Displaying 20 results from an estimated 24 matches for "intraclass".
2006 May 16
Interrater and intrarater variability (intraclass correlationcoefficients)
...> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
> [mailto:r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Karl Knoblick
> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 6:10 AM
> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: [R] Interrater and intrarater variability
> (intraclass correlationcoefficients)
> Hello!
> I want to calculate the intra- and interrater reliability of
> my study. The design is very simple, 5 raters rated a
> diagnostic score 3 times for 19 patients.
> Are there methods/funtions in R? I only found packages to
2006 May 17
Response to query re: calculating intraclass correlations
...etations. All of the inputs for these calculations come from the repeated measures analysis which is described in P&B.
Good luck!
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 10:09:54 +0000 (GMT)
From: Karl Knoblick <karlknoblich at yahoo.de>
Subject: [R] Interrater and intrarater variability (intraclass
correlation coefficients)
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Message-ID: <20060516100954.6267.qmail at web26504.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
I want to calculate the intra- and interrater reliability of my study. The design is very simple, 5 raters rat...
2008 Jan 31
How to calculate Intraclass-coefficient in 2-level Linear Mixed-Effects models?
Dear R-users,
consider a 2-level linear mixed effects model (LME) with random intercept
AND random slope for level 1 AND 2. Does anybody know how to calculate
Intraclass-coefficient (ICC) for highest (innermost) level 2 ??? In the
literature, I did not find an example for these kind of komplex models.
For 1-level Random-Intercept models it would be easy:
ICC = variance due to the clustering variable / (variance due to the
clustering variable + variance remaining)...
2006 May 16
Interrater and intrarater variability (intraclass correlation coefficients)
I want to calculate the intra- and interrater reliability of my study. The design is very simple, 5 raters rated a diagnostic score 3 times for 19 patients.
Are there methods/funtions in R? I only found packages to calculate interrater variability and intraclass correlation coefficients for matrices of n*m (n subjects, m raters) - I have n subjects, m raters and r repetitions.
Can anybody help?
2003 Dec 03
intraclass correlation
Can R calculate an intraclass correlation coefficient for clustered data,
when the outcome variable is dichotomous?
By now I calculate it by hand, estimating between- and intracluster variance
by one-way ANOVA - however I don't feel very comfortable about this, since
the distributional assumptions are not really met....
2009 Mar 26
ICC question: Interrater and intrarater variability (intraclass correlation coefficients)
...3 experiment
combinations), for 167 subjects, each one has answered the same question
twice (out of a bunch of "types" of questions).
Each answer could get an integer number between 0 to 3.
I wish to combine the two answers, but first to be sure I could, I would
have liked to run an ICC (Intraclass correlation) check on the two answers.
Naturally, I would use the irr, condord, or psy packages (as John Fox
suggested back then), but I can't because of the repetitions of different
design question for each patient.
Since the mentioned packages (irr, condord, and psy) Can take only a n*m
2011 Nov 20
ICC - IntraClass Correlation Error
...number of rows: 1700, 1750
I've looked at the data in the file and it seems to be okay. Any thoughts
would be much appreciated. I'm getting used to R so if possible, I would
really appreciate an easy to understand answer!
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/ICC-IntraClass-Correlation-Error-tp4088036p4088036.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Aug 03
How to extract ICC value from irr package?
Hi, all
There are 62 samples in my data and I tested 3 times for each one, then I
want to use ICC(intraclass correlation) from irr package to test the
consistency among the tests.
*combatexpdata_p[1:62] is the first text results and combatexpdata_p[63:124]
* is the second one and *combatexpdata_p[125:186]* is the third.
Here is the result:
2010 Oct 12
repeatability/intraclass with nested levels
I have a spectrophotometric dataset with repeated measures of a value
at 200 wavelengths for each of 150 individuals.
I would like to use the repeated samples to at each wavelength to look
at measurement/observer error, compared to difference between
individuals error
I have looked at doing this with icc{irr} or using an anova approach,
but I am unclear how to acheive this given that there
2009 Aug 21
intra-class correlation? coherence among multiple ordinal responses
...om 90 subjects. Each of the 4 statements receives
one of three responses (say -1, 0, or 1). I can use Cramer's V or Spearman
correlations to assess the correlation between each pair of statements, but
I am looking for a measure of coherence across/among all 4 statements. To
me, this seems to be intraclass correlation. So I was wondering whether I
can apply it here (specifically, ICC(2,1) or ICC(3,1)) or whether I should
use an alternative procedure given that my responses are ordinal.
I am grateful for your tips,
"Who has visions should s...
2006 Oct 24
Variance Component/ICC Confidence Intervals via Bootstrap or Jackknife
...l model:
Y_ijk = mu + a_i + b_j(i) + e_k(j(i))
lme computes estimates of the variances for a, b, and e, call them v_a,
v_b, and v_e, and I can use the intervals function to get confidence
intervals. My understanding is that these intervals are probably not
that robust plus I need intervals on the intraclass correlation
v_a/(v_a + v_b + v_e)
(v_a + v_b)/(v_a + v_b + v_e).
I would like to use a bootstrap or a jackknife estimate of these
confidence intervals. Is there any package available?
I've tried to write the R code myself but I'm not sure if I understand
exactly how t...
2008 Jan 25
How can I display an entire large output?
I have been working with a mixed effects model in R where I have
a lot of fixed effects with a lot of variables. When I use the
summary command I can only view the end of the output with the
intraclass correlations and distribution of residuals. I need to be
able to see the summary table at the top of the output. Is there a
way to display an entire output?
Thanks for the help,
2006 Jan 18
ICC for Binary data
Hello R users:
I am fairly new to R and am trying to figure out how to compute an intraclass correlation (ICC) and/or design effect for binary data? More specifically, I am trying to determine the amount of clustering in a data set - that is, whether certain treatment programs tend to work with more or less severe clients. The outcome variable is dichotomous (low severity / high severity...
2003 Sep 25
mixing nested and crossed factors using lme
...of 24 web sites. (each rater rated each site once). I want to come up with a measure of reliability of the ratings for the web sites ie to what extent does each rater give the same (or similar) rating to each web site. My idea was to fit a random effects model using lme and from that, calculate the intraclass correlation as a measure of rater reliability. So I analysed it using a two-factor, unreplicated random effects model, with sitenumber and rater as crossed random effects. The call to lme was:
fit <- lme(score ~ 1, random=list(level=pdBlocked(list(pdIdent(~sitenumber-1), pdIdent(~rater-1)))),da...
2011 Feb 28
Robust variance estimation with rq (failure of the bootstrap?)
...bootstrap. Ultimately, I am interested in using median regression to
model changes in the outcome variable over time. Summary.rq's robust
variance estimator is not applicable to repeated-measures data. I
question whether the block (cluster) bootstrap variance estimator,
which can accommodate intraclass correlation, would perform well. Can
anyone suggest alternatives for variance estimation in this situation?
James W. Shaw, Ph.D., Pharm.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Administration
College of Pharmacy
University of Illinois at Chicago
833 South Wood Street,...
2001 Nov 28
Help with ICC
[1] 0 0
[1] 0.385000000 0.006100706
[1] 2.6550000000 0.0004999122
[1] 0.0650000 0.0013005
[1] 0.375000000 0.008499472
[1] 0.5800 0.0002
[1] 3.9000 0.0338
Now, how do you use (lme in) R to compute the Intraclass correlation for
these data? I have written brute-force code to get the "right" answer, but
I cannot get the proper mean squares from any regression model I have tried.
It seems like it should be trivial, but I cannot do it! I need this to work
in order to apply the technique to a much l...
2004 Aug 24
analyzing cluster sample
...I've tried including the cluster ID as a
factor in the model formula, but the default response is to try and
estimate the unique effect of each cluster, which given 1000 clusters is
impossibly time consuming. What I want instead is an estimate of the
variance due to clusters, or perhaps an intraclass correlation, and
cluster-adjusted standard errors for the effects of other variables in the
I expect I can account for clustering by using lme with clusters as a
random effect, but then I can't use the flexible smooths available in gam.
If it's not possible to get both clusterin...
2009 Feb 05
How to do ICC
I'm essentially wanting to calculate intra- and inter-observer variabilities
for the first principal component of an optic disc shape measure of a sample
of individuals, so from what I can work out I need to work out an intraclass
correlation coefficient(s).
For the intra-data, I have 2 measurements taken on each individual by the
same observer. For the inter-data, 2 observers have taken one measurement
each on the sample.
I've found the 'icc' function in the {psy} package, but am not sure how I'd
perform t...
2009 May 20
Extracting correlation in a nlme model
Hi R users:
Is there a function to obtain the correlation within groups
from this very simple lme model?
> modeloMx1
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: barrag
Log-restricted-likelihood: -70.92739
Fixed: fza_tension ~ 1
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | molde
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 2.610052 2.412176
Number of Observations: 30
2011 Feb 23
Using R to calculate ICC by two-way mixed model with absolute agreement
I am helping someone calculate ICC using R. I know R has several packages
like irr, psy etc which provide options to calculate ICC (intraclass
correlation coefficient). When getting ICC, we need to use the model:
two-way mixed model with absolute agreement.
I only found that in irr package, it provides the option of choosing one or
two way and consistence or absolute agreement model. However, there is no
parameter which allows me to cho...