search for: inner_html

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "inner_html".

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2011 Feb 22
tag helper
How can I add specific content inside a tag when I create it using the tag helper? Is there an "inner_html" option? This doesn''t seem to be working. <%= tag(:map, :id => (@module.css_id), :inner_html =>''innerhtml'' ) %> -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, s...
2008 Oct 07
Hpricot loop question to read table row values
...I need to read the rows starting with the second table row, which excludes the title of the column. Then I need to read each column''s value. How can I loop through each row to get each value that I need? To read a row of values I used (doc/"/html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]").inner_html >> row 1 a (doc/"/html/body/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]").inner_html >> row 1 b I tried variations of each loops that would increment the table row, but I don''t have the syntax correct for it to work. Any ideas? THANKS! -- Posted via --~-...
2011 Feb 20
Using Nokogiri to insert a <span> tag into existing text
All, I''m using Nokogiri to handle the following problem: I have a piece of HTML, and for certain text nodes, I need to insert <span> tags into the text of these nodes at a certain place. What I am doing is finding the place where I want to insert the <span>, let''s say index X of the text node''s text, and doing the following: 1) Setting the node''s
2010 Mar 16
Get content from HTML element in Rails
Hey, I''m looking for a way to get the content of my div in my Rails view. I would like the literal HTML content, so only HTML and no Rails I thought inner_html would work, but I get a RJS exception (TypeError: $("content").innerHtml is not a function) Does anyone know how I can get the content? Thanks! In my controller I use this code: [code] def save_test render :update do |page| page[''content''].innerHTML end...
2008 May 17
Help needed
...nd_save_user(data) end end def retrieve_and_save_user(data) # email address must be unique for members @user = User.find_or_initialize_by_email(email) # save user if not existing if @user.new_record? = Country.find_by_short((data/:countryShort).inner_html) end end end ---- spec ------- module XmlImportSpecHelper def mock_xml_import xml_file = RAILS_ROOT + "/spec/fixtures/import-member.xml" xml = @xml_import = @xml_import.should_receive(:open).exactly(1).times. wit...
2006 Jul 11
responds_to_parent plugin
Not sure where I can get help with this one but I getting a wierd behavior out of safari when trying to use the responds to parent plugin. Basically I have the following in my view: <div class="rightsidecontentbody"> <%= form_tag({:action => "create"}, {:multipart => "true", :target => "frame"}) %> <form
2007 Jul 15
rejected form not handled
Hello, I have a login form on /login.php which POSTs to /dorf1.php when access is granted and to /login.php when it is denied. require ''rubygems'' require ''mechanize'' agent = login = agent.get("http://server/login.php") form = login.forms.action("dorf1.php") form.fields[2].value = "wronguser" # login
2006 Nov 02
RJS error in internet explorer
hey all, got a rails app i''m finishing up. i have a little ajax on one of my pages where the person can choose a doctor from a drop down list and if the doctor isn''t there they can click a link which blinds down a little form to add a doctor. after they submit that mini-form the page updates the div which houses the drop-down so the doctor shows up. works very nicely IN FIREFOX.
2009 Jun 06
Rake Tasks
...t contains our data def scrape_data @rows = [] (doc/"#{@element_type}.#{@clsname}#{@childsearch}").each do |row| cells = [] (row/"td").each do |cell| if (cell/" span.s").length > 0 values = (cell/"span.s").inner_html.split(''<br />'').collect{ |str| pair = str.strip.split(''='').collect{|val| val.strip} Hash[pair[0], pair[1]] } if(values.length==1) cells << cell.inner_text.strip...
2009 Jun 07
ActiveRecord Classes
I''m having a little trouble with understanding how to work out the schematic for some of my classes using ActiveRecord when a file is in my lib directory: Brief example: Here''s the outline of the files in use: ........controllers ............application_controller.rb ............rushing_offenses_controller.rb ........models ............rushing_offense.rb ....lib
2011 Dec 05
Using nokogiri
HI, I want to grab some information about university names, and I found this term called "web scraping" I search about it in google, and there are tools in ruby. One of them is nokogiri but I''m a bit confused because it seems that it only gets information that its already in an html or xml I found a webpage that have a list of university names as a <select>