Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1118 matches for "interpolator".
2013 Jan 17
Help with interpolation
hi guys
I need to interpolate values for the zero coupon yield curve. Following data
is given
date days rate
1996 01
2013 Jul 24
Alpha channel in colorRamp() and colorRampPalette()
Hi all,
I had the need to create a colorbar considering the alpha channel of the colors, but colorRamp() and colorRampPalette() ignored the alpha argument in rgb(). So I performed some minor modifs. in their codes, as to support the interpolation using the alpha channel.
I guess that those simple modifications might be useful for other people, so perhaps it would be worth to add them to
2008 May 29
akima interpolation and triangulation question
Dear all;
First of all, this is probably a more conceptual question than a
R-related one, but still want to give it a try. When working with the
interpolation function "interp" from the package akima and the
triangulation function "tri.mesh" from package tripack I've got NA's
for the interpolation and "error" for the triangulation. The data is
arranged in a
2008 Sep 01
Interpolation Problems
Dear all,
I'm trying to interpolate a dataset to give it twice as many values (I'm giving the dataset a finer resolution by interpolating from 1 degree to 0.5 degrees) to match that of a corresponding dataset.
I have the data in both a data frame format (longitude column header values along the top with latitude row header values down the side) or column format (in the format latitude,
2003 Sep 21
Z aware interpolation
Hello again,
There is any package which does Z aware (real 3D) interpolations?
It can be any method (IDW, kriging or spline) but it should take into
consideration not only x and y coordinates for interpolation, but
also z coordinate. I looked into different packages but it seems i
didn't find the right one.
The ultimate goal is to import the output into a GIS (Geographical
2001 May 22
2D interpolation function
As part of a project I am doing, I had to present a 2D table as a
surface. This was fairly straightforward (using persp), but I needed to
interpolate points to make it sort of pretty. This was done by using
quadratic interpolation between the existing points to smooth out the
surface a bit. As I couldn't find an R function that did this, I wrote
an admittedly nasty pair of functions that
2008 Jul 10
Interpolation of data
I have the data whcih are not balanced (several missing observations),
and one possibility is t use interpolation method
to get the information missing in this series from other series.
Does anybody know how I can program interpolation of
series1 (which ahs missing observations) and series 2-6,
for example.
Thanks a lot in advance,
2010 Jul 29
Linear Interpolation question
Hi R experts,
I have the following timeseries data:
#example data structure
a <- c(NA,1,NA,5,NA,NA,NA,10,NA,NA)
c <- c(1:10)
df <- data.frame(timestamp=a, sequence=c)
where i would like to linearly interpolate between the points 1,5, and
10 in 'timestamp'. Original timestamps should not be modified. Here
the code I use to run the interpolation (so far):
# linear
2008 Apr 04
Resampler experimental speedups
Hello :)
The attached patch (which is not in any way finished) optimizes the
resampler. (For those following the discussions on IRC; this version
includes optimizations for both direct and interpolate cases).
Using GCC 4.3, x86_64, Valgrind to measure instruction counts,
resampling 10 frames of 320 floats at quality 3. Direct was measured
with a 16=>48 resampling, and interpolate with a
2002 Nov 04
I have 15 data points (weight at birth) by age which I want to interpolate back
in time (to 5 more age points).
There are many functions in R to do this and I wonder if anyone has experience
in using these -- any preference/caveat etc? I am trying to find an alternative
to linear interpolation.
Using R 1.6.0 under windows
TIA Marwan
2002 Sep 09
Monotonic interpolation
Has anyone got a function for smooth monotonic interpolation of a
univariate function? I'm after something like the NAG function PCHIM
which does monotonic Hermite interpolation. Alternatively, montononic
cubic spline interpolation.
Please reply directly.
Rob Hyndman
Rob J Hyndman
Associate Professor & Director of Consulting
1998 May 25
RFC: spline / splinefun (etc) amalgamation
At present R has separate functions "spline" and "splinefun". The first
of these carries out spline interpolation of a data set and returns the
interpolated values; the second returns the interpolating function itself
(approx and approxfun are similar).
I would like to combine these into a single function "spline" with
an (optional) argument which determines which
2013 Feb 26
Help on a code
Dear List,
I have the following code:
x <-c(0, 13.8333333333333, 38.1666666666667, 62.1666666666667, 85.9166666666667, 108.916666666667)
y <-c(1.77, 2.39, 3, 2.65, 2.62, 1.8)
Interpolated <- approx(x, y,xout=0:tail(x, n=1),method="linear")
in this code x is time in hours (cumulative), and y is a biological variable. I am using linear interpolation
2009 Jan 08
interpolation to abscissa
I have looked at various documents hosted on the web site; I couldn't
find anything on interpolation. So I started r and accessed the help
(help.start()). (by the way is it possible to configure r to open help
in opera instead of firefox?) Initially I read the help for the akima
package but couldn't understand it. Next I tried the asplines package
I tried to copy the
2002 Oct 07
Error in writeBin(object, con, size = 2)
Hi all,
I wrote a function (in R batch mode) which reads binary data,
interpolates sometimes and wrote a new binary file of the same size as
the input file. Her is a bit of code:
while (length( head <- readBin(si, integer(), 64, size=2))) {
data <- readBin(si, integer(), head[5], size=2)
## now write head to new file
writeBin(head, so, size=2)
## if head[4] is 9 or
2009 Jun 21
Problems with bilinear interpolation of a grid
Dear all,
I'm having trouble interpolating a number of gridded datasets that I have. I'm quite new to R so any help/advice that can be offered would be much appreciated!
Firstly I'll describe my dataset. The data is a grid of the planet at 1 degree spatial resolution, with each grid cell containing a value describing a particular variable (e.g. population density) for coordinate
2011 Jun 29
time series interpolation
Hi there,
I?ve got a datatable in R which I try to interpolate with this and get the
Error below:
> new$temp<- approx(w03_11temp$temp, n = (nrow(w03_11temp)*5))$y
Error in new$temp <- approx(w03_11temp$temp, n = (nrow(w03_11temp) * 5))$y :
Object of type 'closure' not registered
Any idea?? Thanks a lot.
View this message in context:
2000 Jul 27
Interpolation using a piecewise linear function in higher dimensions
Dear all,
I am just wondering if anybody has implemented a function that can give a
piecewise linear interpolation in more than 2 dimensions?
I have looked at the akima package, but I would rather like a piecewise
linear interpolation rather than a spline and while it did the job quite
satisfactory for 2 dimensions, I need to interpolate in at least three
dimensions. If anybody has implemented
2013 Sep 18
ENC paramater interpolation in ENC, and inline templates
I''m in the process of rolling out a new homegrown ENC (we''ve decided on
using an ENC over hiera; I know it''s not the way a lot of you are going,
but it''s right for us) and am running into some issues with variable
interpolation in ENC data.
To give a concrete example, I''m using modules to configure puppetdb,
puppet master, and puppet clients. So,
2004 Sep 07
interpolation of lost frames
When an audiopacket is received too late I could interpolate this frame. The problem is that I don't know if it is a true bufferloss or just the last audiopacket of a talkspurt. Now my question is if it's harmfull for the audioquality that at the end of the talkspurt one frame is interpolated? Or would this be almost inpossible to hear since the last audiopacket in the talkspurt