Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "jday".
Did you mean:
2011 Jun 13
maintaining row connections during aggregate
Dear All,
I have several sets of data such as this:
year jday avg_m3s
1 1960 1 4.262307
2 1960 2 4.242308
3 1960 3 4.216923
4 1960 4 4.185385
5 1960 5 4.151538
6 1960 6 4.133846
There is a value for each day of multiple years. In this particular data set it goes up to 1974. I am am looking to obtain the minimum and maximum values for...
2003 Jul 14
problem with coding for 'optim' in R
> # {
> # z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
> # merror <- z * sqrt(phat*(1-phat)/M) # M is (Monte Carlo) sample size
> # merror
> # }
> #Bring in temp file
> temper <- scan("temp.dat", na.strings = ".", list(Day=0, jday=0, Temp=0))
Read 366 records
> Day<-temper$Day ; jday<-temper$jday ; Temp<-temper$Temp ;
> temp<- cbind (Day, jday, Temp)
> #Day = number of days modelled, jday=julian day, Temp = daily avg. temp.
> #temp [,2]
> Vc<-(CTM-(temp[,3]))/(CTM-CTO)
2011 Sep 29
julian day form POSIXt object
...A, -48L), class =
given that, my objective is to create a new variable accounting for the
julian day (i.e. the number of consecutive days elapsed from a fixed origin
and these are (among many others) my (most) unsuccessful attempts?
#not working!
test$jday<-julian(test$date, origin=as.POSIXct(test$date))
#not working!
test$jday<-julian(test$date, origin=test$date)
#not working!
test$jday <-julian(as.Date(test$date, "%m"),
as.Date(test$date, "%d"),
as.Date(test$date, "%Y"),...
2012 Aug 07
R enquire
(1) F77 code
subroutine weathersel(GRD,YR,SWJD,HRVJD)
C ==========================================
C ----------------------------------------------------------
C ----------------------------------------------------------
C ** Identifying the variables
C *...
2003 Jul 15
Excel can do what R can't?????
...function(phat,M,alpha) # (1-alpha)*100% merror for a proportion
# {
# z <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
# merror <- z * sqrt(phat*(1-phat)/M) # M is (Monte Carlo) sample size
# merror
# }
#Bring in temp file
temper <- scan("temp.dat", na.strings = ".", list(Day=0, jday=0, Temp=0))
Day<-temper$Day ; jday<-temper$jday ; Temp<-temper$Temp ;
temp<- cbind (Day, jday, Temp)
#Day = number of days modelled, jday=julian day, Temp = daily avg. temp.
#temp [,2]
comp<- cbind (Day, jday, Te...
2005 Jun 28
boxplot by factor (Package base version 2.1.1) ( PR#7976)
...nt to do,
> since there are no "B"
> plot(a ~ b, d) # yuk!
> ## Section 2: Why is this important? Consider another realistic
> example of [synthetic] daily temperature
> temp <- 5 - 10*cos(1:365*2*pi/365) + rnorm(365)*3
> d1 <- data.frame(year=2005, jday=1:365, date=NA, month=NA, temp) #
> jday is Julian day [1,365]
> d1$date <- as.Date(paste(d1$year, d1$jday), "%Y %j")
> d1$month <- factor(months(d1$date,TRUE), levels=month.abb)
> plot(temp ~ month, d1) # perfect, in a perfect meteorological world
> d2 <-...
2005 Jun 28
boxplot by factor (Package base version 2.1.1) (PR#7976)
...b="B")) # which I don't want to do,
since there are no "B"
plot(a ~ b, d) # yuk!
## Section 2: Why is this important? Consider another realistic
example of [synthetic] daily temperature
temp <- 5 - 10*cos(1:365*2*pi/365) + rnorm(365)*3
d1 <- data.frame(year=2005, jday=1:365, date=NA, month=NA, temp) #
jday is Julian day [1,365]
d1$date <- as.Date(paste(d1$year, d1$jday), "%Y %j")
d1$month <- factor(months(d1$date,TRUE), levels=month.abb)
plot(temp ~ month, d1) # perfect, in a perfect meteorological world
d2 <- d1[!d1$month %in% c("Mar&...
2011 Dec 01
R, PostgresSQL and poor performance
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
dbh <- dbConnect(drv,user="…",password="…",dbname="…",host="…")
sql <- "select id, date, lon, lat, date_trunc(''day'' , date) as jday, extract(''hour'' from date) as hour, extract(''year'' from date) as year from observations where pt = 6 and date >= ''1990-01-01'' and date < ''1995-01-01'' and lon > 180 and lon < 290 and lat > -30 and lat < 30 and...
2006 Jul 26
RoR data models ( extreme newbie question)
Sorry for asking this but I am keen to get on and build an app based on
RoR and have had a look around at FAQa and the like with no immediate
What I am looking for is an explainantion of the rules/requirements for
table/index/coulumn names with RoR. RoR appears to have a set of
expected naming conventions which it would appear you can over ride but
it would seems a hell of a lot
2002 Jun 11
Perl vs. R
Dear All,
I am being told that R can process text files and strings as well as Perl
(and is certainly more elegant).
Being an R neophyte I need a little boost to get started. I have a little
benchmark program in Perl that reads a delimited file, creates an inverted
table and spits the file out again in key sorted order.
It's just a few lines of Perl (see below). Can someone write the
2002 Jun 09
S or R used in natural language processing (NLP)?
Dear All,
Does anyone use S or R for statistical natural language processing (NLP)?
All I have found so far is a package called EMU
(http://www.shlrc.mq.edu.au/emu/emu-splus.shtml) which is a speech
wave-form processing package.
What I'm looking for are routines to support text processing, text
categorization, word sense disambiguation, text understanding etc.
In particular, I would
2002 Sep 06
Main R Project and CRAN sites down?
...URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/PACKAGES'
unable to connect to 'cran.r-project.org'.
Error in download.file(url = paste(contriburl, "PACKAGES", sep = "/"), :
cannot open URL
At 11:48 AM 9/6/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>"Marc Schwartz" <mschwartz at medanalytics.com> writes:
> > Is anyone else having trouble accessing the main R Project and CRAN
> > sites? I had not seen any other posts about it.
> >
> > I noted the problem t...
2002 Sep 05
data mining for R
I was wondering if R had a data mining componant and how i could get it. If not do you know anyone who is developing a datamining "plug in" for R
Phillip Goodreid
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2002 Jul 17
problem formatting data frames
Dear R-guRus:
I have a problem with the format of my data in R.
Let's say I have a HUGE text table which consists of columns of
numerical data, separated by tabs, but in some places rows of text
(error messages, etc) are inserted in between rows of numerical data.
Because the data file is so huge and because I have thousands of these
files, it's unpractical to try and go thru these
2002 Sep 06
Histogram Ranking
This is not exactly an R question, but I suspect that there is an R
procedure that does what I am calling (for lack of a better name)
"histogram ranking".
I'm trying to evaluate a set of regression features by segregating by
target class and comparing the feature histograms. My idea is that if the
histograms are the same for two different classes then there is no