search for: include_blank

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 114 matches for "include_blank".

2006 Apr 19
select_tag and :include_blank => true not working
Guys, I''m using select_tag to display a non-model dropdown, which works fine. However, I''ve tried every which way to use the :include_blank => true option, but it simply won''t display a blank value. Using :include_blank => true with select on model fields works fine. Can someone please show me a working example? -- Posted via
2006 Feb 21
Select error
This code: <p> <label for="resource_type">Type</label><br/> <%= select(:resource, :type, %w{ Web Data }, { :include_blank => true }) %> </p> Produces this error: TypeError in Resources#new Showing app/views/resources/_form.rhtml where line #6 raised: wrong argument type String (expected Module) Extracted source (around line #6): 3: <legend>Resource General</legend> 4: 5:...
2006 Jul 28
Selectbox: display value for :include_blank => true?
Hi all Is there a way to set a display value for :include_blank => true? Because an empty <option></option> tag is not valid XHTML 1.1 code according to Firefox''s Tidy... Thanks for info. :-) Joshua -- Posted via
2006 Apr 06
select method
The documentation states as an example: select("post", "person_id", Person.find_all.collect {|p| [, ] }, { :include_blank => true }) could become: <select name="post[person_id]"> <option></option> <option value="1" selected="selected">David</option> <option value="2">Sam</option> <option value="3">Tobias</op...
2006 Aug 13
select include_blank true
Is there any way to display a default message value ''Select'' rather tha an empty value when using this option ? kad -- Posted via
2005 Dec 27
date_select and :include_blank
Hi, date_select is a great helper, but I couldn''t find a way to make it display a text like "Please Select" instead of blank field. When I use date_select with a param of :include_blank => true, it renders an option with a value of "" and string of "". I want to display "Please Select". Anyway to do this? Maybe overwriting ActionView modules would do, bu since I''m in a process of getting comfy with ruby, I couldn''t figure out how...
2006 Jul 02
remote form w/ evalScripts:true
...=>> <%= hidden_field ''list_item_link'', ''list_item_type'', :value => ''List'' %> Which list? <%= select ''list_item_link'', ''list_item_id'', @lists.collect{ |l| [,] }, { :include_blank => true}, { :class => "formfield", :onchange => "this.form.submit()" } %> <%= end_form_tag %> And here is the code in the template that actually works (using a GET instead): Which list? <%= select ''list_item_link'', ''list_ite...
2006 Jan 04
How do I set the default value for date fields?
I want my date fields to default to NIL or "", because the presence of a date means something. My problem is that rails is defaulting the fields to today''s date automatically when I create a new record through the scaffold. I tried removing the default ''0000-00-00'' and changing NOT NULL to NULL, but both columns get today''s date as the default
2012 Aug 16
undefined method `with_indifferent_access' for "":String
...omp, :html => {:id => "new_form", :onsubmit => "return validate_form()"}, :remote => true do |f| = f.fields_for :comprobante_emis_regs_attributes do |cer| = cer.collection_select :reg_fil, current_contribuyente.contribuyente_regs, :reg_fil, :reg_fil, {:include_blank => false}, :class => ''reg_fil'', :name => "comp[comp_emis_regs_attributes][0][reg_fil]" Somebody has run into this issue i''m really running out of ideas of how to fix this. -- Posted via -- You received this message beca...
2005 May 08
Overriding date_select in local project to use custom value rather than blank for starting option...
I would like to have a date control on a page and I would like a behavior similar to what you get using date_select with the :include_blank => true option where the first value in the dropdown is "- Month -", "- Day -", or "- Year -" rather than a blank value for the respective month, day, and year select fields. I took a look at the ruby source for form_options_helper.rb in gems/actionpack-1.8.1/lib/a...
2009 Sep 02
select_month helper
...e written in pure code in minutes. The select_month and select_day helper has been my latest waste of time. All I''m trying to do is add a javascript onchange call and I can''t get it to show up. Given: select_month(date, options = {}, html_options = {}) I have: select_month(0,:include_blank => true, :onchange => "setBirthMMDD" ) I know I''ve gotten html options to work on form fields, but maybe I''m missing something on how the html_options hash has to be formatted. I''ve tried: select_month(0,:include_blank => true, :html_options => {:...
2009 Jan 08
Problem with disable_with
...ame'', :size => 30 %></td></tr> <tr><td style="width:50%;">Project Type:<strong>&nbsp;*</strong></ td><td><%= collection_select ''email'', ''projecttype_id'', @projecttypes, :id, :name, { :include_blank => true } %></td></tr> <tr><td style="width:50%;">Region:<strong>&nbsp;*</strong></td><td><%= collection_select ''email'', ''region_id'', @regions, :id, :name, { :include_blank => true } %>&...
2006 Apr 27
select item based on previous select list selection? rails newbieness is preventing me from understanding those completely. Does anyone have complete code or a suggestion as to how to accomplish this. This is my existing code: <%= select (''task'', ''parent_id'', @parents.collect {|p| [ p.title, ] }, { :include_blank => true }) %> <%= select (''task'', ''client_id'', @clients.collect {|c| [, ] }) %> Thx N. -- Posted via
2006 Jun 25
select box''s
Hi, I have this code for a select box, <%= select("plugin", "plugcats", Plugcats.find_all.collect {|p| [ p.title, ] }, { :include_blank => true }) %> at the minute it extracts teh requried data, but submits the data as params[''plugin''][''plugcats''] how can I get it to submit it as [''plugin''][''plugcat_id''] thanks -- Posted via
2006 May 18
Problems using ''select''
...;''; if !params[:filter].nil? and params[:filter].has_key?(:owner) @owner = params[:filter][:owner] end end end Controler: @users = User.find_all @filter = View: select ''filter'', ''owner'', @users.collect {|u| [,]}, {:include_blank => true} My problem is that when I select some "owner" and submit the form it does not make current owner selected in combo box. >From Rails documentation I understood that you had to have @filter.owner = some_value to make it selected, but it doesn''t seem to work. Maybe t...
2007 Aug 10
Select doenst pass the correct value
Hello, I have in my view a select tag that doesnt return the right value, could anyone point me what am I doing wrong? Heres whats in my view <%=select "", "situacao", {"Open"=>0,"Closed"=> 1},:include_blank=>true%> Then in my controller I do this def status if #Do some stuff @situacao = params[:situacao] #some more code end end The problem is that params[:situacao] always returns 0, even when I pick "Closed" Any help? coelho -- Posted via http...
2006 Mar 06
form_tag error -- not found, 404 -- action DOES exist!
...elect(@surveyors, tr.surveyor_id)) %> </td> <td> <%= select_date( hash2date(tr.visited_on), :prefix=>"site_visit_helper[timesheet_records][#{i.to_s}][visited_on]", :include_blank=>true) %> </td> <td> <%= select_time( hash2time(tr.arrived_at), :prefix=>"site_visit_helper[timesheet_records][#{i.to_s}][arrived_at]", :include_blank=&g...
2005 Dec 23
Bizarre problems with AJAX / missing variables
...Dublin area [<%= county %>|<%= rawcode %>]:</label> <% unless county.nil? %> <%= select(''contact'', ''town_id'', Town.find(:all, :conditions => [ ''county_id = ?'', county ] ).collect {|t| [, ] }, { :include_blank => true }) %> <% else %> <%= select(''contact'', ''town_id'', Town.find_all.collect {|t| [ + ", Co. " +, ] }, { :include_blank => true }) %> <% end %> </div> and the relevant code for...
2007 Nov 08
I need to add a blank or dashed field to the options_from_collection_for_select helper but can''t seem to get it to work. Tried this, but with no effect: <%= options_from_collection_for_select @airlines, ''id'', ''name''], {:include_blank=>true} %> Anyone know how to do this? Thanks, -S -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send ema...
2007 Jul 31
country listbox from table
sorry again, i''m building a registration form, getting stumped on the country listbox. any ideas how i could build a listbox for countries, taking it''s content from a data table? i''d imagine i''d have to generate a data model for country, fill it in with all the current ISO spec countries; that i can do. then tie that data model to the account controller.