Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "indata".
Did you mean:
2006 Dec 22
Powercom BNT-1200AP driver
* byte 2 is SEC
* Example: pre-shutdown counter count 1 minute and enable ac normal wake up
* 185 188 1 0
*BNT Series
*InData is UPS echo 16 bytes status ; from 0 to 15
*****************************Data define Start********************************************************
T=InData[6] div 2;
aVA6:array[1..9] of Word=(400,500,600,800,801,1000,1200,1500,2000);
iVA=aVA6[InData[12] div 16];
*****************************Data de...
2004 Sep 20
rsync version 2.6.3pre1 protocol version 28
...w- 1 biolord bioinf 29610 Sep 19 05:26 mirror.log
Using rsync -r --delete on server B for this dir works fine, also rsync -r
--keep-dirlinks works OK (but no deletes, of couse).
With rsync --keep-dirlinks -r --delete HOST:$ftp/software . I get:
rsync: delete_one: unlink "/gaia/indata/software/PHYLIP/mirror.log"
failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: delete_one: unlink "/gaia/indata/software/PHYLIP/TOPO-1.0.0.tar.gz"
failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: delete_one: unlink "/gaia/indata/software/PHYLIP/TOPO-0.1.tar.gz"
failed: No such fil...
2009 Nov 02
problems with read.csv
Dear all,
I''d like to ask help on R code to get the same results as the following
Splus code:
[1] 0930 1601 1006 1032 1020
I tried the following R code:
> indata<-read.csv("/home/data_new.csv")
> indata[1:5,4]
[1] 930 1601 1006 1032 1020
I''d like the first one to be 0930, too....
2004 Mar 11
Function OPTIM()
I'm trying to reformat my problem below so there is less data entry each time the package is run.
This is the 'inefficient' version and below in blue is what I would like it to look like but can't get it to work.
InDATA<- read.table ("C:/Data/March 2004/DATA2.txt",header=T)
B <- matrix(rep(0,WO*DI), c(WO,DI))
while (j <DI+1) {B[,j]=InDATA[,j]
y <- matrix(c(InDATA[,DI+1]),c(WO,1))
fr <- function(X) {
for (j in 1:DI) { j...
2012 Jul 22
Frame Column to List (conversion)
Input Format: excel file (XLS)
Column 1: Gene ID (alphanumeric)
Column 2 - 10 : (numeric data).
inData = read.xls ( <fileName>)
geneLabel = inData [ , 1] - column 1 stored in geneLabel
tempData = inData [ , 2: 10]
expValues = data.matrix (tempData) - convert frame into Matrix format
expValues has the matrix format needed for analysis.
I need to bind gene labels as .
I have th...
2008 May 13
array dimension changes with assignment
Why does the assignment of a 3178x93 object to
another 3178x93 object remove the dimension attribute?
> GT <- array(dim = c(6,nrow(InData),ncol(InSNPs)))
> dim(GT)
[1] 6 3178 93
> SNP1 <- InSNPs[InData[,"C1"],]
> dim(SNP1)
[1] 3178 93
> SNP2 <- InSNPs[InData[,"C2"],]
> dim(SNP2)
[1] 3178 93
> dim(pmin(SNP1,SNP2))
[1] 3178 93
> GT[1,,] <- pmin(SNP1,SNP2)
> dim...
2003 Nov 04
read.spss Error reading system-file header
...not merely a size
problem. I have no difficulty opening the file in SPSS. I also have no
trouble getting read.spss to read a dummy SPSS file with 5 rows and 173
columns, where each entry was randomly sampled from c(letters, LETTERS).
> library("foreign")
> junk<-read.spss("indata/z2EXvideo.sav")
Error in read.spss("indata/z2EXvideo.sav") :
Error reading system-file header.
In addition: Warning message:
indata/z2EXvideo.sav: File layout code has unexpected value 50331648. Value should be 2, in big-endian or little-endian format.
Thanks for any inform...
2010 Oct 06
multiple record types from a single file efficiently?
The current population survey march supplements contain records on
households, families and individuals, each with distinct record types all in
the same file. I'm trying to efficiently read these files,
the following function reads the data file "indata", the records are
described in lists contained in "dd_by_type" and flag_pos gives the
character position in the data which indicates which record type to be used,
the function i've written "works" (see below, please) but it's awful at its
job, it has to perform tw...
2012 Feb 03
incomplete final line found on <name of my sourced function file>
...n and when I
run it AS a function. So why the warning message?
Just in case - the text of my function inside my file that I source. I
really don't expect anyone to dig into it - but maybe something will
jump at you?
Thanks a lot!
### Creating a plot with (aggregated) several lines:
# indata - my data frame
# datesvar - name of the variable that contains dates
# inars - names of the variables to be graphed
# myfunction - function to be used (mean or sum)
# my metric - string for the metric
# mytitle - title of the graph
# fixedy - if 1, range on y axis starts with zero
# indata=en;date...
2006 Nov 20
problem with loop to put data into array with missing data for some files
...s -180
to 180 encoding
lons <- seq(lon.beg, lon.end, length=nx)
lons[lons > 180] <- lons[lons > 180]-360 #since sp prefers -180
to 180 encoding
#read flat file into R (header first)
dims <- scan("/tmp/wgrib.output", nlines=1, quiet=T)
nrec <- dims[1]*dims[2]
indata <- paste("indata.", i, j, mon2, sep="")
indata <- scan("/tmp/wgrib.output", 'numeric', nlines=nrec, skip=1,
indata <- matrix(as.numeric(indata), nrow=dims[1], ncol=dims[2],
#to get precip into mm/month, not mm/sec:
2010 Oct 03
Read file
Dear R-users,
I would like to know how could I read a file with different lines lengths.
I need read this file and create an output to feed my database.
So after reading I'll need create an output like this
"INSERT INTO TEMP (DATA,STATION,VAR1,VAR2) VALUES (20100910,837460, 39,390)"
I mean, each line should be read. But I don`t how to do this when these
lines have different
2006 Nov 20
problem with loop to put data into array with missing data forsome files
...lt;- seq(lon.beg, lon.end, length=nx)
> lons[lons > 180] <- lons[lons > 180]-360 #since sp
>prefers -180
>to 180 encoding
> #read flat file into R (header first)
> dims <- scan("/tmp/wgrib.output", nlines=1, quiet=T)
> nrec <- dims[1]*dims[2]
> indata <- paste("indata.", i, j, mon2, sep="")
> indata <- scan("/tmp/wgrib.output", 'numeric', nlines=nrec,
> indata <- matrix(as.numeric(indata), nrow=dims[1], ncol=dims[2],
> #to get precip into mm...
2004 Apr 29
I'm trying to use package ts (decompose). How do you set up the data/ See attached. thanks
InDATA <-read.table("C:/Data/May 2004/season.txt",header=T)
X <- decompose(InDATA)
Period Connections
Q1 67519
Q2 69713
Q3 68920
Q4 69452
Q1 70015
Q2 59273
Q3 57063
Q4 65596
Q1 73527
Q2 58586
Q3 69522
Q4 60091
Q1 51686
Q2 63490
Q3 55702
Q4 53200
Q1 51033
Q2 481...
2004 Aug 09
hclust-segmentation fault
I am getting the "Segmentation fault" when using hclust in R-1.9.1 running
under SuSe 9.0 64-bit kernel on a dual opteron system with 8G of RAM.
I was wandering if anybody could offer any insight?
2019 Feb 28
[PATCH branch 1.1] fix: use EVP_DecryptUpdate while decrypting
src/openssl/cipher.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/openssl/cipher.c b/src/openssl/cipher.c
index d51ec0d..974fbeb 100644
--- a/src/openssl/cipher.c
+++ b/src/openssl/cipher.c
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ bool cipher_decrypt(cipher_t *cipher, const void *indata, size_t inlen, void *ou
} else {
int len;
- if(EVP_EncryptUpdate(cipher->ctx, outdata, &len, indata, inlen)) {
+ if(EVP_DecryptUpdate(cipher->ctx, outdata, &len, indata, inlen)) {
if(outlen) {
*outlen = len;
2004 Oct 26
read.spss Error reading system-file header
...I have no difficulty opening the file in SPSS. I also have no
> trouble getting read.spss to read a dummy SPSS file with 5 rows and 173
> columns, where each entry was randomly sampled from c(letters, LETTERS).
> /> library("foreign") /
> /> junk<-read.spss("indata/z2EXvideo.sav") /
> Error in read.spss("indata/z2EXvideo.sav") :
> Error reading system-file header.
> In addition: Warning message:
> indata/z2EXvideo.sav: File layout code has unexpected value 50331648.
Value should be 2, in
> big-endian or little-endia...
2006 Sep 07
Getting subframe type=verbatim on 16 bit files
...into 32 bit shape
uint8_t *buffer8 = NULL;
uint16_t *buffer16 = NULL;
uint32_t *buffer32 = NULL;
unsigned sample32;
unsigned sample, channel;
uint32_t bitsPerSample = this->get_bits_per_sample();
numFrames = inData.GetSize();
numChannels = this->get_channels();
// How big is our sample that we want to give to FLACC?
// bitsPerSample is 8,16,24,32
// So 8 = no change for numFrames
// 16 = half it
// 24,32 = 1/4 the needs..
if (bitsPerSample == 16)
2012 Apr 18
Error in eval when using contrast and nlme
0.115315444767475, 0, 0.201624438166618)), .Names = c("subject",
"group", "brik", "scanner", "fmri"), row.names = c(NA, -210L), class = "data.frame")
runLme = function (inData, inZ, inNumberOfOutputBriks, inContrasts, inAnovaIndices, inModel, inModelFormula, inRandomFormula) {
cat("There will be " , inNumberOfOutputBriks, " stats briks\n")
outStats <- vector(mode="numeric", length=inNumberOfOutputBriks)
##cat (inData, "\n"...
2011 Aug 23
Passing parameters
...ort arcpy.management as DM
import os as OS
import sys as SYS
def setupMyRsemivar():
########## Get User Provided Inputs ##########
currentWS = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # base working directory
currentWS_RCMD = '"' + wd_base + '"' # add the string quotes
indata = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # polygon input file
indata_RCMD = '"' + data_input + '"' # add the string quotes
R_output = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) # polygon input file
R_output_RCMD = '"' + data_input + '"' # add the string quotes...
2012 Nov 26
puzzling RODBC error
...the channel when using sqlQuery(). However, sqlTables() does not complain about the channel and lists all tables in the database. If I try sqlFetch(), then R crashes.
I'm happy to hear suggestions on how to solve this.
Best regards,
> MDB <- odbcConnectAccess("//inbodata/indata/Projects/PRJ_Watervogels/Geoloket/Telgebieden watervogeltellingen/Watervogellocaties_copy.mdb")
> sqlQuery(channnel = MDB, "SELECT gebiedscode FROM ganzengebieden;")
Error in sqlQuery(channnel = MDB, "SELECT gebiedscode FROM ganzengebieden;") :
first argument is not an...