search for: init_haml_helpers

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "init_haml_helpers".

2008 Jul 03
Testing HAML in helper rspec find it. Thanks to David for the pointers to solve this. Here is the incantation needed to use HAML 2.0 under RSpec 1.1.5 (Needs the .5 for a fix) # application_helper_spec.rb under spec/helpers ... before :each do helper.extend Haml helper.extend Haml::Helpers helper.send :init_haml_helpers end it "should display flash" do for name in [:notice, :warning, :error] flash[name]= "flash #{name.to_s} message" helper.capture_haml{ helper.display_flash }.should match(/<div class=''#{name.to_s}''>\s*#{fl...