search for: htmlws

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "htmlws".

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2004 Jul 26
Building Windows Package
...cp: cannot stat `C:/R191/R191/JUNK/BSDA/chm/BSDA.chm': No such file or direc tory make[1]: *** [chm-BSDA] Error 1 make: *** [pkg-BSDA] Error 2 *** Installation of BSDA failed *** My path is: .;C:\RStools;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\perl\bin;C:\texmf\miktex\bin;C:\Rstools\zip.exe; C:\Rstools\unzip.exe;C:\HTMLws\hhc.exe;C:\R191\R191\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32; %SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\AdaptecShared\System; C:\Program Files\ggobi;C:\Program Files\R\rw1091\library\Rggobi\libs (HTML Help Workshop lives in- "C:\HTMLws\hhc.exe") I have the directory for HT...
2005 Apr 15
Error Building From Source
Greetings: I am trying to build R-2.0.1 from source on windows. My path is set to: .;C:\RStools;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\perl\bin;C:\texmf\miktex\bin;C:\HTMLws\;C:\R201\R201\bin;%System Root%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System;C:\LINGO9\ and Mkrules has been edited and reads # path (possibly full path) to same version of R on the host system R_EXE=C:/R201/R201/bin when I type make I get...