search for: issymmetric

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "issymmetric".

2009 Oct 12
unexpected behaviour of isSymmetric() (PR#14000)
Full_Name: Mike Danilov Version: 2.9.0 OS: Fedora Core 9 Submission from: (NULL) ( When checking for the symmetry of a matrix, function isSymmetric.matrix() gets confused by the discrepancy of colnames/rownames if its argument. See the code snippet below. Perhaps it's a problem of the matrix product which copies colnames of the first argument but not the rownames of the second to its value. Not sure which one should be fixed but the way it...
2019 Apr 22
R-devel (rev 76409) fails 'make check': non-generic function 'isSymmetric' given to findMethods()
Duncan that does indeed look to be the case. Many thanks! In particular, tests/reg-tests-1d.R optionally loads the Matrix namespace which allows the test to succeed. Compare: ~/R-rc_2019-04-21_r76409/bin/Rscript -e "options(warn=2); library(Matrix); res <- findMethods('isSymmetric'); print('success')" [1] "success" versus ~/R-rc_2019-04-21_r76409/bin/Rscript -e "options(warn=2); res <- findMethods('isSymmetric'); print('success')" Error in findMethods("isSymmetric") : ? (converted from w...
2019 Apr 21
R-devel (rev 76409) fails 'make check': non-generic function 'isSymmetric' given to findMethods()
...--prefix=/home/btyner/R-76409 --enable-R-shlib --with-blas --with-lapack --with-readline --without-recommended-packages ?? make ?? make check which fails at reg-tests-1d.R; the failure being: ?? > ## str() now even works with invalid objects: ?? > moS <- mo <- findMethods("isSymmetric") ?? Error in findMethods("isSymmetric") : ? ?? (converted from warning) non-generic function 'isSymmetric' given to findMethods() ?? Execution halted I am able to build revision 76407 from source just fine (using
2019 Apr 21
R-devel (rev 76409) fails 'make check': non-generic function 'isSymmetric' given to findMethods()
...shlib --with-blas --with-lapack --with-readline > --without-recommended-packages > ?? make > ?? make check > > which fails at reg-tests-1d.R; the failure being: > > ?? > ## str() now even works with invalid objects: > ?? > moS <- mo <- findMethods("isSymmetric") > ?? Error in findMethods("isSymmetric") : > ? ?? (converted from warning) non-generic function 'isSymmetric' given > to findMethods() > ?? Execution halted Likely the problem is that you don't have the recommended packages loaded. When I was runnin...
2010 Nov 07
is this matrix symmetric symmetric matrix, at least I think so. col1 col2 col3 [1,] 0.20 0.05 0.06 [2,] 0.05 0.10 0.03 [3,] 0.06 0.03 0.08 or structure(c(0.2, 0.05, 0.06, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03, 0.06, 0.03, 0.08 ), .Dim = c(3L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("var1", "var2", "var3"))) But isSymmetric() doesn't agree. Any comment? I am on R 2.10.1 Thanks. Jun [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Sep 07
Matrix package in R-2.4.0alpha, simulate, summary, tail, terms, update, vcov, VarCorr, with, cbind2, rbind2, Arith, Math, Math2, Summary, Compare, !, +, %*%, Schur, as.array, as.matrix, as.vector, band, chol, colMeans, colSums, coerce, crossprod, determinant, diag, dim, dimnames, dimnames<-, expand, expm, kronecker, image, isSymmetric, norm, rcond, rowMeans, rowSums, show, solve, t, tcrossprod, tril, triu Error: package/namespace load failed for 'Matrix' > sessionInfo() R version 2.4.0 alpha (2006-09-05 r39134) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Chile.1252;LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Chile.1252;LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Chile...
2016 May 01
Typo in NEWS file for R-devel
From the first page of the NEWS file: (2016-04-29 r70564) isSymmetrix(m) is much faster for large asymmetric matrices m via pre-tests and a new option tol1 (with which strict back compatibility is possible but not the default). It probably should be isSymmetric -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 670 bytes Desc: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail URL: <>
2012 Dec 11
Dispatching on a dgCMatrix does not work.
...graph, I have made the following functions/methods: is.UG <- function (object) { UseMethod("is.UG") } is.UG.dgCMatrix <- function (object) { is.adjMAT(object) && (max(abs(t(object) - object)) == 0) } Note: 1) is.adjMAT is homegrown and 2) I know there is an "isSymmetric" method, but I can't get that to work either. These functions are in a package and when I load the package I get: > is.UG(xx) Error in t.default(object) : argument is not a matrix > is.UG.dgCMatrix(xx) Error in t.default(object) : argument is not a matrix Interestingly, if I copy...
2007 Apr 26
Problem with R-2.5.0 patched and Matrix package
Hi, Using latest R 2.5.0 Patched, I'm unable to install the Matrix package from I get: Creating a new generic function for "isSymmetric" in "Matrix" Creating a new generic function for "unname" in "Matrix" Error in conformMethod(signature, mnames, fnames, f) : In method for function "!": formal arguments omitted in the method definition cannot be in the signature (x = "Matri...
2011 Feb 04
always about positive definite matrix to overcome them. > As far as I understood, the main problems are two: assessing the symmetry of the given matrix and dealing with eigenvalues very close to zero. > Do I miss some important points? > > The functions that have been mentioned are eigen (I think in particualr the isSymmetric.matrix function), the function posdefify of the sfmisc package and the function nearPD of the Matrix package. I believe that some conversations have not been shared with the mailing list and therefore I find difficult to trace everything. > > I understood very well the summary in four points...
2012 Jul 16
installing spam package is failing (spam_0.29-1)
...<-" in "spam" Creating a new generic function for "t" in "spam" Creating a new generic function for "as.matrix" in "spam" Creating a new generic function for "all.equal" in "spam" Creating a new generic function for "isSymmetric" in "spam" Creating a new generic function for "diff" in "spam" Error in setGeneric(f, where = where) : must supply a function skeleton, explicitly or via an existing function Error : unable to load R code in package 'spam' ERROR: lazy loading failed for...
2012 Mar 19
hypergeometric function in ‘ mvtnorm’
Is there any way to know how the "dmvt" function computes the hypergeometric function needed in the calculation for the density of multivariate t distribution? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 May 04
sem error message
Hello, I tried to do a 'sem' analysis for data of how blueberry consumption by birds is influenced by a pollution gradient, using distance and vegetation structural and composition variables, but I got the following error message: Error in sem.default(ram = ram, S = S, N = N, param.names = pars, var.names = vars, : S must be a square triangular or symmetric matrix This may be very
2016 Jan 04
R, AIX 64-bit builds - trying to understand root cause for message: "Error: Line starting 'Package: tools ...' is malformed!"
The bulk is on my forums - the final post for today is: Results to date: A. It looks like I am going to need a newer compiler for C - xlc/xlC V11 apparently does not understand this code: "/data/prj/cran/R-3.2.3/src/main/memory.c", line 2149.31: 1506-046 (S) Syntax error. I will have to check if R-devel has different code before asking for assistence. +2139 #ifdef
2019 Apr 26
R 3.6.0 is released info to see where it is used. * max.col(m) with an m of zero columns now returns integer NA (instead of 1). * axTicks() no longer returns small "almost zero" numbers (in exponential format) instead of zero, fixing Ilario Gelmetti's PR#17534. * isSymmetric(matrix(0, dimnames=list("A","b"))) is FALSE again, as always documented. * The cairo_pdf graphics device (and other Cairo-based devices) now clip correctly to the right and bottom border. There was an off-by-one-pixel bug, reported by Lee Kelvin. * a...
2019 Apr 26
R 3.6.0 is released info to see where it is used. * max.col(m) with an m of zero columns now returns integer NA (instead of 1). * axTicks() no longer returns small "almost zero" numbers (in exponential format) instead of zero, fixing Ilario Gelmetti's PR#17534. * isSymmetric(matrix(0, dimnames=list("A","b"))) is FALSE again, as always documented. * The cairo_pdf graphics device (and other Cairo-based devices) now clip correctly to the right and bottom border. There was an off-by-one-pixel bug, reported by Lee Kelvin. * a...
2019 Apr 26
R 3.6.0 is released info to see where it is used. * max.col(m) with an m of zero columns now returns integer NA (instead of 1). * axTicks() no longer returns small "almost zero" numbers (in exponential format) instead of zero, fixing Ilario Gelmetti's PR#17534. * isSymmetric(matrix(0, dimnames=list("A","b"))) is FALSE again, as always documented. * The cairo_pdf graphics device (and other Cairo-based devices) now clip correctly to the right and bottom border. There was an off-by-one-pixel bug, reported by Lee Kelvin. * a...
2006 Apr 24
R 2.3.0 is released
...xternal: by default it looks for a symbol which will match any of them. It is now internal and not primitive, so argument matching works in the usual way. o The symmetry test for matrices used in eigen() has been ``exported'' as the 'matrix' method of a new S3-generic 'isSymmetric(). o .leap.seconds and the internal adjustment code now know about the 23rd leap second on 2005-12-31: the internal code uses a run-time test to see if the OS does. o The 'col' argument of legend() now defaults to par("col") (which defaults to "black", the p...
2006 Apr 24
R 2.3.0 is released
...xternal: by default it looks for a symbol which will match any of them. It is now internal and not primitive, so argument matching works in the usual way. o The symmetry test for matrices used in eigen() has been ``exported'' as the 'matrix' method of a new S3-generic 'isSymmetric(). o .leap.seconds and the internal adjustment code now know about the 23rd leap second on 2005-12-31: the internal code uses a run-time test to see if the OS does. o The 'col' argument of legend() now defaults to par("col") (which defaults to "black", the p...