search for: iic_brb

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "iic_brb".

2015 Jun 25
[LLVMdev] TableGen question
Hi, In tablegen file inside class we have variables declared inside a class. Say in PPC there is this class BForm<bits<6> opcode, bit aa, bit lk, dag OOL, dag IOL, string asmstr> : I<opcode, OOL, IOL, asmstr, IIC_BrB> { bits<7> BIBO; // 2 bits of BI and 5 bits of BO. bits<3> CR; bits<14> BD; How does the generator match each variable against an operand? For the corresponding for this the entry is // op: BIBO op = getMachineOpValue(MI, MI.getOp...