Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "imgname".
2012 Apr 02
booting a dos floppy from a disk image over pxe
I'm trying to boot a dos floppy stored on a disk image which is initially
loaded over pxe using memdisk.
I've created the disk image as follows:
dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMGLOCATION/$IMGNAME bs=$(( 1024 * 1024 )) count=20
LOOPDEV=$(losetup --show -f $IMGLOCATION/$IMGNAME)
MAJOR_MINOR=$(ls -l $LOOPDEV|awk '{print $5$6}'|sed 's/,/:/')
DMSIZE=$(( $(ls -l $IMGLOCATION/$IMGNAME|awk '{print $5}') / 512 ))
echo 0 $DMSIZE linear $MAJOR_MINOR 0|dmsetup create hdz
fdisk /...
2006 Jun 19
PNG and Alpha-Transparency
Is there a prototype / extension which will assist in cross-browser support
of PNG images?
It seems to me that a class could be developed which would zip through the
DOM and make changes where needed for IE 5.5 / IE 6.0 to handle PNG images.
I don''t want to write one if it''s been done before.
2011 Oct 27
minimizing device-dependent code in graphics scripts
...s, nomatch=0)
if(t > 0) type <- types[t] else stop("unknown file type")
if (exists("imgnum") imgnum <<- imgnum+1
else imgnum <<- 1
# TODO: Handle global imgnum in filename
if (missing(file)) {
file <- if(exists("imgname")) paste(imgname, '%03d', sep='')
else "Rplot%03d"
filename <- paste(file, '.', type, sep='')
bmp = bmp(filename, height=height, width=width, res=res,
units=units, ...),
eps = eps(filename, height=he...
2013 Nov 24
Sysinux 6 will not boot ISOs on BIOS (i.e. pre-UEFI) systems
...-eltorito-boot isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-eltorito-catalog isolinux/boot.cat \
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-isohybrid-mbr "${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/isohdpfx.bin" \
${_iso_efi_boot_args} \
-output "${imgname}" \
-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <http://www.zytor.com/pipermail/syslinux/attachments/2013112...
2013 Nov 25
Sysinux 6 will not boot ISOs on BIOS (i.e. pre-UEFI) systems
...solinux.bin \
> -eltorito-catalog isolinux/boot.cat \
> -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
> -isohybrid-mbr "${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/isohdpfx.bin" \
> ${_iso_efi_boot_args} \
> -output "${imgname}" \
> "${work_dir}/iso/"
Carl and Philip,
Given that you have systems that consistently failed with
isolinux.bin 6.02, I'd like to kindly suggest testing again with the
-sort-weight 2 isolinux/isolinux.bin
Note: I am posting this paramete...
2007 Jun 28
Img relocatable inside plugin
i''m searching to insert a relocatable image into a my plugin, but i don''t
want to reimplement what was already done...
i saw that in the gallery plugin there''s something like:
<img src=\"{relocatable: #{imgname}}\"/>
but i wasn''t able to reproduce this behavior....
How can i make this work?
thanks, bye.
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2006 Feb 22
Reading files from dir
I have gif files in my public/images/posticons directory, I want to read
their filenames without the extension to list the files as a set of
radio buttons in the form:
[code]<%= radio_button("thread", "posticon", imgname) %>
<img src="/images/posticons/<%= imgname%>.gif" alt="" />[code]
Would I be saving myself a lot of time and server resources by just
saving all of the posticons into the database instead? It''s pretty
convenient being able to just put and change the p...
2011 Mar 07
Parsing question, partly comma separated partly underscore separated string
Dear R-list,
I have a partly comma separated partly underscore separated string that I am trying to parse into R.
Furthermore I have a bunch of them, and they are quite long. I have now spent most of my Sunday trying to figure this out and thought I would try the list to see if someone here would be able to get me started.
My data structure looks like this,
(in a example.txt file)
2013 Nov 24
Sysinux 6 will not boot ISOs on BIOS (i.e. pre-UEFI) systems
On 11/21/2013 02:50 AM, Carl Duff wrote:
> Hi All,
> It is impossible to boot Linux-based ISOs that use Syslinux 6.02 via
> CD or DVD on older - non-UEFI - systems. Any attempt to do so will
> result in the following error message: ISOLINUX 6.02 ETCDisolinux:
> Disk error 01, AX = 4279, drive FE
Error 01 is unsupported operation, 42xx is read, so something is really