search for: html_safe

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "html_safe".

2010 May 17
Should an blank string be html_safe?
Just trying to implement a simple helper over the past few days had me really confused. messages = '''' messages << content_tag(:p, ''dave'') #=> &lt;p&gt;dave&lt;\p%;gt; Eventually I realised the original empty string was not html_safe message = ''''.html_safe message << content_tag(:p, ''dave'') #=> <p>dave</p> Is this intentional behavour? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To post to this gr...
2011 Feb 09
rails 3.0.4 broke yield :javascript ?
hello, I have today updated my rails app to 3.0.4 security release but now this yield :javascripts fails in the layout and I get my custom js escaped as text in the view. anybody seeing this also? tia, jk -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To post to this group, send email to
2010 Nov 05
[patch] Let's use <%== %> instead of <%= raw() %>
...l patch to make Rails behave properly with the Erubis <%== %> construct. For some reason the current behaviour of that tag in Rails 3 is to escape the contents _twice_ which is probably a bug. I offer three suggestions why this is a good idea: - The syntax is cleaner. It can avoid a lot of .html_safe and raw in your views. I especially like the conciseness of <%=== ''<b>Alert</b>'' if level<0 %> better then the alternative with .html_safe. - It performs slightly better since it saves a method call and we can concat a String directly instead of coercing ever...
2011 Jul 15
Ruby variable that embeds html tags
This seems very simple, but I can''t quite get it. Probably because I''m just starting out with RoR. My view has a slew of labels and text fields; many are "required": <%= f.text_field :screen_name %> <span class="required_field">Required field</span> (The "required_field" class turns the text red and smaller.) I''d like to
2010 Aug 03
rails 2.3.8 and html_safe
Hi, Can somebody update me on the state of html_safe strings in rails 2.3.8? I know rails 2.3.6 and 2.3.7 broke a lot of code because strings were being escaped when they shouldn''t have been and I thought this was all fixed in 2.3.8. I''m upgrading an app from 2.3.5 to 2.3.8 and there are many spots where previous code was output c...
2011 Nov 01
Railscast 262 different partial in helper
...arrange(:order => :created_at) %> and the following helper method module MessagesHelper def nested_messages(messages) do |message, sub_messages| render(message) + content_tag(:div, nested_messages(sub_messages), :class => "nested_messages") end.join.html_safe end end I tried the same and it works fine. My Question ist, how do I can force the helper to render in a different partial like ''_old_message'' or something else. I tried a lot but everytime the helper render the _message.html.erb partial. Thanks ahead for any help! Regs Her...
2010 Oct 01
If a model doesn''t pass validation the field in the view is put under a <div class="field_with_errors">. But who create that div? field_text helper do it? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2013 Nov 08
Export CSV
...> <% if !tran.ticket_code.nil? && tran.ticket_code.present?%><%tran_code = tran.ticket_code%><%else%><%tran_code = "-"%><%end%> <%- row = [ tran_id, tran_actid, tran_actname, cus_name, tran_code ] -%> <%#= CSV.generate_line(row).html_safe.strip%> <%end%> <%else%> Sorry we found no results <%end%> now i got 5 extra empty rows how can avoid the empty rows. thanks for advance. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe f...
2011 Jun 26
ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place):
...well, I get this error: ActionView::Template::Error (Cannot modify SafeBuffer in place): When passing a string to this function (in application_helper.rb) through a simple: <%= format_me(article[shortdesc])%> def format_me(text, html_options={}, options={}) text = ''''.html_safe if text.nil? start_tag = tag(''p class=grey'', html_options, true) text = sanitize(text) unless options[:sanitize] == false text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n") # \r\n and \r -> \n text.gsub!(/\n\n+/, "</p><br />\n\n#{start_tag}&...
2011 Aug 31
ERB and binding in template
How to get current binding in a partial (to use helpers and local variables in erb script)? When I invoke result whithout binding, ="script").result.html_safe all work (without vars are needed), but when I write ="script").result(binding).html_safe (in HAML HTML partial), THE PARTIAL''S REST OF OUTPUT IS CLEAR. What is the problem? -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are su...
2011 Mar 10
Trying to test flash messaging with rspec
...The helper is: def flash_helper f_names = [:success] fl = '''' for name in f_names if flash[name] fl = fl + "<div class=\"notice\">#{flash[name]}</div>" end flash[name] = nil; end return fl.html_safe end [/code] Like I said the flash message works just fine however the test fails any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Hope all is well :) -- Posted via
2010 Aug 17
Rails 3 flash message problems
...ef flash_messages messages = [] %w(notice warning error).each do |msg| messages << content_tag(:div, content_tag(:p, html_escape(flash[msg.to_sym])), :class => "message #{msg}") unless flash[msg.to_sym].blank? end messages end I am not sure how to make it html_safe so that Rails 3 renders it properly. No problems with Rails 2.3.8, but I had to mark the entire method "safe_method" using rails_xss plugin. Is there a rule to doing this kind of view sanitization? Thanks. Bharat -- Posted via -- You received this messa...
2006 Mar 25
Overriding <div class="fieldWithErrors">
Does anyone know how to override the <div class="fieldWithErrors"> behaviour when a form field is incorrect? Thanks, Dan
2010 Jul 27
3.0.0rc ActionController::RoutingError No route matches
Have been developing on 3.0.0beta4 and just updated to 3.0.0.rc. When I try to link_to() a User object that previously had worked, I get the following: ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"games", :id=>#<User ..... > Yet I have in my routes.rb file has resources :users and my "rake routes" shows:
2011 Jul 15
Writing test for CacheHelper
Hi, I''m working to patch actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/ cache_helper.rb so that it doesn''t throw when ouput_buffer isn''t ActionView::OutputBuffer but is still html_safe. In 3-0-stable the function contains the following if: if output_buffer.is_a?(ActionView::OutputBuffer) safe_output_buffer = output_buffer.to_str fragment = safe_output_buffer.slice!(pos..-1) self.output_buffer =
2010 May 25
Rails 2.3.8 Upgrade Mods
Same problem here but solved! hopefully this is helpful. Solution was to watch Ryan Bates Railscast on Rails 3 XSS, and then to ensure any strings being sent out by my form and custom helpers was HTML Safe => Just look for where the helpers are rendering tags and string and add the ".html_safe" method on the end. Hope this is helpful -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/ To unsubscribe from this group...
2011 Mar 09
&quot; instead of " in js code rendered by erb
Having problems rendering javascript in erb file. Thanks for suggestions. //layout erb file (function() { ... var widget_properties = {}; <%= content_for?(:extend_widget) ? "widget_properties = " + yield(:extend_widget) : '''' %> ... })(); //view erb file <% content_for :extend_widget do %> extend = { _init: function() {
2011 Apr 05
block method output is generating twice
...tag(:li, "") end end and using it as <%= data_list_for @leads, [" :10", "Age:30", "Contact:140", "Phone: 140", "Email:180", "Company:100", ""] do |l| %> <%= l.column { |c| link_to "&nbsp;".html_safe, "leads/details/ #{}", :class=>:plus, :remote=>true } %> <%= l.column { |c| c.object.age } %> <%= l.column { |c| } %> <%= l.column { |c| ? "-" :
2012 Feb 09
how to rename a method of a module.
...s = {}) options, collection = collection, nil if collection.is_a? Hash # Taken from original will_paginate code to handle if the helper is not passed a collection object. collection ||= infer_collection_from_controller options[:renderer] ||= BootstrapLinkRenderer super.try :html_safe end ............. So when I call will_paginate it''s rendered using BootstrapLinkRenderer. I want to rename the method name will_paginate in, for example bootstrap-will_paginate, so that I can use will_paginate with its own render and bootstrap-will_paginate with BootstrapLinkRenderer....
2012 Mar 28
_form.html.haml = f.label :Select_Brand, "Select_Brand<em>*</em>".html_safe = collection_select(:brand_name, :brand_id, Brand.all, :id, :name, :prompt => "Select a Brand" ) show.html.haml file %table %tr %td Brand_Name : %td = @message.brand_id After writing this code I am not able to see the brand name. Its not giving any error but...