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2007 Feb 28
rdoc for Spec::Rails
Hi, where can i find the rdoc for rspec-rails. The content of README-FIle of rspec_rails is: "See Spec::Rails" But i couldn''t find Spec::Rails on index.html (it is updated to 0.8.0) Best Hussein
2008 Apr 03
3D-games dosen't work
I'm trying to run Heroes of might and magic 5 tribes of the east, All 2d and direct draw graphics works fine but not 3D graphics. Can some one tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm using Ubuntu 64 bit on an Acer aspire 5020 laptop. I have an ATI 700x Graphics Card. I'm not using the ATI Drivers
2007 Feb 28
rdoc for Spec::Rails ?
Hi, where can i find the rdoc for rspec-rails. The content of README-FIle of rspec_rails is: "See Spec::Rails" But i couldn''t find Spec::Rails on index.html (it is updated to 0.8.0) Best Hussein
2007 Jun 14
Compression and Excludes not working
...-exclude=/home/patwa/public_html/jithwish/ --exclude=/home/patwa/public_html/senaka/ /home/H/HGBackup13062007 ; sync Works in that it transfers the data, but completely ignores the exclude requests, transferring even the data in folders I want to exclude. Any help with this appreciated. Thanks. Hussein. -------------------------------- Hussein Patwa Tel: 0870 803 2824 Tel: 0789 47 595 62 --------------------------------
2002 Jul 01
I Need A Little Help... gave me the following error: "//hostname is not accessible , The account is not authorized to log in from this station. " so the Server appears on the network but it's not accessible... So, I need your help... thanks for taking a part of your time and waiting for your reply... Amr Hussein Wakik Sun Certified System Administrator Raya Integration Company Cairo, Egypt __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free
2007 Mar 25
New Style: describe-it instead of context-specify" do ... end end instead of context "Foo" context "should do bar" ... end end The Rails-Textmate-bundle in trunk use only the new "describe-it" style, What are the reasons for the new style ? Shall i use the new style from now on ? Hussein
2002 Sep 09
Re: [S] First max of a vector
...troduced the functions which.min() and which.max() into R, a while ago [R 1.1.0 (June 15, 2000)]. Speed comparison when x is of length 10000, shows a speedup of about a factor of 13 {varying between 9 & 20}. S-plus is not yet compatible here.. :-) ;-) >> ***> Abdulkadir Hussein wrote (Fri, 06 Sep 2002 17:55:33 >> MDT) Hi S-group, Is anyone aware of a function in S-plus >> which returns the index (position) of the first global >> max of a vector x? ... I would appreciate any >> suggestions.. >> >> Regards Abdul...
2007 Jun 16
Rsync Error 23 at main.c:1385
...ving this? I upgraded to 2.6.9 as I wanted to use the apparently included --compress-level function, but it appears my webhost doesn't use 2.6.9 (probably for the very reason quoted above?) and I have no other use for it so maybe I should downgrade to the one I had originally (2.6.1)? Cheers. Hussein. -------------------------------- Hussein Patwa Tel: 0870 803 2824 Tel: 0789 47 595 62 --------------------------------
2003 May 09
Wonder Shaper under RH8
.../ip-up.d to put the configuration file, like README say to me to do. Somone know where i need to put it? Or how can i put it to run on every system reboot? Tks a lot! ___________________________________________________ "They (i.e. U.S. Representatives) get on T.V. and openly state That Saddam Hussein should be removed from his place If anybody said that about the U.S. president The U.S. military would rip them a new ass So where is the real terrorist? In the Middle East or the U.S.? So who is the real terrorist? Is it Saddam Hussein or the U.S. president?" (OutBreak - Anti-Flag) _________...
2006 May 30
can't run paltalk 8.3 under wine 9.14
Dear all , am trying to run paltalk 8.3 under wine 9.14 in no success using winecfg i've added dlls in override tape ass per franks corner site aslo i've exported my regedit file in xp and imported it in my fedora 4 core using wine regedit / import i've copied all the dlls in system32 in my windows to ~/.wine/fakedfolder/windows/system32
2001 Sep 14
Our Sympathies
The following is a message to be sent to the President of the United States of America. Although we may not be able to do a great deal from where we are, but for the people of America just knowing we care and feel their sadness will help. Please put your name on the following list and send it to all you know and who care. If you are the 100th name and every 100th there on could you please also
2007 Jul 29
View-Driven-Development by Behavior-Driven-Development and RSpec
One of the things that turned me on to BDD and RSpec was speccing views first, that the desired end would drive the development. In previous projects while using Test::Unit I would try to make educated guesses as to what would be needed in the model and controllers to derive the view without actually writing the view until afterwards. This is all because testing relied on each previous
2004 Jan 22
Success story
...ygen also work flawlessly. With the last month' Wine-20031212.tar.gz, wine just segfaulted when I tried to run this app, I did not even try to install Report Smith. Thank you very much, we have one reason less to run Windows. -- Best regards, Zolt?n B?sz?rm?nyi --------------------- What did Hussein say about his knife? One in Bush worth two in the hand.
1998 Jun 25
Sharing CD-ROM
Is it possible to share a cdrom via Samba? I can share the /mnt/cdrom directory and see it from the PCs, but how does one take care of the mount/umount commands that are needed? Jason
2004 Apr 21
AD and home directory on Linux's a little 'disturbing' is the warning and 'anon login' msgs from smbmount... >From what I can tell, I can't use AutoFS, because that needs a password and that's not possible for site-wide setup (to many users, to many passwords :). Any ideas anyone? -- Saddam Hussein BATF [Hello to all my fans in domestic surveillance] counter-intelligence NORAD killed explosion fissionable president 747 $400 million in gold bullion Clinton Qaddafi Delta Force arrangements [See for more about this]
2008 Apr 10
Games not loading
My games Heroes might and magic 5 tribes of the east and Civilization 4 are crashing on load in wine. They loaded before when I was using the Ubuntu drivers. Ever since I have changed to The ATI drivers have my Games stopped running. I have added the following to /etc/X11/xorg.conf Code: ection "Device" Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]" Driver "fglrx" Option
2006 Jan 25
RailsCron 0.2 plugin
I received feedback from some of you, saying that it would be cool if RailsCron was even easier to manage. So I implemented a graceful start/restart inside of the plugin''s init.rb. If you don''t like it, comment it out and send me the feedback. Also, I finished an update to RailsCron that allows you to attach asynchronous processing methods to your ActiveRecord models. i.e.:
2009 Mar 02
32 or 64 bit (4 gb ram)
Is there any real advantage to using 64 bit when I am right at the 4gb ram threshhold? Nice plans to add more ram. The machine will just be a backup machie (rsync). Thanks in advance. D
2007 Oct 26
Queue() problems comes from the queues-with-callback-members.txt file. But since I don't read AEL, I had to wing it... Since nothing actually works, I must have missed something big... -- arrangements DES class struggle Khaddafi Noriega North Korea president killed ammonium Marxist Mossad Panama Iran Saddam Hussein domestic disruption [See for more about this]
2005 Jan 16
Sync password (with MIT-kerberos server) and migration
Hello, my first post here :-), For several years, I are using samba 2.0 with local backend for windows stations and servers. NIS was our used for Linux stations and servers Now, LDAP /KERBEROS is replacing NIS and Samba (with ldap backend) will replace the local backend . My questions : 1- How can I migrate information form server1 (samba 2) to server2 (samba 3) ? I read the official Samba