search for: jamas

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "jamas".

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2006 Oct 30
nlme Error: Subscript out of bounds
Hello, I am new to non-linear growth modelling in R and I am trying to reproduce an analysis that was done (successfully) in S-Plus. I have a simple non-linear growth model, with no nesting. I have attempted to simplify the call as much as possible (by creating another grouped object, instead of using subset= and compacting the fixed and random expressions.) This is a what the grouped
2008 Jul 20
Erro: cannot allocate vector of size 216.0 Mb
Please, I have a 2GB computer and a huge time-series to embedd, and i tried increasing memory.limit() and memory.size(max=TRUE), but nothing. Just before the command: > memory.size(max=TRUE) [1] 13.4375 > memory.limit() [1] 1535.875 > gc() used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) Ncells 209552 5.6 407500 10.9 350000 9.4 Vcells 125966 1.0 786432 6.0 496686 3.8
2007 Jun 27
Meta-Analysis of proportions
Dear colleagues, I'm conducting a meta-analysis of studies evaluating adherence of HIV-positive drug users into AIDS treatment, therefore I'm looking for some advice and syntax suggestion for running the meta-regression using proportions, not the usual OR/RR frequently used on RCT studies. Have already searched already several handbooks, R-manuals, mailing lists, professors, but... not
2004 Jul 19
Evaluating the Yield of Medical Tests
Hello, I'm a biostatistician in Toronto. I would like to know if there is anything in survival analysis developed in R for the method "Evaluating the Yield of Medical Test" (JAMA. May 14,1982--Vol 247, No.18 Frank E. Harrell, Jr,PhD; Robert M. Califf, MD; David B. Pryor, MD;Kerry L.Lee, PhD; Robert A. Rosait,MD.) Hope to hear from you and thanks Lisa Wang, MSc Project Organiser
2010 Apr 19
plotting RR, 95% CI as table and figure in same plot
Hi all-- I am in the process of helping colleagues write up a ms in which we fit zero-inflated Poisson models. I would prefer plotting the rate ratios and 95% CI (as I've found Gelman and others convincing about plotting tables...), but our journals usually like the numbers themselves. Thus, I'm looking at a recent JAMA article in which both numbers and dotplot of RR and 95% CI are
2018 Apr 12
Hello All, I'm struggling to solve this ODE using R, vdpol <- function (h, v, t) ( list(c ( -0.1*v/(pi*(2*10*h-h^2)), (v = (-0.1*v/(pi*(2*10*h-h^2))^2) + 2*9.81*h)) )) library(deSolve) yini <- (c(h = 20, v=0)) nonstiff <- ode(y = yini, func = vdpol, times= seq(0, 30, by =
2014 Nov 05
Solo enteros en el eje Y de graficos con lattice
Estimada comunidad, imagino que debe ser simple, pero llevo ya varias horas buscando como hacer para que el eje Y de un grafico hecho con lattice use solo enteros. Los valores que se grafican son enteros entre 0 y 3, pero el grafico incluye 0.5, 1.5 ... Alguna idea ? ... ya lei la ayuda de xyplot pero no veo donde podria encontrarse la opcion. Gracias, Slds, eric. -- Forest Engineer
2001 Jan 11
So it looks like the Frauenhoffer boys are issuing an updated format -- MP3pro. They claim that it will give 128kbps/MP3 quality in 64kbps. I'm interested to see what others think of this. I'm also curious: I've seen others on the list say that Ogg/Vorbis' sound quality is "better" than MP3. Can this be quantified (or is this already on a web page somewhere)? I kinda
2012 Nov 27
Fitting and plotting a coxph with survfit, package(surv)
Hi Dear R-users I have a database with 18000 observations and 20 variables. I am running cox regression on five variables and trying to use survfit to plot the survival based on a specific variable without success. Lets say I have the following coxph: >library(survival) >fit <- coxph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + rx, data = ovarian) >fit what I am trying to do is plot a survival
2003 Sep 25
Diamond graphs, again.
Some time ago I was allowed to discuss "Diamond Graphs", and whether they would be useful in R, in this mailing list. The August 2003 issue of The American Statistician has finally arrived here and I have been able to read the article. A number of points of interest arise. 1. The article is "A Diamond-Shaped Equiponderant Graphical Display of the Effects of Two