search for: humaine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "humaine".

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2009 Dec 23
A package for visualizing R syntax
...something like this already exist? May it be useful? What improvement may be planned? Have you some idea for the name of such a package (visualR, seeR... ?) Best regards, Sylvain -- Sylvain Loiseau sylvain.loiseau at Universit? de Caen Basse Normandie Maison de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines MRSH - SH018 Esplanade de la Paix Campus 1 14032 Caen Cedex
2005 Apr 07
pam problems
...not built in. What is the lib i am missing ? Any help appreciated, thanks -- \|||/ (o o) Matthieu Imbert ooO-(_)-Ooo------------------------------------------ ?quipe administration r?seau et syst?mes Ecole normale superieure lettres et sciences humaines 15, Parvis Ren? Descartes BP 7000 69342 LYON cedex 07 t?l 0437376127, secr?tariat 0437376122 fax 0437376123 contact ?quipe r?seau et syst?mes <reseau at> contact personnel <matthieu.imbert at> -----------------------------------------------------
2005 Apr 13
Failed to create storage with data:
...ipts taking care of creating users. Thanks in advance for your answers :) -- \|||/ (o o) Matthieu Imbert ooO-(_)-Ooo------------------------------------------ ?quipe administration r?seau et syst?mes Ecole normale superieure lettres et sciences humaines 15, Parvis Ren? Descartes BP 7000 69342 LYON cedex 07 t?l 0437376127, secr?tariat 0437376122 fax 0437376123 contact ?quipe r?seau et syst?mes <reseau at> contact personnel <matthieu.imbert at> -----------------------------------------------------
2003 Dec 18
Hello UseRs: Excuses for my english. I have a dataset with 65000 records and I'd like to make a summary where I can view all the values (with the number of times that it repeats) that there are each column of my dataset. I tried with summary( ), str( ), but nothing gives me the result that I am loking for. Thank you very much.
2008 Feb 11
...onfiguration, and the FLAC also produced in the root directory, it has NO TITLE (artist name, comments, year, etc...are always there, ONLY the title is missing). Who can explain me that??? I work with the original 1.1.2 FLAC version. Thanks, Progressive La Religion Est Le Ferment De La B?tise Humaine O? Quand Certains Confondent Tol?rance Et Permissivit? Et Veulent Para?tre Plus Humanistes Que Leur Voisin Fut-Il M?me Assis A Leur Gauche.... E-Mail : -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 May 11
bilinear and non linear
Dear all, there are R packages able to simulate or estimate bilinear model for time series? I know it is an open problem, but do exist something for very simplified bilinear models? Alternatively, what kinfd of non linear time series models are performed in R? If R is not able, could someone suggest me for some commercial softwares to deal with bilinear models? i'm afraid of a negative
2004 Nov 09
email result as attachement
Hi, I??d like to know if it's possible to mail a file (image generated with R) in attachments a similar to Thanks in advance. TEMANNI Ramzi PhD Student Lim&Bio UFR de Sant??, M??decine et Biologie Humaine (SMBH) L??onard de Vinci 74, rue Marcel Cachin 93017 Bobigny Cedex France. T??l : T??l : temanni.ramzi at
2003 Apr 11
groups disappear with ldapsam
[debian sid/unstable, samba 2.999+3.0.alpha23-1] Hello, This morning when entering a windows box I noticed my Network Admin priviledges are gone; same thing on all boxes on the domain managed by this samba PDC. Checking the server with "smbgroupedit -vl" returns: NT group (SID) -> Unix group ldapsam_open_connection: connection opened ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to
2013 Aug 06
...a un droit avere a l-amour et au respect de leurs descendants! Et pour achever de rendre cette noblesse respectable elle se recrute et se regenere par l-adoption de ces hommes qui ont accru leur fortune en depouillant la cabane du pauvre hors d-etat de payer les impositions. Miserables institutions humaines! Qui faites pour inspirer le mepris et l-horreur exigent qu-on les respecte et qu-on les revere! DIEGO LOPEZ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Mar 12
[OT] Appropriate test?
Hi, I'm having some problem with a dataset and I don't really know how to analyse it. I have 20 subjects in two groups of treatment (8 an 12 subjects). Biological measure have been recorded at different time, from t0 (before the treatment) to t7 (3 days after). The time elapsed between each measure is not constant. What is the most appropriate test to show a difference between the 2
2003 Apr 02
vectorize an expression
Dear listers, I'm having a bad R day. I just can't think of the vectorized equivalent of: for (ii in 1:n) aa[ii] = bb[ii,cc[ii]] Any suggestion received with embarrassment and gratitude Simon Gatehouse CSIRO Exploration and Mining, Newbigin Close off Julius Ave North Ryde, NSW Mail: PO Box 136, North Ryde NSW 1670, Australia
2004 Jan 16
reference to objects
Hi, is there a way to reference to a data object without copying it? For example I have a huge matrix called dist and I want two objects obj1 and obj2 to have a memeber dist that points to the matrix, but I don't want, for memory reasons, to copy the matrix twice. As far as I understand the following code will generate three copies of my data: dist <- some_code_that_generates_data
2003 Nov 12
column extraction by name ?
I have a data frame (df) with colums x, y and z. e.g. df <- data.frame(x = sample(4), y = sample(4), z = sample(4)) I can extract column z by: df$z or df[3] I can also extract columns x,y by: df[1:2] or by df[-3]. Is it possible to extract x,y columns in a "symbolic" fashion i.e. by equivalent of df[-z] (which is illegal) ??? Or alternativeley, is there an equivalent of
2003 Dec 01
search site for R (
My search site,, has had several problems recently, all my fault, for which I apologize. But it now seems to be running reliably, on a new computer that is much faster than the old one. It uses htdig to permit search of the Rhelp mailing list, R documents, R functions, and various combinations of these. Search has several options, including Boolean search (with AND,
2002 Jan 05
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : ann?e de m?moire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de s?r?nit? - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Voeux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier ======================== M. Habib HAIBI, 7, Aguesseau St. 69007 LYON - France Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27 Email : Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à tous les survivants
2007 Oct 09
DOS/Freedos: Can't use or mkdiskimage for +8M images ( Murali (????? ?????) )
Sorry for the delay, I should not send email on an holiday week-end. I'll try to answer all the questions by explaining what does work for me right now, and what I'd like to do. I have a script to create the a USB stick or an ISO image. The boot media contains many DOS images, and I use versamenu to select one of them. If my DOS image is smaller than 8megs, everything is working fine as
2004 Aug 06
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier ======================== M. Habib HAIBI, 7, Aguesseau St. 69007 LYON - France Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27 Email : Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à tous les survivants
2007 Oct 10
DOS/Freedos: Can't use or mkdiskimage for +8M images ( Solved)
Hi, I did found the problem, a combination of 2 factor. 1- I taught that I did install the latest syslinux, but in fact it was the 3.36 version. 2- Thank to kevin Connelly, he point me to a problem he got with mkdosfs command. The default FAT16 do not work, but the FAT12 do. By adding -F12 to the mkdosfs command fix the problem. The default F16 do seem to work for <8M floppy image. Thank you
2008 Apr 28
X11 window title setting in X11() Device (PR#11325)
--=-=-= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi, I think I have found a very little bug in the new version of the X11() device in R 2.7.0, more precisely in the devX11.c file. The problem is that when you open a new window with X11(), the title of the window (the WM_NAME property) is not immediately set. It seems that the window is created, then it
2003 Dec 04
get mean of several rows
Dear all! After hours of trying around, I gave up: I have a 2-dimensional array, and I know how to split it into its rows and how to get the mean for every row using 'sapply'. But what I want is to calculate the mean over the first n rows, and then the second n rows, etc., so that I get a vector like: v == mean1(row 1:5), mean2(row6:10),... (trivial, you might say. I find it rather