Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "insert_at".
2006 Apr 03
Fast way of finding new position for model object?
...ct''s position. Right now this
is done with the following method:
def update_position
position = nil
Bug.find(:all, :order => "votes_count DESC, id
ASC").each_with_index{ |bug,i|
if bug.id == self.id
position = i
Basically, find all of the bugs in the order in which they''re wanted
and then iterate through each until the new position of this bug is
found. When it''s found, save the position, break out of the loop and
insert the current model into the correct position.
2008 Mar 10
Sortables, acts_as_list and performance
...rdering feature for one of my models. It''s done with
Sortables JS component that sends an Ajax request with a hash of new
positions for each item after reordering, with the following action
that processes it:
def reorder
params[:pos].each do |id, pos|
head :ok
I''m using acts_as_list to recalculate positions.
Everything works, but I have a problem: for EVERY activity that was
moved there are 5 requests to the database (1 select and 4 updates,
which in their turn are quite CPU-intensive because position
2007 Jul 12
acts as list -- adding or moving new item to new location
right now i''m adding an item to my ''list'' but i''m unsure how to move
it to a certain spot in the list. specifically i want to put it at the
bottom of the list. i assumed that if i did something like
parent.children << new_child
then the ''position'' field in the child table would be given some
sensible default by rails but instead
2006 Feb 22
acts_as_habtm_list plugin
I''d like to announce acts_as_habtm_list plugin for rails.
acts_as_habtm_list is a Ruby on Rails plugin, that can manage ordered
lists through a join-table. It is providing almost the same Api as
acts_as_list. The position column has to be defined in the join table.
You can find additional information at:
Install it executing this command