3.8 or is this something else that has slipped through the cracks. If it is expected behaviour, how do I stop it doing the escaping? Cheers jeb -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk+unsubscribe-/J...
2011 Sep 10
rbenv and cap deploy
Hi, I have installed rbenv on my development machine and got it working. For now I run 1.8.7. But when I try to do cap deploy i get an error: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/ 1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require'': no such file to load -- bundler/capistrano (LoadError) Doing rbenv rehash does not help in my deploy.rb: require
2005 Mar 10
tdm400p and dell 2600 poweredge
Hi all: I've been developing and testing on a tdm400p card and it's been going well. As you probably know, the tdm400p needs an ide power supply, but the dell poweredge 2600 that this card is destined for eventually has all the power supplied on the backplane with no ide cables. The thing is, on the motherboard in the server, there is an ide ribbon connector, and beside that, something