Displaying 20 results from an estimated 73 matches for "iy".
Did you mean:
2007 Nov 28
ifelse function
Hi there,
I need help with IFELSE function.
The column g of my dataset pth, pth$g consists of "aa", "ao", "dcl", "iy",
The last few values of pth$g looks like:
[4496] sh ao ao sh iy dcl dcl aa iy iy aa sh ao ao
Levels: aa ao dcl iy sh
I want to convert these values into 1,2,3,4,5. I tried to use a loop and I
found the following statement did not work.
> pth$g[1]<-ifelse(pth...
2012 Oct 20
Help with programming a tricky algorithm
Hi All,
I'm a little stumped by the following problem. I've got a dataset with
the following structure:
idxy ix iy country (other variables)
1 1 1 c1 x1
2 1 2 c1 x2
3 1 3 c1 x3
. . . . .
3739 55 67 c7 x3739
3740 55 68 c7 x3740
where ix and iy are interger-valued indices...
2006 May 14
Dragable element
...method) a larger image - so effective its a detail viewer.
But, ive come into problems. I can get the logic to work out exactly
where the box is, but when i go to movve it, it works perfectly on the
first go, but on subsequent moves it goes the wrong way?!
My javascipt is...
var oiX = 0;
var oiY = 0;
function setOldVars(){
oiX = $(''squ'').style.top;
oiY = $(''squ'').style.left;
iX = oiX.replace(''px'', '''');
iY = oiY.replace(''px'', '''');
//$(''ggggg'').innerHTML =...
2006 Apr 11
gaussian family change suggestion
...((family$link == "inverse" && all(y == 0)) ||
(family$link == "log" && all(y <= 0)))) stop(
"cannot find valid starting values: please specify some")
mustart <- y
if (family$link=="log") {
iy <- y<=0
if (sum(iy)) mustart[iy] <- min(y[!iy])*.5
} else if (family$link=="inverse") {
iy <- y==0
if (sum(iy)) mustart[iy] <- min(abs(y[!iy]))*.5
>- Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Ba...
2012 Mar 10
applying a function in list of indexed elements of a vector:
I have a vector
Y1 <-c(8, 11, 7, 5, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3)
and an index
iy <-c(c(1, 2),c(1 2), c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(2, 3, 5), c(4), c(5, 6, 7), c(7,
8, 9))
how can I produce the mean, or the sum of the elements specified in the
index iy from the vector Y1?
expecting something like this for the sum:
19 19 31 24 5 15 12
I thought lapply function may perform this, but...
2009 Aug 20
what is the meaning of this error
Error in Math.factor(c(2L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, :
log not meaningful for factors
In addition:Warning messages:
1: In Ops.factor(LRUpBound, LRLowBound) : * not meaningful for factors
2: In Ops.factor(TransitCoefStdDev, TransitCoefMean) :
/ not meaningful for factors
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2007 Nov 17
Wine AppDB etiquette ?
Dont know if iys the done thing, but I contacted the writer of an app I
maintain in AppDB, to point out that his app runs perfectly under Linux and
Straught away he modified his webpage to include the fact, and a link to the
AppDB page for his application.
I p...
2009 Mar 14
persp plot + plotting grid lines
Dear all;
Does anyone know how to add grid lines to a persp plot? I've tried
using lines(trans3d..) but the lines of course are superimposed into
the actual 3d surface and what I need is something like the plot shown
in the following link:
I'll appreciate any ideas
1997 Jul 14
R-beta: Plotting: numeric 'col' colors; col=0, col=1, .. | Nice "funclet"
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: codes: integer codes for pch & col
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 14 Jul 97, 11:44
ix <- codes %/% 10
iy <- 10 - codes %% 10
if(!exists(".Device") || is.null(.Device)) x11(height=9)
plot(ix, iy, type='n', xlim = range(ix) + .15*c(-1,1),
yaxt = 'n',
xlab = 'floor( i / 10 )', ylab = ' i MOD 10',
main = "points(...., pch...
2009 Jun 05
Antialiasing plots and text on different devices
...symbols : points (... pch = *, cex =",
nex <- length(extras)
np <- 26 + nex
ipch <- 0:(np-1)
k <- floor(sqrt(np))
dd <- c(-1,1)/2
rx <- dd + range(ix <- ipch %/% k)
ry <- dd + range(iy <- 3 + (k-1)- ipch %% k)
pch <- as.list(ipch) # list with integers & strings
if(nex > 0) pch[26+ 1:nex] <- as.list(extras)
plot(rx, ry, type="n", axes = FALSE,
xlab = "x-axis label", ylab = "y-axis label",
main = main)...
2011 Jun 08
PS to Taking Integral and Optimization using Integrate() and Optim()
Hello again.
Thank you for the comments. I have written these codes.
for (i in (1:2))
for (xx in x[i])
fy=function(y) (exp(-exp(y+log(xx)))*(-exp(y+log(xx)))^2)/(1-exp(-exp(y+log(xx))))
In 1D optimize() works p...
2018 Jul 25
Question about target instruction optimization
...> should ignore it until you have a working compiler.
> As far as two registers getting the same value, that should be picked
> up by common subexpression elimination in the optimiser anyway.
> You might want to consider having a pseudo-instruction for LD
> {BC,DE,HL,IX,IY},{BC,DE,HL,IX,IY} (all combinations are valid except
> those containing two of HL,IX,IY). You could expand this very late in
> the assembler, or during legalisation.
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 10:42 AM, Michael Stellmann via llvm-dev
> <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org <mail...
2005 Jan 03
Memory Efficient Methods for Building Matrix
Dear List:
I am having to build a block-diagonal matrix (vl) and am currently using
the following code.
This code works fine, but for large N, it is a huge memory hog. Is there
a more efficient method for constructing vl?
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2002 Apr 18
Changing tick mark labels
Can anyone help me out with this problem?
After performing logistic regressions and testing the significance with
likelihood ratios, I have plotted the results using "termplot". I am
wondering, how to get the names of my variables to appear on the x-axis
rather than ascending numbers?
I have used:
termplot(fm, se=T, axes=FALSE, col.se="black")
axis(1, 1:4,
2018 Jul 21
Finding scratch register after function call
For a Z80 backend, "eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr()" shall adjust the
stack pointer in three possible ways, e.g. after a function call,
depending on the amount (= adjustment size) *and some other rules*:
1. via one or more target "pop <reg>" instructions (SP increments +2 per
instruction), using an unused reg (disregarding the contents after the
operation), followed
2008 Aug 21
order(x,y, decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE)) - how / elegantly?
...## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: x,y: vectors of the same length
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 21 Aug 2008
ix <- order(x)
xx <- x[ix]
iy <- tapply(y[ix], xx, order, decreasing = TRUE)
## Note: 'SIMPLIFY', 'USE.NAMES', 'use.names' are just for efficiency:
unlist(mapply(`[`, split(ix,xx), iy,
use.names = FALSE)
x <- c(1, 1, 2,...
2018 Jul 25
Question about target instruction optimization
This is a question about optimizing the code generation in a (new) Z80
The CPU has a couple of 8 bit physical registers, e.g. H, L, D and E,
which are overlaid in 16 bit register pairs named HL and DE.
It has also a native instruction to load a 16 bit immediate value into a
16 bit register pair (HL or DE), e.g.:
LD HL,<imm16>
Now when having a sequence of loading two 16
2011 Dec 16
crash in using Rcpp and inline packages.
NumericVector bincout(binlength);
NumericVector binsum(binlength);
int nfocal=fx.size();
int ntotal=x.size();
double dist =0.0;
double ibin = 0.0;
double lpd = 0.0;
typedef NumericVector::iterator vec_iterator;
vec_iterator ifx = fx.begin(), ify = fy.begin();
vec_iterator ix= x.begin(), iy = y.begin();
vec_iterator ifsp = fsp.begin(), isp = sp.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < nfocal; i++){
for (int j= 0; j < ntotal; j++){
if(dist == 0.0 || ifsp[i]==isp[j] || dist > rmax ){
2011 Dec 16
Fw: crash in using Rcpp and inline packages.
NumericVector bincout(binlength);
NumericVector binsum(binlength);
int nfocal=fx.size();
int ntotal=x.size();
double dist =0.0;
double ibin = 0.0;
double lpd = 0.0;
typedef NumericVector::iterator vec_iterator;
vec_iterator ifx = fx.begin(), ify = fy.begin();
vec_iterator ix= x.begin(), iy = y.begin();
vec_iterator ifsp = fsp.begin(), isp = sp.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < nfocal; i++){
for (int j= 0; j < ntotal; j++){
if(dist == 0.0 || ifsp[i]==isp[j] || dist > rmax ){
2008 May 31
How to identify overlapped items from two list and plot them?
Hi list,
I have a question on how to identify the overlapped items from two vectors:
and plot the number of the overlapped as well as non-overlapped in a
Thanks much,
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