search for: invoke's

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10909 matches for "invoke's".

2006 Feb 23
rake error
...numbers --inline-source'' For help on options, try ''rdoc --help'' rake aborted! exit (See full trace by running task with --trace) What is this about? Craig the full trace below if it helps... [craig@srv2 rdoccd]$ rake appdoc --trace (in /home/craig/ruby-db/th-db) ** Invoke appdoc (first_time) ** Invoke doc/app/index.html (first_time) ** Invoke doc/README_FOR_APP (first_time, not_needed) ** Invoke app/models/client.rb (first_time, not_needed) ** Invoke app/models/placement-safe.rb (first_time, not_needed) ** Invoke app/models/case_manager.rb (first_time, not_needed) *...
2010 Sep 01
NoMethodError: undefined method `force_encoding' for "Conten
Hi everyone! Im trying to install mechanizer from I`ve clone the project into /tmp folder. When I do rake inside the folder /tmp/mechanizer it gives me this error: mac159180:mechanize renatosis$ rake (in /private/tmp/mechanize) /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -w -Ilib:bin:test:. -e ''require "rubygems";
2014 Nov 24
[LLVMdev] RFC: How to represent SEH (__try / __except) in LLVM IR
...8 %outer = alloca %class.Outer, align 1 %middle = alloca %class.Middle, align 1 %exn.slot = alloca i8* %ehselector.slot = alloca i32 %inner = alloca %class.Inner, align 1 %en = alloca i32, align 4 store i32* %i, i32** %i.addr, align 8 call void @_ZN5OuterC1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer) invoke void @_ZN6MiddleC1Ev(%class.Middle* %middle) to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad invoke.cont: ; preds = %entry %0 = load i32** %i.addr, align 8 %1 = load i32* %0, align 4 %cmp = icmp eq i32 %1, 1 br i1 %cmp, label %if.then, label %if.else...
2008 Nov 06
anyone able to explain logic behind "rake spec" startup (e.g. db:test:prepare => abort_if_pending_migration => invoke environment => etc etc)
anyone able to explain logic behind "rake spec" startup? i.e. the below steps & why things occur when they do Macintosh-2:myequity greg$ rake spec --trace (in /Users/greg/source/myequity) ** Invoke spec (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke db:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:abort_if_pending_migrations ** Execute db:test:prepare ** Invoke db:test:load (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:purge (...
2013 Jul 01
Invoker - 0.1.1 release, A gem for managing processes in development environment
Hello Folks, Invoker is a gem for managing processes in development environment. You can install the gem via: ~> gem install invoker And you can clone the code from: After Installing gem, you need to create a configuration file: [rails] directory = /home/gnufi...
2009 May 22
[LLVMdev] invoke semantics
On May 22, 2009, at 10:13 AM, Dale Johannesen wrote: > Should we document it then? Invokes are confusing enough without > relying on undocumented behavior:) It'd be good for someone actually familiar with invoke could comment on this. Specifically, in the following testcase, the return value of the invoke is used in the unwind destination, which is not reachable from the normal...
2015 Jan 27
[LLVMdev] RFC: Native Windows C++ exception handling
...} keep_going(); } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Original ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Function Attrs: uwtable define void @_Z4testv() #0 { entry: %outer = alloca %class.Outer, align 1 %inner = alloca %class.Inner, align 1 call void 0) invoke void @_ZN5OuterC1Ev(%class.Outer* %outer) to label %invoke.cont unwind label %lpad invoke.cont: call void 1) call void 2) invoke void @_ZN5InnerC1Ev(%class.Inner* %inner) to label %invoke.cont1 unwind label %lpad invoke.con...
2010 Dec 08
[LLVMdev] Inlining and exception handling in LLVM and GCC
Hi Renato, >>> 1. It eases the future elimination of invoke, or at least, the >>> treatment of current instruction-level exception (as in Java) in a >>> cleaner way. >> >> I don't see what is cleaner about it, except that it is overall at a higher >> level of abstraction (see above). > > If I got it right, his p...
2015 Jan 22
[LLVMdev] Why does "uwtable" prevent optimizing Invoke -> Call?
Hi, in r176827 the optimization that turns invokes with empty landing pads into plain calls was disabled for invocations of function with the "uwtable" attribute. But given this code: struct S { ~S() {}; }; void blackbox(); __attribute__((__noinline__)) void inner() { blackbox(); } int foo() { S s; inn...
2010 Dec 01
[LLVMdev] Alternative exception handling proposal
...already have (which can be seen as a good or a bad thing!), and is also closer to what gcc does. It is more incremental than Bill's and introduces fewer new concepts. Executive summary ----------------- Remove the personality and list of catches out of eh.selector and stick them directly on invoke instructions. The invoke instruction ---------------------- The invoke instruction is modified by adding extra catch info to it: <result> = invoke <function>(<function args>) to label <normal label> unwind label <exception label> <catch info> Here &lt...
2007 Aug 10
jinfo, jboss and ExtendedDTraceProbes
...0xed27f000..0xed27faf0] java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping) at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$ at "PooledInvokerAcceptor#0-4445" prio=10 tid=0x0035ac00 nid=0x2c runnable [0xed37f000..0xed37fb70] java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE at Method) at - locked <0xfb518080> (...
2006 Sep 22
foo.expects(:blah).returns(10).then(11) syntax
...the diff of changes I made: Index: test/mocha/expectation_test.rb =================================================================== --- test/mocha/expectation_test.rb (revision 854) +++ test/mocha/expectation_test.rb (working copy) @@ -95,6 +95,12 @@ assert_equal 99, expectation.invoke end + def test_should_return_values_in_order + expectation = + assert_equal 9, expectation.invoke + assert_equal 10, expectation.invoke + end + def test_should_return_nil_if_no_value_specified expectation = Expectation....
2008 Jun 12
after :each invoked before formatter?
...:all with version 1.0.8 (at the moment I''m using 1.1.4). In after :each block I''m invoking Watir to close IE (and maybe some other stuff). So if each example finishes, IE is closed. Now, my logic is telling me that after example has failed, formatter''s methods should be invoked (as example_failed or extra_failure_content methods), but it''s not like that! Those methods are called AFTER after :each block has finished. So, at the moment it''s like that: 1) it block executes 2) it block failed 3) after :each block executes 4) formatter''s example_fai...
2006 Aug 10
error compiling wxruby2
...(c) 1995-1998 University of Utah and the Regents of the University of California Copyright (c) 1998-2004 University of Chicago Compiled with i386-redhat-linux-g++ [i386-redhat-linux-gnu] Please see for reporting bugs and further information Doing slower check for SWIG 1.3.29 ** Invoke default (first_time) ** Invoke link (first_time) ** Invoke lib/ (first_time) ** Invoke obj/App.o (first_time) rake aborted! Don''t know how to build task ''src/App.cpp'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:1449:in `[]'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8...
2009 Jul 20
[LLVMdev] x86 unwind support[MESSAGE NOT SCANNED]
Hi Mark, > You are confusing stopping the unwinding at *some* levels or at *all* > levels. > Eg. > invoke > call > call > invoke > call > call > unwind the dwarf unwinder only stops and runs user code at the invokes. It does restore registers and so forth at every stack frame. This is extra work done at unwind time that reduces the cost of making invoke cal...
2012 Apr 22
Cisco AnyConnect on 6.2 32-bit?
...her vm (ubuntu or oel 5.7) the same client works. Im using version 2.5.0217. This version works fine on Ubuntu 12.04, 11.10 and 10.04. Anyone have any suggestions? /var/log/messages shows these errors: Apr 22 14:53:50 keyhole vpnui[3122]: Function: setCatalog File: i18n/MsgCatalog.cpp Line: 427 Invoked Function: setCatalog Return Code: -33554423 (0xFE000009) Description: GLOBAL_ERROR_UNEXPECTED Message translation catalog <AnyConnect> not in use. Apr 22 14:53:50 keyhole vpnui[3122]: Function: ClientIfcBase File: ClientIfcBase.cpp Line: 134 Invoked Function: vpnapi Return Code: 0 (0x0000000...
2015 Mar 25
[LLVMdev] Instruction::mayThrow not handling invoke's?
While improving ADCE, i notice that for declare i32 @strlen(i8*) readnone define i32 @test() { ; invoke of pure function should not be deleted! invoke i32 @strlen( i8* null ) readnone to label %Cont unwind label %Other ; <i32>:1 [#uses=0] Cont: ; preds = %0 ret i32 0 Other: ; preds = %0 %exn = landingpad {i8*, i32} personality i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 cleanu...
2006 Aug 14
rake test:units -> table already exists
Hi! When I run test:units, rails complains about the tables already being present. They had to be present so I could run individual unit tests. So why doesn''t rails just drop the tables if they exist? Any ideas?? Jeroen debug oupt below: >rake test:units --trace (in ...) ** Invoke test:units (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:test:prepare ** Invoke db:test:clone (first_time) ** Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time) ** Invoke environment ** Execute db:schema:dump ** Execute db:test:clone **...
2006 Aug 02
rake works but rake test:units fails, strange trace
...error apparently while it''s trying to create db tables saying the table already exists. I ran rake with trace to see the differences. It appears that rake test:units does db:schema:load twice, maybe that is the problem? Anyone know why this might be? Output of trace below Rake ** Invoke default (first_time) ** Invoke test (first_time) ** Execute test ** Invoke test:units (first_time) ** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:test:prepare ** Invoke db:test:clone (first_time) ** Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time) *...
2010 Dec 01
[LLVMdev] Alternative exception handling proposal
On Dec 1, 2010, at 1:37 PM, Duncan Sands wrote: > Executive summary > ----------------- > > Remove the personality and list of catches out of eh.selector and stick them > directly on invoke instructions. > > The invoke instruction > ---------------------- > > The invoke instruction is modified by adding extra catch info to it: > > <result> = invoke <function>(<function args>) > to label <normal label> unwind label <exception...