search for: i23

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "i23".

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2013 Feb 09
Troubleshooting underidentification issues in structural equation modelling (SEM)
Hi all, hope someone can help me out with this. Background Introduction I have a data set consisting of data collected from a questionnaire that I wish to validate. I have chosen to use confirmatory factor analysis to analyse this data set. Instrument The instrument consists of 11 subscales. There is a total of 68 items in the 11 subscales. Each item is scored on an integer scale between 1 to 4.
2017 Sep 25
Assertion in 'DwarfDebug.cpp'
...39;-g'. With a Debug build this hits an assertion at line #923 in 'lib/CodeGen/AsmPrinter/DwarfDebug.cpp': assert(EndLabel && "Forgot label after instruction ending a range!"); The values of related variables at this time are: 'Begin' is: DBG_VALUE %I23, %noreg, !"fp", <!345>; line no:381 'End' is: DBG_VALUE %I19, 88, !"ap", <!345>; line no:381 indirect 'StartLabel' is: .Ltmp327 'I19' is the stack-pointer, and it is the expression 'EndLabel = getLabelAfterInsn(End)' that...
2014 Jun 16
[LLVMdev] Attaching range metadata to IntrinsicInst
Hi, The range metadata can only be attached to LoadInst for now. I am considering extending its usage to IntrinsicInst so that the frontend can annotate the range of the return value of an intrinsic call. e.g., %a = call i32, !range !0 !0 = metadata !{ i32 0, i23 1024 } The motivation behind this extension is some optimizations we are working on for CUDA programs. Some special registers in CUDA (e.g., threadIdx.x) are bounded per CUDA programming guide, and knowing their ranges can improve the precision of ValueTracking and benefit optimizations such as In...
2006 Nov 16
How Aggegate Data in R
...223212322222223333 3113244123342212232312334 2113241123342213232313334 2114141123112214222113334 . . . . The syntax is: AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='C:\Documents and Settings\Coraz?n\Mis documentos\copia.sav' /BREAK=i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20 i21 i22 i23 i24 i25 /N_BREAK=N. The results is: 1112241123312213222443444 1 2111141123112212312313334 1 2111141123112414212113344 2 2111241123112311124312231 1 2111341122112111412113341 1 2111341123312213312413334 1 2112141123212213212213334 1 2112211122212413421213221 1 2112241113312313334313333...
2014 Jun 17
[LLVMdev] Attaching range metadata to IntrinsicInst
...adata can only be attached to LoadInst for now. I am > considering extending its usage to IntrinsicInst so that the > frontend can annotate the range of the return value of an intrinsic > call. e.g., > %a = call i32, !range !0 > !0 = metadata !{ i32 0, i23 1024 } > > The motivation behind this extension is some optimizations we are > working on for CUDA programs. Some special registers in CUDA (e.g., > threadIdx.x) are bounded per CUDA programming guide, and knowing > their ranges can improve the precision of ValueTrack...
2017 Sep 25
Assertion in 'DwarfDebug.cpp'
...e '-g'. With a Debug build this hits an assertion at line #923 in 'lib/CodeGen/AsmPrinter/DwarfDebug.cpp': assert(EndLabel && "Forgot label after instruction ending a range!"); The values of related variables at this time are: 'Begin' is: DBG_VALUE %I23, %noreg, !"fp", <!345>; line no:381 'End' is: DBG_VALUE %I19, 88, !"ap", <!345>; line no:381 indirect 'StartLabel' is: .Ltmp327 'I19' is the stack-pointer, and it is the expression 'EndLabel = getLabelAfterInsn(End)' that is...
2009 Jul 20
Regression function lm() not giving proper results
...ed) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.46154 -0.19277 -0.03529 -0.03529 1.96471 *Coefficients:* * Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)* *(Intercept) 1.19277 0.05302 22.50 <2e-16 **** *i22 0.84252 0.06469 13.03 <2e-16 **** *i23 1.52723 0.11021 13.86 <2e-16 **** *i24 2.26877 0.14409 15.74 <2e-16 **** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 0.4831 on 287 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squar...
2014 Jun 17
[LLVMdev] Attaching range metadata to IntrinsicInst
...or now. I am >>> considering extending its usage to IntrinsicInst so that the >>> frontend can annotate the range of the return value of an intrinsic >>> call. e.g., >>> %a = call i32, !range !0 >>> !0 = metadata !{ i32 0, i23 1024 } >>> >>> The motivation behind this extension is some optimizations we are >>> working on for CUDA programs. Some special registers in CUDA (e.g., >>> threadIdx.x) are bounded per CUDA programming guide, and knowing >>> their ranges...
2014 Jun 17
[LLVMdev] Attaching range metadata to IntrinsicInst
...nsidering extending its usage to IntrinsicInst so that the >>>>> frontend can annotate the range of the return value of an intrinsic >>>>> call. e.g., >>>>> %a = call i32, !range !0 >>>>> !0 = metadata !{ i32 0, i23 1024 } >>>>> >>>>> The motivation behind this extension is some optimizations we are >>>>> working on for CUDA programs. Some special registers in CUDA (e.g., >>>>> threadIdx.x) are bounded per CUDA programming guide, and knowi...
2017 Oct 09
{ARM} IfConversion does not detect BX instruction as a branch
...ePass. Here's is what it looks like before and after. > #BEFORE IfConversion MachinePass > > BB#7: > Live Ins: %LR %R0 %R1 %R2 %R4 %R5 %R6 %R7 %R8 %R9 %R10 %R12 > Predecessors according to CFG: BB#5 BB#6 > STRBi12 %R5, %R6<kill>, 0, pred:14, pred:%noreg; mem:ST1[%cond.i23.i.i.i] > %R6<def> = LDRBi12 %R7, 0, pred:14, pred:%noreg; mem:LD1[%15](align=4) > %R3<def> = EORri %R6, 254, pred:14, pred:%noreg, opt:%noreg > %R3<def> = ANDrr %R3<kill>, %R6<kill>, pred:14, pred:%noreg, opt:%noreg > %R6<def> = MOVi 0, pred:14, pre...
2014 Jun 17
[LLVMdev] Attaching range metadata to IntrinsicInst
...; >>>>> frontend can annotate the range of the return value of an >> >>>>> intrinsic >> >>>>> call. e.g., >> >>>>> %a = call i32, !range !0 >> >>>>> !0 = metadata !{ i32 0, i23 1024 } >> >>>>> >> >>>>> The motivation behind this extension is some optimizations we >> >>>>> are >> >>>>> working on for CUDA programs. Some special registers in CUDA >> >>>>> (e.g.,...
2010 Sep 29
[LLVMdev] spilling & xmm register usage
...r label %phi.exit.i > > phi.exit.i: ; preds = %cond.then.i.i, %entry.header.loop > %cond.i.i = phi float [ %tmp43.i.i, %cond.then.i.i ], [ %tmp38.i.i, %entry.header.loop ] > %call.i18.i = tail call float @fabs(float %tmp56.i) nounwind > %tmp5.i23.i = fmul float %call.i18.i, 0x3FCDA67120000000 > %tmp6.i24.i = fadd float %tmp5.i23.i, 1.000000e+00 > %tmp7.i25.i = fdiv float 1.000000e+00, %tmp6.i24.i > %tmp11.i29.i = fsub float -0.000000e+00, %tmp56.i > %tmp13.i31.i = fmul float %tmp56.i, %tmp11.i29.i > %tmp15.i33.i = fdiv f...
2010 Sep 29
[LLVMdev] spilling & xmm register usage
Hello everybody, I have stumbled upon a test case (the attached module is a slightly reduced version) that shows extremely reduced performance on linux compared to windows when executed using LLVM's JIT. We narrowed the problem down to the actual code being generated, the source IR on both systems is the same. Try compiling the attached module: llc -O3 -filetype=asm -o BAD.s BAD.ll Under
2002 Oct 21
Problem with Samba on Solaris 2.6
Hi All I downloaded the binary package of Samba 2.2.2 on Friday from one of the Samba mirror sites, I think Belgium, and installed it on a Sun E450 running Solaris 2.6. Today everything has fallen flat on its face. Unfortunately I am on holiday this week so not able to deal with the problem directly, but via telephone calls. Apparently what is happening is that smbd is gobbling up all the
2017 Oct 11
{ARM} IfConversion does not detect BX instruction as a branch
...what it looks like > before and after. > > #BEFORE IfConversion MachinePass > > BB#7: > Live Ins: %LR %R0 %R1 %R2 %R4 %R5 %R6 %R7 %R8 %R9 %R10 %R12 > Predecessors according to CFG: BB#5 BB#6 > STRBi12 %R5, %R6<kill>, 0, pred:14, pred:%noreg; > mem:ST1[%cond.i23.i.i.i] > %R6<def> = LDRBi12 %R7, 0, pred:14, pred:%noreg; mem:LD1[%15](align=4) > %R3<def> = EORri %R6, 254, pred:14, pred:%noreg, opt:%noreg > %R3<def> = ANDrr %R3<kill>, %R6<kill>, pred:14, pred:%noreg, opt:%noreg > %R6<def> = MOVi 0, pr...
2013 Feb 14
[LLVMdev] LiveIntervals analysis problem
...) nounwind %17 = bitcast [13 x i16]* %u.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 -1, i8* %17) nounwind %18 = bitcast [13 x i16]* %w.i to i8* call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 -1, i8* %18) nounwind %19 = load i32* %rndprc, align 4, !tbaa !3 br i1 %cmp.i.i, label %for.cond.preheader.i.i231, label %entry.if.end_crit_edge.i entry.if.end_crit_edge.i: ; preds = %eisneg.exit %incdec.ptr.i495.phi.trans.insert.i = getelementptr inbounds [13 x i16]* %e, i32 0, i32 1 %.pre996.i = load i16* %incdec.ptr.i495.phi.trans.insert.i, align 2, !tbaa !5 %incdec.ptr.1.i49...