Displaying 20 results from an estimated 153 matches for "iaw".
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2013 Feb 06
First R Package --- Advice?
...s way,
I maintain only one file for each function, and the docs and code are
together. sort of like knuth's literate programming and the
numerical-recipees approach to keeping each function in its own file
with equal name.
I believe my "try-out and debug cycle" will then be
$ cd iaw ## the package name and top directory is iaw
$ perl weaveall.pl ## extract all man/*.Rd files code examples
and place them in R/
$ R CMD check iaw
good idea? bad idea? common? uncommon?
I do not understand the namespace mechanism yet. I understand the
2011 Jul 02
%dopar% parallel processing experiment
...ut 68 seconds (real and user, using the unix timing
"do-onecore" takes about 300 seconds.
"do-multicore" takes about 210 seconds real, (300 seconds user).
this seems pretty disappointing. the cores are not used for the most
part, either. feedback appreciated.
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2005 Dec 08
A few questions how to use libogg
1.) after initializing a ogg_stream_state may I just keep calling
ogg_stream_packetin with valid ogg_packet's until no more ogg_packets
needs to be added? Or do I need to call ogg_stream_pageout after every
ogg_stream_packetin? Iaw may I delay calling ogg_stream_pageout until
there are no more packets to be added?
2.) I assume I have call ogg_stream_pageout until no more pages can be
created and then call ogg_stream_flush if there are still bits left to
be 'paged'?
3.) Do I need to manually set the e_o_s of the l...
2012 Mar 30
list assignment syntax?
...uld like to do, in pseudo R+perl notation is
f <- function(a,b) list(a+b,a-b)
(c,d) <- f(1,2)
and have c be assigned 1+2 and d be assigned 1-2. right now, I use the clunky
x <- f(1,2)
c <- x[[1]]
d <- x[[2]]
which seems awful. is there a nicer syntax?
regards, /iaw
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at brown.edu, ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2004 Jan 22
Axes Ticks
...many ticks on my X axis. I want
exactly 4 tickmarks. It would also be nicer if I could name the ticks.
I looked at ?par and Venables&Ripley, and tried the lab and xaxp
parameters. I could not figure out how to use them productively. could
someone please let me know? help appreciated. /iaw
2004 Oct 15
pdf device --- axes labels text disappeared?
...;bug.eps" );
plot(Promise, Expect, type="b", ylim=c(0,60));
apologies if this has already been noted elsewhere---I looked but did
not find it. (probably googled for the wrong terms, if so.) is this
my bug, or R's bug or my R installation bug? help appreciated.
2006 Jul 11
--no-save and --save toggle from inside R? + BATCH stderr
...ike --silent
would suppress this one line summary/error. This is not urgent---I
can use the R return code to write a wrapper for this facility, but
this might be nice default behavior. My guess is that most of us
won't mind to see a flag in writing if something went badly wrong.
2004 Jun 09
direct data frame entry
...bably be an example under data.frame (or read.table). of
course, it is probably somewhere---just I have do not remember it and
could not find it after 2 hours of searching. I also tried the r-help
archives---at the very least, I hope we will get the answer there for
future lookups.
regards, /iaw
2011 Oct 10
multicore by(), like mclapply?
dear r experts---Is there a multicore equivalent of by(), just like
mclapply() is the multicore equivalent of lapply()?
if not, is there a fast way to convert a data.table into a list based
on a column that lapply and mclapply can consume?
advice appreciated...as always.
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2013 Feb 07
Hard Stop?
is it possible to throw a stop() that is so hard that it will escape
even tryCatch?
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2013 Feb 26
Light Libraries
...ghtweight. There are probably dozens of little bugs,
because I don't know or have not properly taken care of a variety of
internal R code issues. still, I like how this ended up, and there is no
learning curve, so I thought I would share it.
I have put all my functions into a directory ~/src/iaw/R/ . In my standard
.Rprofile, I thus first added a list of my libraries (well, I have just
one) and invoke it:
Libdirs <- c("~/src/iaw/R/")
for (libdir in Libdirs) {
source( Sys.glob(paste0(libdir, "Rprofile"))) )
(I prefer mnemonics...
2004 Mar 26
stop() vs. error() ?
...re done") print
"Error in eval.with.vis(expr, envir, enclos) :" ?
It would seem to me that a plain stop() is not an error, and that it
would make more sense to have an error() function that is different from
a stop(). Is there a rationale here that I am missing?
sincerely, /iaw
2004 Jul 07
fast NA elimination ?
...nough for speed not to matter, and there I do not care
whether my method is pretty inefficient (ok, I admit it: I use the
sum() function and test whether the result is NA)---but now I have some
bigger data sets. Is there a recommended method of doing NA elimination
most efficiently? sincerely, /iaw
ivo welch
professor of finance and economics
brown / nber / yale
2004 Aug 21
loadhistory() in .Rprofile ?
...r platform R releases, too.
Is the .Rprofile now loaded before loadhistory()? if so, this seems to
make it impossible to set up one big history file across directories
(save history prior to exit, then reload automatically on entry). if
not, I probably screwed something up---again.
regards, /iaw
ivo welch
PS: my earlier amd64 gentoo problem was caused by my use of f2c, which
apparently is not happy on amd64 platforms. thanks to those who let me
know the problem.
2013 Feb 09
character strings with embedded commands: perl "/gee" ?
...cat("d is a", class(d), "with
names", names(d)), but I also want to be define %or% so that I can
(is.data.frame(d)) %or% "d is a ::class(d):: with names ::names(d)::" ;
operators don't take variable arguments afaik. :-(.
advice appreciated.
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2004 Jun 20
if syntax
...out what was wrong. I
eventually figured out that to resolve this ambiguity, I would guess
that ifelse() would be a preferred function.
I wanted to look up the internal R documentation for if via "?if", but
this does not work. making the latter work would be a good idea.
regards, /iaw
ivo welch
professor of finance and economics
brown / nber / yale
2004 Nov 01
non-linear solve?
> irr.in <- function(r, c1, c2, c3 ) { return(c1+c2/(1+r) +
c3/(1+r)^2); }
> solve.nonlinear( irr.in, -100, 60, 70 );
If someone has written an irr function, this would be helpful,
too---though not difficult to write, either. thanks for any pointers.
ivo welch
2006 Mar 14
R CMD BATCH w/o inputs?
...he same output that I would
see if I ran source("i.R"), but direct it to a file. I can of course
direct R output to a file ($ R > myoutput), and then type the source
and exit statements blindly, but there must be a better way---I just
don't know it.
what am I missing?
2012 May 31
print.data.frame to string?
dear R experts---is there a function that prints a data frame to a string?
cat() cannot handle lists, so I cannot write cat("your data frame is:\n",
df, "\n").
regards, /iaw
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch@gmail.com)
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2010 Jan 08
fast lm se?
...not need. Or, I can compute (X'
X)^(-1) s^2 myself. Has someone written a fast se() function?
incidentally, I think this would make a nice addition to the R base. I
presume it is not uncommon for a statistician also to want to use the se of
coef estimates.
pointers appreciated.
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch@brown.edu, ivo.welch@gmail.com)
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