search for: iwcatproductpage

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "iwcatproductpage".

2009 Jul 11
Belkin 800VA Universal AVR doesn't warn about battery
Hi, I'm currently using a Belkin UPS ( with nut, and my notify script doesn't receive a low battery warning. I receive ONBATT and ONLINE, but not any battery low message. I've run upsmon -D and I've seen it polls the ups.status property. The problem seems to be that this UPS doesn't put LB (I...
2006 Sep 11
new ups for database?
I have a Belkin F6H500ukUNV ups that I am attempting to get working under nut, however it does not appear to be detected by nut, I'm assuming that I need to feed some information back to you guys to get it included in the database somwhere. I've included (what I can think might be) the relivant outputs. Please let me know if you require anything else. dmesg output /sbin/newhidsups