search for: hxxxxxxxxen

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "hxxxxxxxxen".

2024 May 03
Domain membership
...ervers name as master? Is this just a glitch due to the old samba version on the robots, or is it caused the the NT1 protocol level? The smb.conf looks like this (realm obfusated) root at hp-srv03:/BOCK# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf # Global parameters [global] security = ADS workgroup = HPLTS realm = HXXXXXXXXEN.SE server role = member server log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log bind interfaces only = yes interfaces = lo enp1s0 # Enable Group Policy application in winbind, apply group policies = yes client min protocol = NT1 server min protocol = NT1 #client min protocol = SMB2 # winbind config: winbind use...