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2000 May 15
ipmasqadm port forwarding ipportfw (HOWTO)
...ith conflicting info on the net, I thought I'd share a simple guide to set up the port forwarding side of masquerading... this presumes you already have basic ipchains setup and simple masquerading of internal machines installed. PORT FORWARDING USING IPMASQADM. “Ipmasqadm” supercedes the “ipportfw” feature. 1 - Upgrade to Kernel 2.2.12-20 if not already up to this. 2 - cd /usr/src/linux and run “make menuconfig” 3 - in here make sure kernel is configured to route ip, is tuned as a router ( as opposed to host ), and that ipportfw is set up as a module. 4 - download the ipmasqadm tool from...
1998 Aug 02
ipportfw - security
Hi Are there any known security holes or necessary precautions in using port forwarding with ipportfw? I'm planning on forwarding ports from an outer firewall/router (connected to the Internet) to a host in the DMZ, then on from the DMZ host to the inner firewall, and finally from the inner firewall to some host on the inside. Thanks, Jens From Wed Au...
1998 Oct 13
compare / contrast of linux fw and others
Hi, I was wondering how a linux box configured as a firewall stacked up against some of the commercial products like checkpoint-1 and gauntlet. Can someone direct me to a good book or online doc that compares linux to some other firewall methods? Mind you, I''m not talking about a firewall in the classical sense, ie ip forwarding turned off and used as a proxy, but the typical Linux box