Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "insertion_point".
2016 Aug 17
code to sort otherwise-unsortable "ilist"s, e.g. symbol tables
...ure out how many elem.s to splice and
where to splice them to [place-marker: NOTE 668]
if (end() != just_after_last_sorted) { // check again in case advancing the frontier
finished the job
// first, find the insertion point for the first-past-the-frontier elem.
iterator insertion_point{begin()};
while ( ! comp(*just_after_last_sorted, *insertion_point) ) ++insertion_point;
// set up some needed iterators
const iterator just_after_insertion_point{std::next(insertion_point)};
iterator prev_elem_checked_for_order_in_sublist_to_splice{