search for: install_ii

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "install_ii".

Did you mean: install_iis
2012 Oct 18
Different return codes on exec during puppet agent run vs command line Windows the sysnative path to avoid the file system redirection on windows. Platform: Windows 2008R2 64 bit Running PE 2.6 agent and PE 2.6 master. Exec statement(It''s horrendous I know....) : $AILogFile=''C:\\Program Files\\HELLO_WORLD\\log\\IIS7.log'' exec { ''install_iis'': command => "c:\\Windows\\sysnative\\dism.exe /online /norestart /logpath:\"C:\\temp\\log.etw.txt\" /enable-feature /ignorecheck /featurename:\"IIS-ApplicationDevelopment\" /featurename:\"IIS-ASP\" /featurename:\"IIS-ASPNET\" /featu...