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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "interpeted".

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2012 Jul 30
Turning off continuation prompt?
Greetings All. My apologies for a question whose answer is probably readily available somewhere (for some interpetation of "somewhere") ... Say I have just typed (from a sheet of paper) several lines into the R command-line, and what I see is: > chisq.test(matrix(c(3,6,3,4,4, + 4,1,4,6,5, + 2,7,4,2,5, + 8,2,4,4,2, +
2003 Nov 10
Inter-digit minimum
I see there is the DigitTimeout application that sets the maximum time between digits before asterisk will interpet. Is there any way to control the minimum? We are having problems with incoming calls on our X100P where callers try to dial 10, but the 1 gets detected twice and they end up on extension 11. Thanks Mark Farver
2006 Mar 29
RadRails Broke with 1.8.4 / 1.1
I''ve been using the radrails eclipse plugin with ruby 1.0 & Rails 1.8.2 up until this morning... I just installed Ruby 1.8.4 (one-click installer rc1) and Rails 1.1. Now the rails eclipse plugin does not seem to be aware of how to run ruby and has lost the ability to start the webrick server. I''m sure it''s a simple configuration issue but the radrails
2006 May 18
What IDE can be used with InstantRails
What IDE can be used with InstantRails I have installed ?InstantRails-1.3a-win? on my PC. When I first started the InstantRails, an error message said something about unable to start Apache because Port 80 being used by another process. I went to change the Apache Port 80 and List 80 to Port 4001 and Listen 4001 respectively. I was ratrher pleased that ?phpmyadmin? was working at
2019 Sep 19
Interpreter and arithmetic overflow intrinsics
Hi all, I am trying to run LLI on an optimized bitcode file in interpreted mode, and I get the following error message: LLVM ERROR: Code generator does not support intrinsic function 'llvm.usub.with.overflow.i32'! As the error message indicates, this intrinsic is not supported (lib/CodeGen/IntrinsicLowering.cpp). Is there any way that I can get the interpreter to work across this
2006 Jan 17
Question about blocksizes
...can someone explain whats the meaning of the two blocksizes in the first header of Vorbis, please? So far I assumed that they meant that 2^b0 and 2^b1 were the only two blocksizes used during the whole encode, but something makes me believe they are not: if b0 and b1 are 0xb8 respectively (that I interpeted as 2^11 = 2048 and 2^8 = 256) I observe 3 different deltas between each couple of consecutive granulepos: 1024, 128 and 576. Do I have to understand that b0 and b1 indicate 2^(b0-1) and 2^(b1-1) blocks? Are they the min and max values used, rather than the only two? If no, where does that 576 ste...
2013 Jul 05
Ambiguous behavior with prefetch database?
Hello, Let's say dovecot.conf contains: mail_uid = dovemailer mail_gid = dovemailer mail_home = /some/path/%n mail_location = mbox:~/mboxes:INBOX=~/mboxes/inbox and that the password database query is of the form: password_query = \ SELECT \ passwd AS password, \ nickname AS user, \ mail_home AS userdb_home, \ mail_location AS userdb_mail, \ WHERE \ ... The database
2003 Jan 07
help interpreting output?
Dear R experts, I'm hoping someone can help me to interpret the results of building gam's with mgcv in R. Below are summaries of two gam's based on the same dataset. The first gam (named "gam.mod") has six predictor variables. The second gam (named "gam.mod2") is exactly the same except it is missing one of the predictor variables. What is confusing me is
2019 Oct 29
Wiki Page Revisions
On 29/10/2019 13:59, L.P.H. van Belle via samba wrote: > Hai, > > Personaly, i agree with Todd, having a few clear examples with the samba versionnumbering in it. > > How about, adding a sub page in : > > > With something like a section that shows : "User contributed examples" > >
2009 Mar 06
Association broken when upgrading from rails 1.2.6 to 2.2.2
I have an app with the following models: course belongs_to :semester semester has_many: courses belongs_to :education education has_many :semesters In my old app (rails 1.2.6) I was able to access variables via controller @courses = Course.find(:all) view file: <% for course in @courses %> <%= %> <- this line works <%= %> <- this is now
2017 Sep 27
OrcJIT + CUDA Prototype for Cling
Dear LLVM-Developers and Vinod Grover, we are trying to extend the cling C++ interpreter ( with CUDA functionality for Nvidia GPUs. I already developed a prototype based on OrcJIT and am seeking for feedback. I am currently a stuck with a runtime issue, on which my interpreter prototype fails to execute kernels with a CUDA runtime error. === How to use the
2017 Aug 17
Samba 4.7rc4. (Debian Stretch Amd64 packages/sources available)
Hai,   Can anyone ( one of the devs)  tell if its safe for a samba 4.7rc4 to join and samba 4.6(.7) AD DC domain. Any do/donts, im asking so i can test a DC join, but i want to test in my production even, since that are the best tests. First test of a clean ADDC install looks ok.   Aand yes, i have already made 3 backups of the DC's, already when i go testing.  i can restore quickly.   ;-)
2002 Jun 05
samba AIX / NT network issue
I'm running samba on an AIX 4.3.3 server which has NT4.0 SP6a clients connecting. Since I've had so much trouble with it I compiled 2.2.4 with GCC on the server and it didn't do any good. Grasping for straws I had our netadmin come over and help me interpet what kinds of errors we were receiving. The symptom of the problem first off is that when the clients are browsing the
2016 Jan 19
samba 4.2.7 strange DNS things.
Hai.,   I’m getting some strange things in my DNS.   Environment :  Debian Wheezy, sernet samba 4.2.7 with 2 DC’s.   First, what happend.    Some time ago, i tested with changing the SOA to the other DC, worked fine. Now i want to change that back and this does not work for some reason. Or im interpeting this wrong.   dig SOA internal.domain.tld  keeps responding that my DC2
2016 Apr 12
wiki : Configuring Point'n'Print .
Hai,   Im reviewing the point and print setup, looks like there is a small error here.   In this part,'n'Print_automatic_printer_driver_deployment   Setup the [print$] share ....  * Set permissions on the share ( >>  ok, here setting permissions on the share.  <<<  ) It is recommended, that normal users just
2019 Oct 29
Wiki Page Revisions
> Please keep the wiki page simple. Anyone who wants to get > down and dirty > has to read man vfs_fruit and understand what the options are > really for > and he probably also has to understand the code. Its not about getting down and dirty, but about gettings a simple setup for samba version X.YY for users that are more beginners. And exactly my point a beginner, will fail,
2010 Jan 31
Can't get JRE 1.6U18 to run
Hi, I have installed WINE 1.1.32 on fedora 12 and I am trying to get Sun Java JRE running but have a few issues: If I pick up the JRE installer .EXE file, it fails to install and this seems to be down to a heap space allocation error. I have found a few posts around the Internet about this but nothing gets me towards a fix. What I am actually trying to do is run a jnlp installer package and if
2004 Jan 15
I am unable to access my shares: Incorrect password orInvalid user name
Hi Jason, Thanks for your assistance but the problem still pesists. I have modified my conf file thus: # from ( # Date: 2004/01/15 17:33:15 # Global parameters [global] workgroup = IMSD netbios name = SAMBA log level = 3 ldap ssl = no security = user encrypt passwords = yes smb passwd file =
2004 Oct 22
danish characters on win2k share
Hello all I have a problem getting danish characters(? ? ?) shown on a mountet win2k share. The samba is 3.0.7. The OS is Slackware 9.1 running on a 2.4.22 kernel. My LANG is 'da_DK.ISO8859-1'. On the linux box i can write and read the characters just fine with the internal filesystem. And when i mount a win2k share by 'mount -t smbfs //server/share/ /root/test/' i'am still
2020 Feb 12
Failover DC did not work when Main DC failed
> > Hello Louis, > > Thanks for your reply. > > For that dig command I get... > > > root at ~ $ (screen) dig NS $(hostname -d) > > ; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.11-Ubuntu <<>> NS > ;; global options: +cmd > ;; Got answer: > ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 63144 > ;;