search for: inequities

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 229 matches for "inequities".

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2013 Mar 19
linear model with equality and inequality (redundant) constraints
Dear R-users, in the last days I have been trying to estimate a normal linear model with equality and inequality constraints. Please find below a simple example of my problem. Of course, one could easily see that, though the constraints are consistent, there is some redundancy in the specific constraints. Nevertheless my actual applications can get much larger and I would not like to manually
2011 Sep 08
global optimisation with inequality constraints
Dear All, I would like to minimise a nonlinear function subject to linear inequality constraints as part of an R program. I have been using the constrOptim function. I have tried all of the methods that come with Optim, but nothing finds the correct solution. If I use the correct solution as the vector of starting values, though, my program does output the correct solution and optimum - the
2012 Oct 19
Which package/function for solving weighted linear least squares with inequality and equality constraints?
Dear All, Which package/function could i use to solve following linear least square problem? A over determined system of linear equations is given. The nnls-function may would be a possibility BUT: The solving is constrained with a inequality that all unknowns are >= 0 and a equality that the sum of all unknowns is 1 The influence of the equations according to the solving process is
2003 Sep 26
least squares regression using (inequality) restrictions
Dear R Users, I would like to make a lesast squares regression similar to that what is done by the command "lm". But additionally, I would like to impose some restrictions: 1) The sum of all regression coefficients should be equal to 1. 2) Each coefficient should assume a value between 0 and 1. (inequality restrictions) Which command is the best to use in order to solve this problem
2011 Jul 10
Chebyshev Inequality — MVUE
Hello, I was interested in trying to write an R script to calculate a UCL for a lognormal distribution using the Chebyshev Inequality — MVUE Approach (based on EPA’s guidance found in This looks like it should be straight forward, but I am need to calculate an MVUE for the population mean and an MVUE for the population variance, which requires
2010 Jan 21
Double inequality with plotmath
Hello, I'm fairly new to R and I can't work out how to produce a double inequality like (LaTeX) $0 \leq x \leq 1$ in the legend of a graph. If I try > legend(50, 0.1, legend = c(expression(0 <= x <= 1), c(2 <= x <= 3)), pch = c(1,1), col = c(2, 3)) then I get an error message "unexpected '<=' in ...". I've checked the help files for plotmath and
2008 Dec 28
Logistic regression with rcs() and inequality constraints?
Dear guRus, I am doing a logistic regression using restricted cubic splines via rcs(). However, the fitted probabilities should be nondecreasing with increasing predictor. Example: predictor <- seq(1,20) y <- c(rep(0,9),rep(1,10),0) model <- glm(y~rcs(predictor,n.knots=3),family="binomial") print(1/(1+exp(-predict(model)))) The last expression should be a nondecreasing
2008 Jul 29
optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities using nlm
Dear R users, I?m trying to optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities used to acceptance sampling, which are nonlinear solution, so there is no simple direct solution. Please, let me explain shortly the the problem and the question as following. The objective is to obtain the smallest value of 'n' (sample size) satisfying both inequalities: (1-alpha) <= pbinom(c, n, p1)
2006 Aug 17
dovecot on OSF/1 4.0
Hi,, In src/lib/mountpoint.c:53 the following had to be commented out: // point_r->type = p_strdup(pool, buf.f_fstypename); because f_fstypename is undeclared on this OS. Also the following errors occur with the DEC C compiler (which compiles the other files just fine): source='file-cache.c' object='file-cache.o' libtool=no DEPDIR=.deps depmode=none
2008 Aug 05
optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities using nlm( ) or optim( )
Dear R users, I?m trying to optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities (used in acceptance sampling) which are nonlinear solution, so there is no simple direct solution. Please, let me explain shortly the the problem and the question as following. The objective is to obtain the smallest value of 'n' (sample size) satisfying both inequalities: (1-alpha) <= pbinom(c, n, p1)
2006 Sep 22
inequality with NA
Dear everybody! take a<-c(5,3,NA,6). if(a[1]!=NA){b<-7} if(a[3]!=5){b<-7} if(a[3]!=NA){b<-7} if(a[3]==NA){b<-7} will alltogeather return Fehler in if (a[1] != NA) { : Fehlender Wert, wo TRUE/FALSE n?tig ist (or simularly). Somehow this is logical. But how else should I get out, whether a certain vector-component has an existing value? Thank you in advance! Yours, Mag. Ferri
2017 Oct 06
Help in R package
Hello, I watched your YouTube videos for explanation for R package. They are really helpful for new beginner for using R. Please I need your help for solving inequalities that contain beta functions using R studio. I attached the file that contains this inequalities. I appreciate your help and looking forward to hear from you. Akram -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment
2012 May 08
Translation of Linear minimization probelm from matlab to r
Hi everyone, i?m a new user of R and i?m trying to translate an linear optimization problem from Matlab into r. The matlab code is as follow: options = optimset('Diagnostics','on'); [x fval exitflag] = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],options); exitflag fval x=round(x); Where: f = Linear objective function vector (vector of 45,rows) A = Matrix for linear inequality
2010 Nov 04
Logical vectors
Hi folks, Pls help me to understand follow; An Introduction to R 2.4 Logical vectors 1) > x [1] 1 2 3 4 5 > temp <- x != 1 > temp [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE > 2) > x [1] 1 2 3 4 5 > temp <- x > 1 > temp [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE Why NOT > temp [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE
2010 Nov 04
Logical vectors
Hi folks, Pls help me to understand follow; An Introduction to R 2.4 Logical vectors 1) > x [1] 1 2 3 4 5 > temp <- x != 1 > temp [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE > 2) > x [1] 1 2 3 4 5 > temp <- x > 1 > temp [1] FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE Why NOT > temp [1] TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE
2005 Nov 28
optimization with inequalities
I have to estimate the following model for several group of observations : y(1-y) = p[1]*(x^2-y) + p[2]*y*(x-1) + p[3]*(x-y) with constraints : p[1]+p[3] >= 1 p[1]+p[2]+p[3]+1 >= 0 p[3] >= 0 I use the following code : func <- sum((y(1-y) - p[1]*(x^2-y) + p[2]*y*(x-1) + p[3]*(x-y))^2) estim <- optim( c(1,0,0),func, method="L-BFGS-B" , lower=c(1-p[3], -p[1]-p[3]-1,
2004 Jul 16
strucchange: breakpoints in inequally spaced data
Hello, we want to identify breakpoints (different phases) in environmental data, algae cell counts of three years with intervals between 7 and 30 days (N=40). We found that breakpoints(cells ~1) works great and identifies 5 very good breaks, however we are uncertain about these, because the data are unequally spaced. Is there a way to include the information about the measurement intervals,
2009 Jul 17
Inequality constraints in GMM estimation?
I have a relatively simple finance application of GMM. Given the moment condition: E[m*R]=0 where m=m[theta] I would like to constrain m>0. Any ideas? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Dec 12
Rsolnp package: warning messages
Dear, I am using the solnp command (package Rsolnp) for a problem with equality and inequality constraints. I am not getting convergence for my problem but apart that I get 1 warning per iteration saying: ?In cbind(temp, funv) : number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)?. I checked for equality and inequality functions and they seem fine to me. Where this
2012 Jul 12
Enforcing inequality bounds and heteroscedasticity in a GAM or GLM
I have a spatial salinity field s and a model g(s) ~ Xb where the X comes from slightly modified GAM basis functions. I am trying to deal with the following set of requirements: 1. The underlying physics are linear, and plain salinity (the identity link) is the correct response to my covariates. 2. Dispersion (variance or sd) is almost certainly proportional to the mean. 3. The data s(x,y)