search for: i11

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "i11".

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2010 Jun 09
counting across leves of factors
...$saman==i5) for(i6 in levels(e$test)){ f<-subset(e,e$test==i6) for(i7 in levels(f$aktiv)){ g<-subset(f,f$aktiv==i7) for(i8 in levels(g$pocpartF)){ h<-subset(g,g$vekF==i8) for(i9 in levels(h$stav)){ i<-subset(h,h$stav==i9) for(i10 in levels(i$partner)){ j<-subset(i,i$partner==i10) for(i11 in levels(i$aktiv6)){ k<-subset(j,j$aktiv6==i11) for(i12 in levels(k$pocpart6F)){ l<-subset(k,k$pocpart6F==i12) for(i13 in levels(l$styk6F)){ m<-subset(l,l$styk6F6==i13) for(i14 in levels(k$kond6F)){ n<-subset(m,m$kond6F==i14) for(i15 in levels(k$styd)){ o<-subset(n,n$styd==i15) for(...
2013 Apr 28
hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis with sem package
...: coefficient covariances cannot be computed". I have run CFA before with no issues. This is the first time I am running a nested model. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Regards, Mat cov.matrix<-cov(na.omit(df)) cfa.model<-specifyModel() F1->i2,a1 F1->i3,a2 F1->i4,a3 F1->i11,a4 F1->i12,a5 F1->i15,a6 F1->i18,a7 F2->i6,b1 F2->i7,b2 F2->i8,b3 F2->i13,b4 F2->i20,b5 F3->F1,c1 F3->F2,c2 F4->i1,d1 F4->i5,d2 F4->i9,d3 F4->i10,d4 F4->i14,d5 F4->i16,d6 F4->i17,d7 F4->i19,d8 F1<->F1,NA,1 F2<->F2,NA,1 F3<->F3,...
2004 Mar 15
gzfile & read.table on Win32
...n the package PROcess, available at there are two files in the PROcess/inst/Test directory which are of the extension *.csv.gz. With both files, if I open up a gzfile connection, say: vv <- gzfile("122402imac40-s-c-192combined i11.csv.gz") I can then do: readLines(vv, n=10) And it works as expected. However, if I do this: read.csv(vv) I get a warning: Warning: incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on `c:/repository/checks/PROcess.Rcheck/PROcess/Test/122402imac40-s-c-192combined i11.csv.gz' and the resu...
2007 Dec 14
rcom close Excel problem
...uot;Excel.Application") wb<-comInvoke(comGetProperty(x,"Workbooks"),"Open","G: /MR/Stephen/repo. xls", "0") sh<-comGetProperty(wb,"Worksheets","Market Data") range1 <- comGetProperty(sh,"Range","C10","I11") vals <- comGetProperty(range1,"Value") comInvoke(wb,"Close","G:/MR/Stephen/repo.xls","True") # True is ignored Thank you All. Stephen
2006 Jun 28
Fwd: add1() and anova() with glm with dispersion
...1Q Median 3Q Max > > -4.0256 -1.0080 -0.1604 0.7372 4.8545 > > > > Coefficients: > > Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) > > > > > (Intercept) 9.440e-01 8.968e-02 10.526 < 2e-16 > > *** > > I11 -6.857e-02 3.693e-02 -1.857 0.063468 > . > > > > I12 -7.338e-02 4.142e-02 -1.771 0.076598 > . > > > > I13 3.329e-02 4.130e-02 0.806 0.420208 > > > > > I14 1.830e-01 3.717e-02 4.924 9.00e-07 > > **...
2013 Feb 09
Troubleshooting underidentification issues in structural equation modelling (SEM)
Hi all, hope someone can help me out with this. Background Introduction I have a data set consisting of data collected from a questionnaire that I wish to validate. I have chosen to use confirmatory factor analysis to analyse this data set. Instrument The instrument consists of 11 subscales. There is a total of 68 items in the 11 subscales. Each item is scored on an integer scale between 1 to 4.
2004 Jun 06
strata() in clogit()
...ds associated with the strata "id". I suppose the log odds associated with strata(id) gives me \alpha_k. But I can't seem to get them with summary(). Help is greatly appreciated. Yuelin Li. ---- my R syntax is ----------- > exam2.clog<- clogit(resp ~ i5+i6+i7+i8+i9+i10+i11+i12+i13+i14+ i15+i16+i17+ strata(id), data=exam1.1) > summary(exam2.clog) Call: clogit(resp ~ i5 + i6 + i7 + i8 + i9 + i10 + i11 + i12 + i13 + i14 + i15 + i16 + i17 + strata(id), data = exam1.1) n= 476 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p i5 0.514...
2009 Oct 07
how to extract the second table from the factanal functions result's loadings part?
...factanal() function produces the results in this way:-- *RESULTS:--* *>fact1<- factanal(data_withNA,factors=1,rotation="none") >fact1$"loadings"* Loadings: Factor1 i1 0.784 i2 0.874 i3 0.786 i4 0.839 i5 0.778 i6 0.859 i7 0.850 i8 0.763 i9 0.810 i10 0.575 i11 0.745 i12 0.777 i13 0.674 i14 0.644 i15 0.796 * Factor1 SS loadings 8.995 Proportion Var 0.600* *How to access the second table* i.e the table other than the "Loadings" table? *Question2:---* How to calculate the* "initial" communalities*?Is there...
2010 Sep 13
SF-36 questionnaire scoring for R?
Dear useRs from the physiology department, Does someone know of an implementation of the SF-36 questionnaire scoring in R? I only found SAS and STATA versions, e.g Dieter
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] Scheduling question (memory dependency)
...------------------------------------------------------- 16B %vreg2<def> = COPY %X4; G8RC_with_sub_32:%vreg2 32B %vreg1<def> = COPY %X3; G8RC:%vreg1 48B STH8 %vreg1<kill>, 0, <fi#-1>; mem:ST2[FixedStack-1] G8RC:%vreg1 64B %vreg0<def> = LHZ 0, <fi#-1>; mem:LD2[%i11] GPRC:%vreg0 ... ------------------------------------------------------------------ Note the %i11 instead of %0 on the LHZ as another difference. The scheduler then generates a dependency between the store and the load, and everything works properly. Does this help tickle any mem...
2006 Nov 16
How Aggegate Data in R
...12414422313334 2343341333323233333343322 2213241223212322222223333 3113244123342212232312334 2113241123342213232313334 2114141123112214222113334 . . . . The syntax is: AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='C:\Documents and Settings\Coraz?n\Mis documentos\copia.sav' /BREAK=i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 i16 i17 i18 i19 i20 i21 i22 i23 i24 i25 /N_BREAK=N. The results is: 1112241123312213222443444 1 2111141123112212312313334 1 2111141123112414212113344 2 2111241123112311124312231 1 2111341122112111412113341 1 2111341123312213312413334 1 2112141123212213212213334 1 21122111...
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] Scheduling question (memory dependency)
...------------------------------ > 16B %vreg2<def> = COPY %X4; G8RC_with_sub_32:%vreg2 > 32B %vreg1<def> = COPY %X3; G8RC:%vreg1 > 48B STH8 %vreg1<kill>, 0, <fi#-1>; mem:ST2[FixedStack-1] > G8RC:%vreg1 > 64B %vreg0<def> = LHZ 0, <fi#-1>; mem:LD2[%i11] GPRC:%vreg0 > ... > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Note the %i11 instead of %0 on the LHZ as another difference. The > scheduler then generates a dependency between the store and the load, > and everything works properly....
2009 Aug 17
R : how does %in% operator work?
...n% operator.But it’s not working *predictors_values data frame is shown below:---------------* x 2 recmeanC2 3 recmeanC3 4 recmeanC4 5 i1 6 i2 7 i3 8 i4 9 i5 10 i6 11 i7 12 i8 13 i9 14 i10 15 i11 16 i12 17 i13 18 i14 19 i15 *coef_dataframe_rownames data frame is shown below:----* if (stringsAsFactors) factor(x) else x 1 recmeanC2 2 recmeanC3 3 recmeanC4 4...
2009 Aug 20
Insert rows in between dataframes
...73041 i8 -1.166290e-18 1.287370e-17 -9.059482e-02 0.92788026 i9 1.627371e-17 1.540567e-17 1.056345e+00 0.29173427 i10 4.001692e-18 1.365740e-17 2.930053e-01 0.76973827 i11 NA NA NA NA i12 -1.052843e-17 1.324484e-17 -7.949081e-01 0.42735000 i13 2.571236e-17 1.357336e-17 1.894325e+00 0.05922715 i14...
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] Scheduling question (memory dependency)
...%vreg2<def> = COPY %X4; G8RC_with_sub_32:%vreg2 > > > 32B %vreg1<def> = COPY %X3; G8RC:%vreg1 > > > 48B STH8 %vreg1<kill>, 0, <fi#-1>; mem:ST2[FixedStack-1] > > > G8RC:%vreg1 > > > 64B %vreg0<def> = LHZ 0, <fi#-1>; mem:LD2[%i11] GPRC:%vreg0 > > > ... > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > > > Note the %i11 instead of %0 on the LHZ as another difference. The > > > scheduler then generates a dependency between the store...
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] Scheduling question (memory dependency)
...----- > > 16B %vreg2<def> = COPY %X4; G8RC_with_sub_32:%vreg2 > > 32B %vreg1<def> = COPY %X3; G8RC:%vreg1 > > 48B STH8 %vreg1<kill>, 0, <fi#-1>; mem:ST2[FixedStack-1] > > G8RC:%vreg1 > > 64B %vreg0<def> = LHZ 0, <fi#-1>; mem:LD2[%i11] GPRC:%vreg0 > > ... > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > Note the %i11 instead of %0 on the LHZ as another difference. The > > scheduler then generates a dependency between the store and the load, > > a...
2012 Sep 20
[LLVMdev] Scheduling question (memory dependency)
Greetings, I'm investigating a bug in the PowerPC back end in which a load from a storage address is being reordered prior to a store to the same storage address. I'm quite new to LLVM, so I would appreciate some help understanding what I'm seeing from the dumps. I assume that some information is missing that would represent the memory dependency, but I don't know what form that
2009 Jan 02
Calculating signicance value
Hi friends, If someone can find out some time to go through my problem would be really grateful. I have a dataset(dataset1) as shown below:-- recmeanC1 recmeanC2 recmeanC3 recmeanC4 i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 1 NA 1 1.00 1.800000 NA 1 NA 1 1 NA 2 2 2 NA 2 2 2 2 1.00 1.833333 2 2 NA NA NA 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2.00 2.000000 2 2 NA NA NA 2 2 2...
2012 Sep 21
[LLVMdev] Scheduling question (memory dependency)
...COPY %X4; G8RC_with_sub_32:%vreg2 > > > > 32B %vreg1<def> = COPY %X3; G8RC:%vreg1 > > > > 48B STH8 %vreg1<kill>, 0, <fi#-1>; mem:ST2[FixedStack-1] > > > > G8RC:%vreg1 > > > > 64B %vreg0<def> = LHZ 0, <fi#-1>; mem:LD2[%i11] GPRC:%vreg0 > > > > ... > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > > > > > Note the %i11 instead of %0 on the LHZ as another difference. The > > > > scheduler then generates a depe...
2009 Jul 20
Regression function lm() not giving proper results
* * Hi , Can anyone help me please with this problem?* * *CASE-I* all_raw_data_NAomitted is my data frame.It has columns with names i1 ,i2, i3,i4…, till i15.It has 291 rows actually ,couldn’t show here. The data frame looks like this:-- i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10 i11 i12 i13 i14 i15 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 3 2 2 2 3...