Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "is_oclosure_completion".
2019 Aug 15
[PATCH libnbd v2 10/10] generator: Check requirements for BytesPersistIn/Out and completion callbacks.
...sistIn/Out parameter must have only one.
+ * And it must have an OClosure completion optarg.
+ *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (name, { args; optargs }) ->
+ let is_persistent_buffer_arg = function
+ | BytesPersistIn _ | BytesPersistOut _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ and is_oclosure_completion = function
+ | OClosure { cbname = "completion" } -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ if List.exists is_persistent_buffer_arg args then (
+ let bpargs = List.filter is_persistent_buffer_arg args in
+ if List.length bpargs >= 2 then
+ failw...
2019 Aug 15
[PATCH libnbd v2 00/10] Callbacks and OCaml and Python persistent buffers.
This is a combination of these two earlier series:
plus changes to allow .callback = NULL / .free != NULL, and to reduce
the complexity of freeing callbacks.
Although it's rather long there's nothing complex here. We might
consider squashing some