search for: imagescontrol

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "imagescontrol".

2007 Aug 23
controller spec with model that validates_uniqueness
...t :update, :id =>, :category_id =>, :image => {:name => ''test'', :image_number => 13554} #model validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :name, :allow_nil => true # rspec output ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in ''ImagesController should update a database record when it receives a PUT'' Validation failed: Name has already been taken, Image number has already been taken It seems AR is not detecting that this is an edit/update that will not cause a uniqueness conflict. I believe the code in the model needs...
2006 Feb 28
ArgumentError (string contains null byte) -- file upload problem
...byte): .//vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/streaming.rb:55:in `file?'' .//vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/streaming.rb:55:in `send_file'' .//app/controllers/images_controller.rb:5:in `show'' Here''s the image controller: class ImagesController < ApplicationController def show image = Image.find params[:id] send_file image.blob, :type => ''image/jpeg'', :disposition => ''inline'' end end Any ideas? Joe
2007 Apr 19
invalid geometry string in change_geometry
I get the following error at the browser: ArgumentError in ImagesController#upload invalid geometry string `110×'' ... for the call to change_geometry with an explicit size (''110x'') as the geometry string: def make_thumb (the_img) require ''RMagick'' size = "110x" debugger if ENV[''RAILS_ENV'...