search for: integridade

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "integridade".

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2003 Sep 12
Converting character to function argument
...respectivo conte?do e proceda ? sua destrui??o, notificando o remetente. LIMITA??O DE RESPONSABILIDADE: A seguran?a da transmiss?o de informa??o por via electr?nica n?o pode ser garantida pelo remetente, o qual, em consequ?ncia, n?o se responsabiliza por qualquer facto suscept?vel de afectar a sua integridade. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message, as well as existing attached files, is confidential and intended exclusively for the individual(s) named as addressees. If you are not the intended recipient, you are kindly requested not to make any use whatsoever of its contents and to proceed to the destr...
2017 Mar 02
Mailbox size in log file
Hello Dovecot list. I need that Dovecot log writes mailbox size in all POP / IMAP connections, but I do not know if Dovecot can do that. I have been searching about that with not successful. For example, this is the log of our last email platform, different than Dovecot: 06:48:14 025BEE83 POP3 LOGIN user 'xxx at' MailboxSize = 61708 Capacity = 2% ...... 06:49:19 025BEE83 POP3
2014 Jun 24
Speex Decoding Issue
...annot proceed with raw WAV files. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance. [Descri??o: Mauricio Cirelli] AVISO LEGAL: As informa??es contidas nesta mensagem e nos arquivos anexados s?o para uso restrito, sendo seu sigilo protegido por lei, n?o havendo ainda garantia legal quanto ? integridade de seu conte?do. Caso n?o seja o destinat?rio, por favor, desconsidere essa mensagem. O uso indevido dessas informa??es ser? tratado conforme as normas da empresa e a legisla??o em vigor. LEGAL ADVICE: The information in this e-mail and in the attached files are confidential and may be legally pri...
2006 Nov 21
User administrator problem
Hi all, I've a problem using a user with administrator privileges for mounting or adding a machine to PDC. I created a common user called fernando #id fernando uid=1000(fernando) gid=544(Administrators) grupos=544(Administrators),512(Domain Admins) Mounting a resource with smbmount works fine, this the result from log.smbd check_ntlm_password: authentication for user [fernando] ->
2020 Sep 23
Encontrar un dato y añadirlo a otra columna
Con parse_number sacaria todos los numeros de la columna, pero lo que busco es sacar solo los que empiezan por AV y descartar el resto. De todas maneras muchas gracias, le voy a dar otra vuelta. ________________________________ De: Juan Carlos Lopez Mesa <jclopez5 en> Enviado: martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020 21:32 Para: Samura . <tontito82 en> Cc: r-help-es
2020 Sep 22
Encontrar un dato y añadirlo a otra columna
Buenas, A ver si alguien sabe como hacer lo siguiente: Tengo un df con letras y numeros, quiero que si me detecta un numero en concreto me a?ada dicho numero en otra columna. Algo asi df<-data.frame(c("AV 23","PEPE 34","QWE","AV 24","WERRR ER34","AV 25")) colnames(df)<-c("nombre1") df[grepl("AV
2017 Mar 02
Mailbox size in log file
On 02.03.2017 18:21, Sergio Bastian Rodr?guez wrote: > Hello Dovecot list. > > I need that Dovecot log writes mailbox size in all POP / IMAP connections, but I do not know if Dovecot can do that. > I have been searching about that with not successful. > > For example, this is the log of our last email platform, different than Dovecot: > > 06:48:14 025BEE83 POP3 LOGIN
2019 Mar 25
Uso de merge
Jose Luis Column `Country` joining factors with different levels, coercing to character vector common_col_names <- intersect(names(sub_kei), names(knowledge)) > common_col_names [1] "Country" "Year" nrow(sub_kei) <- 132 nrow(knowledge) <- 3864 Tiene distinto numero de pais como de año, en el sub_kei aparecen 5 años y en el otro dataset (knowledge) datos anuales
2009 Aug 18
Speech Recg and TTS
Hello I have two questions ! 1. What is the best speech recognition engine for asterisk? I have searched and asked on forums and found that lumen vox is best for asterisk bala bla bla 2. For TTS (text to speech) which TTS engine will be better to use ? I have tested Flite , cepstral (i have not buyed lisence for it trial only) but still thinking may be i have a good option ? -- Best Regards
2007 Apr 27
CDR changes in 1.4.3?
Hello all: I upgraded to 1.4.3 last night and use MySQL for CDR. I have noticed that 1.4.3 seems to log a lot of "crap" to CDR that 1.4.2 did not. I use a few macros in my dialplan to handle outgoing calls (lcr type stuff) and in addition to the proper CDR for the call itself I also have records to 's' in the same dest-context and entries to 's' in the default context.
2006 Dec 06
Iptables matching on IFB
Hey folks, I stumbled across the Mastershaper project ( ) but I have a little problem: I wanted to shape the traffic coming from the router itself aswell as coming from the LAN behind the router, for that task I need IMQ, but with IMQ iptables-(layer7)-matching is not possible. Now I''ve talked with the programmer and he said the following: >The problem is
2014 Jul 28
wordcloud y tabla de palabras
Hola, La referencia (gracias por proporcionarla) que has incluido es bastante clara y se puede seguir. ¿Has podido sobre tus dos discursos utilizar la misma lógica? La forma de salir de dudas, para empezar, es que adjuntaras el código que estás empleando por ver si hay algún error evidente. Aunque la forma adecuada para que te podamos ayudar es con un ejemplo reproducible: código + datos.
2014 Jul 29
wordcloud y tabla de palabras [Avanzando]
Buenas tardes grupo. Saludos cordiales Carlos J., muchas gracias por tu orientación. Efectivamente, me había dado cuenta que la razón por la que no se aplicaba colnames era porque no tenía columnas. La cuestión es que no logro visualizar completamente/claramente en qué parte del proceso de creación del corpus se puede hacer. Sin embargo, siguiendo el ejemplo de
2007 May 21
[Fwd: Re: Zaptel PCI IRQ problem]
Hi, Sorry to insist, but I would really like to be able to use Xen and my zaptel hardware all together in Dom0. I was just wondering if the 3.1 release could contain some changes compared to 3.0.4 related to IRQ handling or scheduling that could workout my problem. Thanks, François. ---- I actually first asked to asterisk mailing lists, and a few persons told me that it was Xen''s