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2013 Feb 28
Hidden information in an object
Hello, The dataset "cats" contain information about the heart weight ("Hwt"), body weight ("Bwt") and gender ("Sex") of a group of 144 cats. I write the following piece of code: library(MASS)attach(cats)ratio <- Hwt/Bwtmale <- ratio[Sex == "M"]female <- ratio[Sex == "F"] My question is, when I look at the object "...
2013 Feb 15
Making the plot window wider and using the predict function
Hello, I am new to R and have a couple of questions. My data set contains the variables "Bwt" and "Hwt", which are bodyweight and heartweight, respectively, of a group of cats. With the following code, I am making two plots, both to be viewed in the same plot window in R: library(MASS) maleData <- subset(cats, Sex == "M") linreg0 <- lm(maleData$Hwt ~ maleData$Bwt) par(mfrow=...
2009 Aug 04
Problems with lqs()
...t) year -52.5 1.1 Scale estimates 2.129 You can do it over and over again and get the same coefficients. In contrast, if u use other data like cats from MASS or simulated data, u get different outputs every time u start the code if not electing a random.seed. > lqs(Hwt~Bwt, data=cats, method="S") Call: lqs.formula(formula = Hwt ~ Bwt, data = cats, method = "S") Coefficients: (Intercept) Bwt 0.2625 3.6250 Scale estimates 1.474 > lqs(Hwt~Bwt, data=cats, method="S") Call: lqs.formula(formula = Hwt ~ Bwt,...
2008 Jan 07
xtable (PR#10553)
...Nielsen Version: 2.5.0 OS: linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( The print-out of xtable in the following example is wrong; instead of yielding the correct ci's for the second model it repeats the ci's from the first model. require(xtable) require(MASS) data(cats) b1<-lm(Hwt~Sex,cats) b2<-lm(Hwt~Sex+Bwt,cats) cbind(c(coef(b1),NA),rbind(confint(b1),c(NA,NA)),coef(b2),confint(b2)) xtable(cbind(c(coef(b1),NA),rbind(confint(b1),c(NA,NA)),coef(b2),confint(b2)))
1998 Jun 17
extra arguments to generic functions & bug in model.frame
R developers, 2 things: a bug in model.frame and a question about setup of generic functions. I don't understand the following behavior for generic functions: Suppose I'm working with the cats data in the MASS library and I want to create a formula object to model Hwt on Sex: # This works: > formula(Hwt ~ Sex) Hwt ~ Sex # But the following does not: > formula(Hwt ~ Sex, data = cats) Error in formula.formula(Hwt ~ Sex, cats) : unused argument to function # because I used an extra argument. The odd thing to me, is that formula() itself allows the argu...
2009 Feb 04
Sweave and \Sexpr{} frame contains measurements of heart and body weight of \SExpr{nrow(cats)} cats (\Sexpr{sum(cats$Sex=="F")} female, \Sexpr{sum(cats$Sex=="M")} male). A linear regression model of heart weight by sex and gender can be fitted in R using the command <<>>= lm1 = lm(Hwt~Bwt*Sex, data=cats) lm1 @ Tests for significance of the coefficients are shown in Table~\ref{tab:coef}, a scatter plot including the regression lines is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:cats}. \SweaveOpts{echo=false} <<results=tex>>= xtable(lm1, caption="Linear regression model for cats...
2012 Apr 03
Sweave xtable frame contains measurements of heart and body weight of \Sexpr{nrow(cats)} cats (\Sexpr{sum(cats$Sex=="F")} female, \Sexpr{sum(cats$Sex=="M")} male). A linear regression model of heart weight by sex and gender can be fitted in R using the command <<>>= lm1 = lm(Hwt~Bwt*Sex, data=cats) lm1 @ Tests for significance of the coefficients are shown in Table~\ref{tab:coef}, a scatter plot including the regression lines is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:cats}. \SweaveOpts{echo=false} <<results=tex>>= xtable(lm1, caption="Linear regression model for cats d...
2005 May 12
SVM linear kernel and SV first with simple examples. I use e1071 package and I have several questions. I'm working with data extracted from cats data (from R). My dataset corresponds to a completely separable case with a binary response variable ( Sex with 2 levels: F and M), two explanatory variables (Bwt and Hwt) and the classes are balanced. I've used svm() with a linear kernel and I'd like to plot the linear hyperplane and the support vectors. I use plot.svm() and, according to me, I would have found aligned support vectors (because the hyperplane is linear) for each class but it wasn't...
2012 Jul 08
Grouped regression a very occasional user of R, and will be grateful for some help in constructing a regression across groups. Here is an example: library(MASS) attach(cats) Sex[120:144]<-factor(TG) #Renaming some males to transgender, to create 3 groups, male, female and transgender out<-lm(Bwt~Sex/Hwt) #Gives me 3 separate linear regressions for groups M, F and TG What I now want to do is to examine subsets of this, where groups F and TG have the same slope (and/or intercept). I want to do this in such a way that future calls to anova() for model comparison will recognize the subset str...
2010 Mar 31
Generative Topographic Map
I tried to use R version of package I noticed the original MatLab Pckage is much better documented. I had a look at the R demo code "gtm_demo" and found that variable Y is used in advanced of being created: I wrote my own few lines as follows: inDir <- "C:/Documents and Settings/Monville/Alanine Dipeptide/DBP1/DHA" setwd(inDir) T <-