search for: instancetype

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 414 matches for "instancetype".

2013 Jan 10
samba-tool dbcheck produces wrong instancetype errors
Hi All, I have joined a samba4 instance to en existing W2k8 AD domain as an additional domain controller. When I do samba-tool dbcheck I get (example) : ERROR: wrong instanceType 4 on CN=INVIEW-DC2,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=inview,DC=local, should be 0 Not changing instanceType from 4 to 0 on CN=INVIEW-DC2,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=inview,DC=local This happens for 644 out of 655 of the objects in directory. I have attempted to fix one or two less important objects and t...
2013 Feb 26
Recommended Upgrade technique for 4.0.3 (was Re: Should I run dbcheck and sysvolreset when upgrading 4.0.0 to 4.0.3?)
...s it can only be run in single DC setups. But I did run the ldbadd command, and don't know how serious mistake that was. Afterwards, I tried to run "samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs --fix", and unlike in 4.0.0, it didn't manage to fix everything: Checking 3378 objects ERROR: wrong instanceType 0 on CN=RID Set,CN=W2K3DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=site, should be 4 Change instanceType from 0 to 4 on CN=RID Set,CN=W2K3DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=site? [y/N/all/none] all Failed to correct missing instanceType on CN=RID Set,CN=W2K3DC,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=mydomain,DC=...
2012 Mar 27
LDAP Lookup not returning value in maxStorage
...e at site) (|(mail=username at site)(samAccountName=username at site)))) fields=maxStorage Mar 27 13:19:27 auth: Debug: ldap(username at site, no fields returned by the server At this point, we then see the default quota applied. If we change the name of the field from maxStorage to instanceType we see the value show up in the logs and passed through to the quota system and applied successfully: Mar 27 11:09:01 auth: Debug: ldap(username at site, user search: base=dc=site,dc=local scope=subtree filter=(&(objectClass=person)(| (userPrincipalName=username at site) (|(mail=us...
2019 May 05
Issues with RODC
Hello, Recently I started using RODC servers on my environment and noticed a few issues with it: - lack of LDAP SPNs - "samba_dnsupdate" not working with "insufficient access rights" (it works from RWDCs) - "samba-tool dbcheck" changes instancetype of basically all objects from 4 to 0. New replicated objects continues being created with instancetype 4 and dbcheck continues to change them - "samba-tool drs showrepl" exiting with WERR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIED - "samba-tool domain tombstones expunge" is unable to expunge expired...
2014 Jul 02
sssd_sudo search results different from command line ldapsearch
...F: 56 SASL data security layer installed. # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <ou=SUDOers,dc=teemu,dc=local> with scope subtree # filter: (objectclass=*) # requesting: ALL # # reima, SUDOers, teemu.local dn: CN=reima,OU=SUDOers,DC=teemu,DC=local objectClass: top objectClass: sudoRole cn: reima instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20140625194650.0Z whenChanged: 20140625194650.0Z uSNCreated: 3799 uSNChanged: 3799 name: reima objectGUID:: U1paZdVOSke2zmInSenFTg== objectCategory: CN=sudoRole,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=teemu,DC=local sudoUser: reima sudoHost: ALL sudoCommand: ALL distinguishedName: CN=reima,OU...
2014 Jul 03
How to manipulate ldap access rights on Samba 4?
...F: 56 SASL data security layer installed. # extended LDIF # # LDAPv3 # base <ou=SUDOers,dc=teemu,dc=local> with scope subtree # filter: (objectclass=*) # requesting: ALL # # reima, SUDOers, teemu.local dn: CN=reima,OU=SUDOers,DC=teemu,DC=local objectClass: top objectClass: sudoRole cn: reima instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20140625194650.0Z whenChanged: 20140625194650.0Z uSNCreated: 3799 uSNChanged: 3799 name: reima objectGUID:: U1paZdVOSke2zmInSenFTg== objectCategory: CN=sudoRole,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=teemu,DC=local sudoUser: reima sudoHost: ALL sudoCommand: ALL distinguishedName: CN=reima,OU...
2015 May 10
bind fails to start w/missing records
...: * Result for [DOMAIN]: FAILURE Attributes found only in ldap://baxter: isCriticalSystemObject cn ipsecName fSMORoleOwner objectClass ipsecISAKMPReference iPSECNegotiationPolicyAction showInAdvancedViewOnly ipsecFilterReference priorSetTime instanceType ipsecOwnersReference distinguishedName ipsecNFAReference msDS-TombstoneQuotaFactor ipsecData description objectCategory objectGUID whenCreated systemFlags ipsecNegotiationPolicyReference ipsecID lastSetTime iPSECNegotiationPolicy...
2019 May 05
Issues with RODC
...> works from RWDCs) > > Probably because you cannot write to an RODC > Yes! That's the idea! But if these records are not automatically registered, means admin always have to add them manually. This should be documented so... > > > - "samba-tool dbcheck" changes instancetype of basically all objects > > from 4 to 0. > > '4' means 'The object is writeable on this directory.', well it isn't on > an RODC, so '0' is probably correct. > > > New replicated objects continues being created with instancetype 4 > > and db...
2015 May 10
bind fails to start w/missing records
...ces; DC1 and DC3 are the same. Maybe I will demote DC2 and join it again. > Check if you actually have dns records: For DC1 (host name baxter): dn: DC=baxter,,CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=europa,DC=icse,DC=cornell,DC=edu objectClass: top objectClass: dnsNode instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20150430150532.0Z whenChanged: 20150430150532.0Z uSNCreated: 4725 uSNChanged: 4725 showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE name: baxter objectGUID: 739a5762-719a-44d2-968e-f8b12f5bc07b dnsRecord:: BAABAAXwAAAWAAAAAAADhAAAAAAnazcAChbICw== objectCategory: CN=Dns-Node,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,D...
2014 Jun 23
NIS extensions - only 3 of 55 entries present
...b/samba/private/sam.ldb -s sub -b CN=ypservers,CN=ypServ30,CN=RpcServices,CN=System,DC=adtest,DC=int,DC=example,DC=net # record 1 dn: CN=bydefaults,CN=ypservers,CN=ypServ30,CN=RpcServices,CN=System,DC=adtest,DC=int,DC=example,DC=net objectClass: top objectClass: msSFU30NISMapConfig cn: bydefaults instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20140618075513.0Z whenChanged: 20140618075513.0Z uSNCreated: 3767 uSNChanged: 3767 showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUE name: bydefaults objectGUID: ac691710-e588-403f-93ed-6840fad3d7de objectCategory: CN=msSFU-30-NIS-Map-Config,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=adtes t,DC=int,DC=example,DC=...
2012 Dec 27
Samba4: ldapcmp incorrectly reporting some attributes as missing on secondary controller
...ed: 1 Comparing: 'CN=ExampleFirstName ExampleSecondName,OU=OU,DC=exampledn,DC=com' [ldap://] 'CN=ExampleFirstName ExampleSecondName,OU=OU,DC=exampledn,DC=com' [ldap://] Attributes found only in ldap:// instanceType whenCreated pwdLastSet accountExpires userAccountControl FAILED * Result for [DOMAIN]: FAILURE SUMMARY --------- Attributes found only in ldap:// pwdLastSet whenCreated instanceType userAccountControl accountExpires...
2017 Mar 30
possible memory leak in ldb module while dbcheck on RODC
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: memory_profiler.txt URL: <>
2016 Apr 14
create new child windows domain in existing samba forest
...[0000] 00 00 00 02 .... [...] ../source4/dsdb/samdb/ldb_modules/descriptor.c:607(descriptor_add) DN: DC=chdom,DC=ad,DC=... is a NC [...] ../source4/dsdb/common/util.c:4558(dsdb_create_partial_replica_NC) Failed to create new NC for DC=chdom,DC=ad,DC=... - instancetype: if TYPE_IS_NC_HEAD was set, then also TYPE_WRITE is requested! (Unwilling to perform) 2. I read this article: NC-Add Operation If a new domain NC needs to be created, then IDL_DRSAddEntry RPC MUST be used to create the crossRef Yes, in sam...
2012 Jul 31
Helo list, I have samba 4 betta5 as BDC, when I run ./samba-tool dbcheck: Failed to correct missing instanceType on DC=81db8c7b-70f3-4bb0-941f-a9b3abb69b04._msdcs\0ADEL:6334f796-af60-4238-8e5a-1610056ca9b6,CN=LostAndFound,DC=eccmg,DC=cupet,DC=cu by setting instanceType=4 : (65, "objectclass_attrs: at least one mandatory attribute ('objectCategory') on entry 'DC=81db8c7b-70f3-4bb0-941f-a9b3abb...
2016 Mar 27
Unable to join DC to domain
...that fail to join > domain), results are below: > > > CBADC02 shows up a few times: > > # record 1906 > dn: > CN=CBADC02\0ADEL:de85228c-f92b-4d5d-9d6a-01c3f915dec9,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configu$ > objectClass: top > objectClass: server > instanceType: 4 > whenCreated: 20160310044543.0Z > uSNCreated: 4215 > objectGUID: de85228c-f92b-4d5d-9d6a-01c3f915dec9 > systemFlags: 1375731712 > dNSHostName: > cn:: Q0JBREMwMgpERUw6ZGU4NTIyOGMtZjkyYi00ZDVkLTlkNmEtMDFjM2Y5MTVkZWM5 > isDeleted: TRUE > name:: Q0J...
2015 May 10
bind fails to start w/missing records
...und only in ldap://baxter: > > isCriticalSystemObject > cn > ipsecName > fSMORoleOwner > objectClass > ipsecISAKMPReference > iPSECNegotiationPolicyAction > showInAdvancedViewOnly > ipsecFilterReference > priorSetTime > instanceType > ipsecOwnersReference > distinguishedName > ipsecNFAReference > msDS-TombstoneQuotaFactor > ipsecData > description > objectCategory > objectGUID > whenCreated > systemFlags > ipsecNegotiationPolicyReference > ipse...
2014 Jun 07
Samba 4 / idmap / NIS / winbind
...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # record 1 dn: CN=testswi,OU=Benutzer,OU=SWI,DC=swi,DC=local objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: user cn: testswi givenName: testswi instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20140530142421.0Z displayName: testswi uSNCreated: 12359 name: testswi objectGUID: d6ebbae7-8ec0-4a89-828d-58c10a7c9f99 userAccountControl: 66048 codePage: 0 countryCode: 0 pwdLastSet: 130459334610000000 primaryGroupID: 513 objectSid: S-1-5-21-1143642306-2581635645-836595807-1605 ac...
2013 Jan 10
Samba 4 "Services for UNIX"? [SOLVED]
To get the automount schema to work with the git checkout of samba 4 I had to modify the automount schema files and separate the attributes from the classes. I also discovered that it's required to have the ntSecurityDescriptor , instanceType, and objectCategory attributes. Without these it will crash whenever you try to browse... I did alot of stopping samba, tarring of /usr/local/samba and untarring to finally get here... Here's the ldif for the automount attributes I used: dn: CN=automountMapName,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,<...
2023 Oct 22
Question about silos and Authentication policies
...nguishedName": "CN=winclient-pol,CN=AuthN Policies,CN=AuthN Policy Configuration,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=net", "dn": "CN=winclient-pol,CN=AuthN Policies,CN=AuthN Policy Configuration,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=net", "instanceType": 4, "msDS-AuthNPolicyEnforced": true, "msDS-ServiceTGTLifetime": 60, "msDS-StrongNTLMPolicy": 0, "name": "winclient-pol", "objectCategory": "CN=ms-DS-AuthN-Policy,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=net&quot...
2023 Oct 23
Question about silos and Authentication policies
...: "CN=winclient-pol,CN=AuthN Policies,CN=AuthN > Policy Configuration,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=net", > ? "dn": "CN=winclient-pol,CN=AuthN Policies,CN=AuthN Policy > Configuration,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=net", > ? "instanceType": 4, > ? "msDS-AuthNPolicyEnforced": true, > ? "msDS-ServiceTGTLifetime": 60, > ? "msDS-StrongNTLMPolicy": 0, > ? "name": "winclient-pol", > ? "objectCategory": > "CN=ms-DS-AuthN-Policy,CN=Schema,CN=Configurati...