search for: ifrmonitoring

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "ifrmonitoring".

2003 May 21
windows client annouce strange size on disk of samba directories !
Hi all, I am using linux debian server (kernel 2.4) and samba 2.2.3a (+security) All works well but: on a w2k client side, windows directory property show me a very strange size on disk. For example i have a directory called <dir1> which contain a very small txt file (152ko) Windows announce 152ko for size that's good, but announce size on disk = 28Mo !!!! Thanks for suggestions
2003 May 02
Windows client/ samba server name resolving issue
Hi everybody, Here is what i do: I have i debian linux/samba server 2.2.x This server also managed our primary dns server I am using linux hosts file to let local network make difference between public ip given by bind and local ip that i put in hosts file. Let's say i have: I want local network users to got local ip as the ip address and let internet outside people to got