search for: incompetance

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 270 matches for "incompetance".

2005 Sep 30
Headline - Linux misses Windows of opportunity --incompetent local resource
Thanks, Bryan. Good analysis. Brian Brunner brian.t.brunner at (610)796-5838 >>> thebs413 at 09/29/05 07:41PM >>> [ I've temporarily subscribed my Yahoo address to post this single comment, and then I'm going to unsubscribe it so I can't post again. ] File this one on "Linux loses due to incompetent local support resources." No
2000 Jan 22
1.9.18p10: Incompete directory listing from WfW 3.11
Hi, we're having quite a strange problem with our Linux samba (1.9.18p10) server: when doing a directory list from a Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Client all files an directories appear except <.> and <..>. While this is not a serious problem when using ?dir?, some applications (e.g. Ami Pro 3.1) seem to rely on these entries. In the file dialogues this particular application does
2005 Mar 15
Installation problems
Hi! So far I'm having no luck at all with wine, though I am completely blaming my own incompetence at the moment! I have now dowloaded the newest version (Wine 20050310) and when i try to install it i get an error: Configuring Wine for a no-windows install in /home/toms/.wine/drive_c... Please use the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Fonts\LogPixels to set the screen resolution and
2010 Jan 28
plotting additive ns components
I have an additive model of the following form : zmdlfit <- lm(z~ns(x,df=6)+ns(y,df=6)) I can get the fitted values and plot them against z easily enough, but I also want to both obtain and plot the two additive components (the estimates of the two additive terms on the RHS) I've been looking at manuals and searching on the internet and searching the archives, but I'm apparently
2008 Aug 14
Department of Redundancy Department.
I just noticed a certain ``usage'' in a recent posting, and couldn't restrain my self from commenting. The usage was of the form ``if(X==TRUE)'' where X was a logical variable. This sort of thing is brought to you by your Department of Redundancy Department. The ``==TRUE'' bit is irrelevant, incompetent, and immaterial, as Perry Mason used to say. The value of
2015 Aug 30
[OFFTOPIC] integrated LSI 3008 :: number of hdd support
Hi guys! Unfortunately there is no offtopic list but the subject is somehow related to centos as the OS is/will be centos :) So, under this thin cover i ask : Is it possible that for a SAS controler like LSI 3008 that in specs says that : "This high-performance I/O controller supports T-10 data protection model and optical support, PCIe hot plugging, and up to 1,000 connected devices"
2006 Jan 21
Documentation for mocks?
Is there any documentation about how mock objects work in RoR, specifically exactly how one should use the test/mocks directory. Is it just me being incompetent searching for it, or hasn''t this been documented yet? Thanks in advance for your help! paul.butcher->msgCount++ Snetterton, Castle Combe, Cadwell Park... Who says I have a one track mind? -- Posted via
1997 Jun 20
R-beta: purpose of n in identify() function?
I think I am misunderstanding something about the identify() function. if we have an example such as this: > x_1:10 > y_1:10 > plot(x,y) > identify(x,y, n=1) [1] 2 3 > I clicked on two points and identify() returned both of them (2 and 3). The manual says n is the maximum number of points to be identified. If I specify n=1, should identify() return a single value?
2006 Jan 06
"Access is denied" after connection is apparently successful
We have a small home network with Samba running on a Slackware Linux 10.1 system, it's been running happily for several months or even maybe a year or so. It's running Samba version 3.0.4 Recently one of the Win2k clients is getting errors when trying to access Samba shares. The other clients are all still working OK and the same user can access shares from other client machines.
1997 Apr 08
R-alpha: rbind
rbind() does something strange to dimnames R : Copyright 1997, Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka Version 0.50 Beta (April 1, 1997) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type "license()" for details. > test1 <- data.frame(time= c(4, 3,1,1,2,2,3), + status=c(1,NA,1,0,1,1,0), + x= c(0,
2005 Jan 11
Possible security issue with jails
Howdy! I'm not sure if this is actually an issue, feature or a bug, but I have found that inside a jail, the jailed root user is able to sniff traffic (and enable promiscuous mode) on at least the interface of the IP address the jail is attached to. I have not found any documentation explaining if this should occur or not, but I feel it is something that should at least be known to those
2006 Jun 07
One Internet IP private, One Internet IP Public
Hi,i''m newbie with shorewall ... Currently i have a box with 2 ethernet cards and ppp0 dial up, one of the ethernet cards is plugged to my Cable modem , my ISP provider gave me a private internet IP, so i have to contract a dial up service to get a public Internet IP in order to run some servers. So i was wondering if it is possible make some kind of NAT to tell my box that
2001 Sep 20
Hi everybody - we''re back
Dear list members, all 707 of you, We are back. It has taken *far* too long to get everything together again. At first we were delayed by incredible incompetence over at our vendor, who managed to ship a broken server twice. And then I was very busy, and did not manage to make time for reinstalling all services on the new server. The new server,, is very capable. It
2004 Jul 13
Swiss IP10S using SIP
Has anyone had success getting the Swiss IP10S and the SIP ( IP10 SP v0.0.1 (Build 4)) firmware working with Asterisk? If so do you have copies of what worked in sip.conf and phone configuration files? I can't seem to get the phone to register, it tries but is denied with a Forbidden (which I am guessing is authentication). I tried without a secret, but the phone seems to use swissvoice
1998 Apr 17
R-beta: lmsreg
Does R have a function like the S(plus) function, lmsreg, Least Median of Squares Regression? I am using R-0.61. Thank you, Mike Fleming mfleming at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or
1998 Apr 17
R-beta: lmsreg
Does R have a function like the S(plus) function, lmsreg, Least Median of Squares Regression? I am using R-0.61. Thank you, Mike Fleming mfleming at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or
1997 Apr 28
R-alpha: R-beta:matrix & vector multiplication.
Both of these used to work and seem useful and harmless: R> matrix(1,ncol=1)%*%c(1,2) Error in matrix(1, ncol = 1) %*% c(1, 2) : non-conformable arguments R> matrix(1,ncol=1)*(1:2) Error: dim<- length of dims do not match the length of object Thomas Lumley -----------------------------------------------------+------ Biostatistics : "Never attribute to malice what : Uni of
1997 Apr 28
R-alpha: R-beta:matrix & vector multiplication.
Both of these used to work and seem useful and harmless: R> matrix(1,ncol=1)%*%c(1,2) Error in matrix(1, ncol = 1) %*% c(1, 2) : non-conformable arguments R> matrix(1,ncol=1)*(1:2) Error: dim<- length of dims do not match the length of object Thomas Lumley -----------------------------------------------------+------ Biostatistics : "Never attribute to malice what : Uni of
2005 May 13
FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-05:09.htt [REVISED]
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ============================================================================= FreeBSD-SA-05:09.htt Security Advisory The FreeBSD Project Topic: information disclosure when using HTT Category: core Module: sys Announced:
1998 Feb 26
R-beta: question on dyn.loaded code
Hi, when designing libraries for R, is it possible to call C/Fortran subroutines from other dynamically loaded code? The following example crashes R: ********* fn1.c ***************** void twice(int *i) { *i = 2 * *i; } ********************************* ********* fn2.c ***************** extern int twice(int *i); void negtwice(int *i) { *i = -1 * twice(i); }