Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "irreproducible".
2009 Jul 28
Checking package on Windows (and seemingly irreproducible errors in CRAN checks)
I submitted a small package, colbycol, to CRAN. I developed it on Linux
and tested it on my Linux box and another Windows machine. Besides,
other people kindly tested it in their systems.
The package seems to "compile" correctly in r-forge for Windows. In
fact, you can find the binary package at
However, in CRAN, the Windows
2017 Jun 15
[FORGED] Re: draw stripes in a circle in R
> On Jun 14, 2017, at 5:52 PM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> Sigh. I never load packages in .Rprofile to avoid the irreproducibility trap. Might seem drastic to some, but I don't feel much pain because I almost always edit my code in a file rather than on the fly at the console, and re-run it frequently from a fresh R process to check my progress.
2003 Aug 05
How do I make R listen to a Unix domain socket?
Respected r-help readers,
I am a bit uncomfortable because my favourite text editor vim does not
speak statistics. So I obtained a perl-script made to get vim to
interact with a lisp interpreter and had it set up so vim sends text to
a socket and R executes - but there are some irreproducible errors and I
don't understand the perl-script.
Could someone show me an alternative method to start R in a way that it
listens to a unix domain socket? I know about the R function
socketConnection() but this creates tcp sockets which I don't know how
to send text to.
Good day
Johannes Ra...
2018 May 01
[FORGED] Re: Specifying priors in a multi-response MCMCglmm
...ust statistics. How hard can it be?"
I don't think anyone who knows anything about anything would classify
Bert as ignorant.
> By the way, my research is Anthropology despite my job title.
OK. Your job title is misleading. Let's say "in order to avoid
producing yet more irreproducible anthropological research" then.
Rolf Turner
Technical Editor ANZJS
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276
2017 Jun 15
[FORGED] Re: draw stripes in a circle in R
Sigh. I never load packages in .Rprofile to avoid the irreproducibility trap. Might seem drastic to some, but I don't feel much pain because I almost always edit my code in a file rather than on the fly at the console, and re-run it frequently from a fresh R process to check my progress.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On June 14, 2017 3:27:15 PM PDT, David Winsemius
2018 May 01
Specifying priors in a multi-response MCMCglmm
...re generally off topic on this list.
> You might want to try the r-sig-mixed-models list instead.
> 2. However, I think a better answer is to seek local statistical
> expertise in order to have an extended discussion about your research
> intent in order to avoid producing yet more irreproducible
> psychological research.
> Cheers,
> Bert
> Bert Gunter
> "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
> and sticking things into it."
> -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
> On...
2006 Jun 29
help with coxme
Hi there,
I have a question on fitting data by coxme. In particular I want to fit a
random intercept and random slope cox model. Using the rats dataset as an
example, I generated another covariate x2 and want to specify a random slope
for x2. Here is my code:
x2=matrix(rep(runif(50), 3), 50, 3)
rats2=cbind(rats, x2)
But when I used the coxme function as follows, it gave
2006 Apr 05
Multivariate linear regression
I am working on a multivariate linear regression of the form y = Ax.
I am seeing a great dispersion of y w.r.t x. For example, the
correlations between y and x are very small, even after using some
typical transformations like log, power.
I tried with simple linear regression, robust regression and ace and
avas package in R (or splus). I didn't see an improvement in the fit
2017 Jan 15
RFC: Building GlobalISel by default
...we're confident that the whole thing is stable, then we
make it build by default.
There are two problems here:
1. Environmental issues.
We do find more of those than we'd hope. Different compilers, linkers,
libraries that produce not only crashes, but unstable builds and
unpredictable or irreproducible test failures. The environment on our
bots are wildly different (on purpose) and dealing with different
unpredictable issues all at once is something that I'm not willing to
take on lightly. Due to the nature of buildbots and some of our
hardware and the fact that virtually all ARM/AArch64 bots...
2006 Dec 12
Segfault in pure R code
I just caught a segfault:
> courses("Ingrid")
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x99b279c, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: structure(y, class = oldClass(x), row.names = attr(x, "row.names"))
2: `[.data.frame`(gudata, -(1:5))
3: gudata[-(1:5)]
4: names(gudata[-(1:5)])
5: inherits(x, "factor")
6: is.factor(table)
7: match(x, table, nomatch =
2006 Dec 12
Segfault in pure R code
I just caught a segfault:
> courses("Ingrid")
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x99b279c, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: structure(y, class = oldClass(x), row.names = attr(x, "row.names"))
2: `[.data.frame`(gudata, -(1:5))
3: gudata[-(1:5)]
4: names(gudata[-(1:5)])
5: inherits(x, "factor")
6: is.factor(table)
7: match(x, table, nomatch =
2012 Dec 28
Irreproducible exception in R extension
Dear R-Users,
I am having some trouble running an R extension on our cluster (linux). I call C++ code in which I use a) the Scythe Statistical Library and b) OpenMP. Most of the jobs run without a problem, but some arbitrary jobs throw an exception of the kind printed below while running in a parallel loop. The behavior is to me not reproducible, although at every run of 729 Jobs it at least
2018 May 01
Specifying priors in a multi-response MCMCglmm
...ly) Statistical issues are generally off topic on this list.
You might want to try the r-sig-mixed-models list instead.
2. However, I think a better answer is to seek local statistical
expertise in order to have an extended discussion about your research
intent in order to avoid producing yet more irreproducible
psychological research.
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along
and sticking things into it."
-- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip )
On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 2:15 PM, Michelle Kline
2009 Apr 11
_Possible_ work-round for normalizePath error (was Re: [Rd] Package (PR#13475))
>>> Uwe Ligges <ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de> 04/10/09 4:21 PM >>>
>Well, you need to ask Symantec to fix Norton, hence this is the
>wrong address.
That would not help other R users who were looking in the archives for
help with what looked like a mysterious normalizePath error, would it?
As I said, the principal intent of the posting was to point to a
2004 Aug 07
SOLVED: 100% cpu usage causes big problems
For the last couple of days I have been battling a * installation (company
PBX) that has been spinning on the cpu at 100% utilization. This was
causing dropped calls, horrible SIP call quality, etc. The box is running
the CVS * as of Aug 5 on Fedora Core 1 on an AMD Duron processor. I called
Digium and had them look into it (I was told they might be interested
since it has been a long standing
2013 Jul 12
vegan capscale 'subscript out of bounds' error
Hi list,
I am using the capscale function in vegan_2.0-7 to do a constrained
principal coordinates analysis, and I kept getting the following error
Error in Y.r[, oo, drop = FALSE] : subscript out of bounds
I googled but I couldn't find an answer. Could anyone tell me why this
error msg and what to do?
Here is the command I used:
2018 May 01
Specifying priors in a multi-response MCMCglmm
Hi all,
I previously emailed about a multinomial model, and after seeking some
additional help, realized that since my response/outcome variables are not
mutually exclusive, I need to use a multi-response model that is *not*
multinomial. I'm now trying to figure out how to specify the priors on the
multi-response model. Any help would be much appreciated.
My data look like this:
2016 Jan 15
[v3,11/41] mips: reuse asm-generic/barrier.h
...f the ordering primitives
and its current documentation.
I feel a bit better than I did earlier due to Leonid's response to my
earlier litmus-test examples. But I do recommend some serious stress
testing of MIPS on a good set of litmus tests. Much nicer finding issues
that way than as random irreproducible strange behavior!
Thanx, Paul
2007 Oct 31
Shell Bash with R
I try to write a bash skript and I want to use the variables from my
bash skript into R. Ist that possible?
My bash skript creates lots of *.data files. I want forward these
files directly into R (in x.data.bz2), so that R creates a few data
automatically also in PDF.
For example:
bash created files: hello.data , world.data
how R created these files in pdf?
please look my plot.R
2014 Mar 18
[RFC] A case for freezing CRAN
This came up again recently with an irreproducible paper. Below an
attempt to make a case for extending the r-devel/r-release cycle to
CRAN packages. These suggestions are not in any way intended as
criticism on anyone or the status quo.
The proposal described in [1] is to freeze a snapshot of CRAN along
with every release of R. In this design, up...