Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "jamieson".
2011 Jul 21
centos6 not using /etc/gdm/custom.conf
...e, Xorg would run with the -br -audit 4 -s 15 options.
Unfortunately in CentOS6 this is not the case. It completely ignores anything put into custom.conf as far as I can tell. It appears to run with -nr -verbose -auth -nolisten tcp by default. Is there any way to modify this?
Stephen Jamieson
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2016 Mar 26
Fw: VS: Re: Need help solving issue
On Saturday, March 26, 2016 1:04 PM, MARIA jamieson <jamieson.maria at yahoo.com> wrote:
Yes, I am trying it over ssl. Everything works as in I can connect to my mail server and establish an ssl connection. There's no error with SSL. ?It's just auth mechanism having a environment corruption error. I am not the only one. You can goo...
2016 Mar 25
Need help solving issue
Hi, I am using Dovecot 2.2.18 ?and have migrated from a 1.x versions. After this migration I had several errors and obsolete errors in logs. I fixed them and after all that I finally was able to run postfix and dovecot again.
The problem I have facing right now is that in the mail logs and in the dovecot logs. I am getting auth errors.
In mail log the postfix is spitting out: "?fatal: no SASL
2007 Jan 17
Mapping a network drive to a Windows Drive Letter
...ull of ^M characters..... build breaks..... and so on
Until now we have been telling users to run "dos2unix" beforehand, but
somebody told me that "Samba" can handle this if properly configured ?
Is this possible ? If so can somebody please help me ?
Stuart Jamieson
Software Configuration Manager
Tel : 020 8390 5000
DST International
Notice: This e-mail and any attachmen...
2000 Sep 11
.Random.seed resetting (PR#656)
Full_Name: Lara Jamieson
Version: 1.1.1
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
I've checked for other reports on this and can't find anything. It seems that
the .Random.seed isn't updated properly after using rm(.Random.seed). Mu
understanding from the help file indicates that a new 'rando...
2005 Sep 01
Spacing and margins in plot
If I use the following command to plot points:
plot(c(1,2,2,3,3,3), type="p", pch=20, ylab="Y Label", xlab="X Label", xaxt="n")
there is a large amount of space between the label "X Label" and the
actual x-axis. If I change the xaxt="n" to xaxt="s", the label "X
Label" don't move at all. Is there a way to get
2012 Jun 26
MuMIn - assessing variable importance following model averaging, z-stats/p-values or CI?
...too)),REML=FALSE, data=propspec)
pss<-standardize(ps,standardize.y = FALSE)
REf -Grueber, C.E., Nakagawa, S., Laws, R.J. & Jamieson, I.G. (2011) Multimodel inference in ecology and evolution: challenges and solutions. Journal of evolutionary biology, 24, 699-711.
Any help would be much appreciated
Andrew Robertson
PhD student
Centre for Ecology and Conservation
University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus
Tremough, Cornwall...
2006 Jul 10
Setting the colors of lines in a trellis plot...
With some help from those with expertise on this list, I managed to
produce a plot using trellis that looked like I wanted it to look.
Now, I need to take the same plot and make the lines on it color, but
I want to specify the color for the lines myself.
I've managed to make the key use the colors I want. I've managed to
make the symbols of the actual plot use the colors I want. But I
2005 Sep 01
Spacing and margins in lattice...
Similar to my last question, I want to tighten up the spacing and
margins in a plot I am doing with lattice.
Here are the commands I'm using:
data <- data.frame(x=c(1:3, 1:3), y=c(1:3, 1:3*2),
cat=c("foo","foo","foo","bar", "bar","bar"))
xyplot(panel=panel.superpose, y~x, data=data, groups=cat, type="b",
2006 Mar 01
Width of bars in barplot2
I'm using barplot2 to plot some data. Is there any way to determine
the width of the bars in the generated plot? I know that barplot2
returns a list of the coordinates of the center of each bar, but since
there is some white space between each bar, I don't know how to get
the width of each bar.
2006 Mar 03
R plots in PowerPoint
I have some plots that I generating using R (using trellis, plot, and
barplot2) that I want to include in a PowerPoint presentation I am
giving. My computer is running OS X. I find that presentations are
easier to read when there is light text on a dark background and would
like to generate plots that fit that style. The plots I am generating
are all grayscale. Is there an easy way to get R to
2006 Mar 08
Adding polygons to a barplot
I have a barplot I have created using barplot2 and I have been able to
add points and lines (using the points and lines methods,
respectively). I now need to add some polygons (triangles in
particular), that I want to be shaded to match bars in the plot. I
can get the coordinates of the corners of the triangles, but don't
know how to draw the triangles. I know there is the grid.polygon
2005 Aug 09
Saving trellis output to files in scripts...
With much help from Chuck Cleland, I was able to get xyplot to
generate the plot I wanted. I'm trying to write a script (that can be
read using source("file")) to create the plots I want and save them to
If I type the following lines into the R (in interactive mode), the
correct plot gets saved into the file myfile.ps with a size of 4,096
2005 Aug 14
Labels on axes with log scales with lattice
I using lattice to make some plots and I want to make the y-axis on
some of these plots use a log scale. In the following plot:
x <- 1:10
y <- 2^x
xyplot(log10(y) ~ x)
I get tick marks on the y-axis at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. I
would rather have just 3 tick marks at 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 but labeled
10, 100, and 1000.
I know this can be done using the "at" and
2005 Aug 08
Help with doing overlays plots...
I have a data frame with three columns, type (a factor with two
values: "Monolithic" and "Compositional"), size (numeric), and states
(numeric). I want to create a plot where size goes on the x-axis and
states goes on the y-axis. In this plot, I want two lines, one where
the type is "Monolithic" and one where the type is "Compositional".
I think this can
2005 Sep 15
Copying from graphics window in OS X
I'm running R from an Xterm window is OSX-Tiger. Graphical windows
appear as they should, but I'm having trouble copying from them--using
cmd+c or the Copy option in the Edit menu won't place the graph in the
clipboard (when I paste into a running OS X app, I get whatever was the
last copied thing from a non-x11 window). Any ideas on how to copy from
a xterm-launched graphical