search for: id_field

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "id_field".

2009 Apr 06
Converting Number into Integer in ruby
I am working with a legacy oracle database. The primary key is not defined as an integer but as a number. This results in a url with an id as a number, such as 1234.0 instead of 1234. It works fine, but I would prefer 1234 to be displayed in the url. I have attempted to redefine the model id method to convert to an integer using to_i method, but no luck. Any ideas? Thanks, Vaibhav -- Posted via
2006 Mar 19
Ferret 0.9.0-alpha (port of Apache Lucene to pure ruby)
...* changed order of args to Now, start_offset, end_offset, pos_inc=1, type="text"). NOTE: type does nothing. * changed TermVectorOffsetInfo#start_offset to TermVectorOffsetInfo#start * changed TermVectorOffsetInfo#end_offset to TermVectorOffsetInfo#end * added :id_field option to Index::Index class.
2005 May 17
Noob - ActionView::Helpers::FormOptionsHelper::select
Hi, I''m just starting with Rails and i''m trying to do something like this: <%= start_form_tag :action => ''add_user'', :id => @social_event_group %> <%= select ''user'', ''id'' , User.find_all.collect {|u| [ u.login, ] }%></p> <%= submit_tag "Add User" %> <%= end_form_tag %>
2007 Mar 12
index.rb:384 [BUG]
...le.ferret_index => #<Ferret::Index::Index:0x2b686dc76860 @writer=nil, @default_input_field=:id, @qp=nil, @dir=#<Ferret::Store::FSDirectory:0x2b686dc76748>, @mon_entering_queue=[], @default_field=["title"], @key=:id, @mon_count=0, @auto_flush=true, @open=true, @close_dir=true, @id_field=:id, @mon_owner=nil, @reader=nil, @searcher=nil, @options={:lock_retry_time=>2, :path=>"script/../config/../config/../index/development/article", :create_if_missing=>true, :default_field=>["title"], :analyzer=>#<Ferret::Analysis::StandardAnalyzer:0x2b686dc75f78...
2006 Oct 10
oddness when adding to index -
...r=>#<Ferret::Store::RAMDirectory:0xb77dc1b8>, :analyzer=>#<Ferret::Analysis::StandardAnalyzer:0xb77dc0c8>, :lock_retry_time=>2}, @mon_entering_queue=[], @qp=nil, @searcher=nil, @mon_count=0, @default_field=:*, @close_dir=true, @auto_flush=false, @open=true, @mon_owner=nil, @id_field=:id, @reader=nil, @mon_waiting_queue=[], @writer=nil, @default_input_field=:id, @dir=#<Ferret::Store::RAMDirectory:0xb77dc1b8>> *** Now let''s add 3 strings to the index *** irb(main):005:0> ["While you were out pet care", "Eastside dog walker", "To...
2004 Oct 04
Making a FXListBox open up
How would I programatically make a FXListBox pop open? I have searched through the Fox mailing list archive, but did not find anything. Thanks. Jamey Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified
2007 Jan 27
concurrency errors adding to a keyed index
...s to occur roughly once per batch, and usually towards the end of the batch. I''m not using aaf. I create my keyed index like this: @@ferret_index = => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/ferret_index/#{RAILS_ENV}/news_article_versions", :field_infos => field_infos, :id_field => :id, :key => :id, :default_input_field => :text) Unkeyed, I just drop the :key option (duh). :id is just the ActiveRecord id, from an auto_increment field in MySQL. As a note, when concurrently searching on the keyed index, the number of hits returned increases throughout the in...
2006 Aug 28
stop words and /''s
Hi new version of ferret and acts as ferret have sorted out the scary glibc *** linked list pointer errors, thank god! New version are good but some searches are still not working. It is mostly the stop words ones. For example the "For Sale/Free/Swap" fails but works when "for" is stripped out. I have read all the recent posts regarding this issue and failed to get it to
2006 Jun 15
best updating method
Hi All, I have a Ferret index containing some cached RSS feeds. I have a nightly cron script to cache the feeds, and I''d like to update the index with the latest feeds. I see the Index class has an update method, but I can''t work out how to get the id of the relevant document to pass in. Lets say I have a file called "google_news.xml" I want to go:
2007 Mar 04
Need clarification of documentation
Hi, I have question about the delete() method docs. I am re-indexing data on the fly so I would like to delete any existing indexed data for a particular resource before re-indexing it using index.delete(id). The delete() method api doc says: "Delete the document referenced by the document number id if id is an integer or all of the documents which have the term id if id is a term.. id:
2006 Sep 04
0.10.2 release with win32 gem
Hey all, I''ve just released Ferret version 0.10.2. It is mostly just a bug fix release. The only change is that a highlight method has been added to Ferret::Index::Index. Please try it out and let me know what you think. The big news for this release is that there is also a binary win32 gem included. This is the first time I''ve build a gem like this so please let me know if
2007 May 10
Segmentation fault on large index
...t;Ferret::Store::FSDirectory:0xb7b23308>, :path=>"/tmp/myindex", :lock_retry_time=>2, :analyzer=>#<Ferret::Analysis::StandardAnalyzer:0xb7b23268>, :default_field=>:*}, @mon_owner=nil, @auto_flush=false, @open=true, @dir=#<Ferret::Store::FSDirectory:0xb7b23308>, @id_field=:id, @searcher=nil, @mon_waiting_queue=[], @reader=nil, @key=nil, @close_dir=true> irb(main):004:0> index.search_each("*:foo") {|id, score| doc = index[id].load; puts doc.inspect} /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.11.4/lib/ferret/index.rb:411: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby...