search for: jasbur

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "jasbur".

2006 Jun 13
Find DB items by "title"
I''m having trouble finding then displaying all items in my "posts" table that match a certain search string. I have a from field: <%= start_form_tag :action=> "search" %> <div title="Search" id="searchform" class="form"> <h3>Search</h3> <%= error_messages_for ''post''
2006 Jun 14
Using now() to determine what should be displayed
I''m trying to create a paginated list that will take note of the "end_date" field in my table. This is what I have: @post_pages, @posts = paginate(:posts, :per_page => 10, :order_by => ''end_date'') in the controller. And for the view: <h1>Posts ending soon</h1> <ul><% for post in @posts do %> <strong>Post Title:
2006 Jun 18
Ambiguous clause error
I''m trying to query one table to ultimately display the relate info from another table. I have 2 tables: "posts" and "numbers". I''m trying to do a query like this: @numbers = Number.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''(user_id) = :id'', {:id =>
2006 Jun 08
Foreign key confusion
I have 2 models right now: "users" and "posts". When a user creates a post I would like their id to be recorded under "user_id" in the "posts" table. Under the "user" model I have: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts end And under the "posts" model I have: class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user
2006 Jun 12
Doing a simple search from the database?
I realize thi may be more complex issue than can be asnwered in this post. But, what I need to do is create a simple query on my existing tables via a search form. I have half my app done (I can write all the info I want to my database), but pulling the data out dynamically is giving me trouble. I have both the "ruby for rails" book and the Agile Development book. They both give
2006 Jun 25
Using AND in :conditions queries
I have what amounts to a simple search engine running through a table using input from a form. Everything works fine when looking for "title" or "body" But, when I want to couple that with an AND statement the search still works fine, but it seems to disregard the AND statements. Code below: In the view: <%= start_form_tag :action=> "show_search" %>
2006 Jun 25
Sorting ferret results by column
I have the acts_as_ferret plugin installed. Everything searches great, but I would like to limit the results (i.e. by ''end_date'') and sort them (by ''end_date''). ''end_date'' is a valid column in my "posts" table. Here''s the code I have already: @posts = Post.find_by_contents(params[:query]) params[:query] comes from a form. I
2006 Jun 27
File Column has me stumped
I have an existing entry in my DB under the "users" table that has a column name "pic". I have a file column field when a new user signs up, and it work great. I am now trying to give existing users the ability to add or change their "pic". But, no matter what I do the entry comes up blank. Here''s what I have so far: View: <%= start_form_tag ({:action
2006 Jun 07
Redirect if session is nil
How exactly do i redirect a user if they''re not logged in? I have a cookie being written to the @session variable on login and I can pull info from it. For instance "@session[''user''].login" pulls their username just fine. But if they type in the url of the "welcome" page without logging in I get "You have a nil object when you didn''t
2006 Jun 14
Partial matches with find_by
I have a form passing a parameter to a "show_search" action. Everything goes fine, as long as i search for the exact title of the post. How do I do a partial or "wild card" search? Code below: def show_search @posts = Post.find_all_by_title(params[:title]) end -- Posted via
2006 Jun 27
start_form_tag question..
i am trying to get a start_form_tag working, but i am shooting blanks.. here''s what i am trying to do.. i have a controller called "forms.." with an action "new_entry".. it is called by: localhost/forms/new_entry this is just a quick form to test another action.. that action is: localhost/logger my question is, how do i construct start form tag in order to
2006 Jun 10
Inserting data to another DB table
I have a form under one controller/model called "billing" using the "bills" table. When this form completes I want it to change the "has_billing" field for the user under the "users" table from "0" to "1". I''ve almost got it. I put: user = user.update_attribute("has_billing", "1") under the
2006 Aug 08
Paginating an existing array
I have a rather complex query that constructs the array @posts I''d really like to have these results paginated, but the nature of the query I''m running won''t let me use pagination the normal way. Since I already have a complete array, can''t I just paginate those results some way? -- Posted via
2006 Jul 03
Check if row already exists?
I''m working on a system that has a series od "bids" associated with "posts". Vurrently when a bid is placed I have it creating a new row each time in the "bids" table. The bids table has id, post_id, and user_id. The logic is to check to see if a bid already exists with a given post_id and user_id. If it does, then just update the "amount"
2006 Jul 10
Paypal gem issues Webrick won''t boot :(
I installed the paypal gem and downloaded the plugin as instructed at When the plugin is in the vendor/plugins folder WEBrick refuses to start. No error messages, just "=> Booting WEBrick..." then back to my prompt. Do I have to declare the plugin someplace or something? -- Posted via
2006 Jul 26
SQL query syntax
I need to search a specific column with an OR statement from a form, but can''t quite seem to figure out how. Right now I have: @query = request.raw_post || request.query_string @phrase = @query.sub(/ /,"% OR %") @posts = Post.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''(title LIKE :search_query OR body LIKE :search_query OR city LIKE :search_query
2006 Jun 07
Using a RegExp to exclude an email address
How would I use a regular expression to eclude an email address? I''m using validates_format_of :username, :with => :message => "Your username cannot be an email address." What is the expression to use after "with: =>" to exclude an "@"? -- Posted via
2006 Jun 15
Paginating a .find
how exactly would I apply paginate to a .find I have: @posts = Post.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''(title) OR (body) LIKE ?'', ''%'' + params[:query] + ''%''], :order => ''end_date'') How would I go about paginating the uoputed list? Something like 10 on a page. -- Posted via
2006 Jun 15
Multiple :conditions?
How do I add multiple conditions to a paginated list? I have: @post_pages, @posts = paginate(:posts, :per_page => 10, :conditions => [ ''(title) OR (body) LIKE ?'', ''%'' + params[:query] + ''%''], :order =>
2006 Jun 16
Comparing form enrty to a databse record
I have one field on a from where a number will be entered called "amount". I need to compare this to an existing field in the database also named "amount" to make sure it is a higher number. I also have to find this specific record by comparing it''s "post_id" field with @session[:post].id Any help here would be greatly appreciated. -- Posted via