search for: isnested

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "isnested".

2012 Jun 19
Possible bug when using encomptest
...####################################################### ##Demonstration of encomptest breaking when models are, in fact, nested ##Required libraries: library(lmtest) ##Create models: models12<-lmList(srcData ~ model1 + model2 | modelFactor,data=allData) ##Function to test if models are nested isNested<-function(model1, model2){ ##Test if model1 is nested in model2: m1labs<-attr(terms(model1), "term.labels") m2labs<-attr(terms(model2), "term.labels") rv<-m1labs[!(m1labs %in% m2labs)] return(ifelse(length(rv),FALSE,TRUE)) } ##Show models are nested: isNes...
2011 Jun 30
Analysing insecticide biossays using lmer = "quasibinomial", data = dataf) 2: eval.parent(mc) 3: eval(expr, p) 4: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 5: glmer(formula = y ~ logdose * geno + (1 | geno/logdose) - 1, data = dataf, family = "quasibinomi 6: lmerFactorList(formula, fr, 0, 0) 7: sapply(seq_along(fl)[-1], function(i) isNested(fl[[i - 1]], fl[[i]])) 8: lapply(X, FUN, ...) 9: FUN(2[[1]], ...) 10: isNested(fl[[i - 1]], fl[[i]]) 11: stopifnot(length(f1) == length(f2)) S?lection : summary (model1) Enter an item from the menu, or 0 to exit S?lection : 10 Called from: eval(expr, envir, enclos) Browse[1]> f1 [1] D1D1 D1...