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2024 Feb 21
Network issue
...ia the package sources (apart from the conventional install.packages method), so the solution was as simple as installing via the binaries. Thanks again, best wishes, James
From: stephen sefick <ssefick at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday 21 February 2024 12:25
To: James Powell <James.Powell at hse.ie>
Cc: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Network issue
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.
My suggestion is probably overkill. Sorry about that. I don't...
2024 Feb 20
Network issue
...n the connection
I have tried going into the archive of these packages and installing older versions, but no luck with those either.
I hope you can help. Best wishes, James
From: stephen sefick <ssefick at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday 20 February 2024 19:43
To: James Powell <James.Powell at hse.ie>
Cc: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Network issue
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.
Maybe I missed the rest of the post? You are more likely to get h...
2005 Nov 18
R-News 5/2, Bayesian Model Averaging, a detail
...5 is the prob. of Time variable being in the model. The plot in Fig.2 is in line with this, since the height of scaled PDF seems to be 0.445 and the black spike points to 0.555. Have I understood this correctly?
Regards, Antti Pirjetä, PhD student, Helsinki School of Economics. Mail to: pirjeta@hse.fi
Muutoksia sähköpostiosoitteissamme: @hkkk.fi-päätteiset osoitteet ovat muuttuneet muotoon @hse.fi. Opiskelijoiden (nyt @ky.hkkk.fi) osoitteen loppuosaksi muuttuu tammikuussa 2006 @student.hse.fi. Vanhoihin osoitteisiin lähetetyt viestit ohjautuvat muutoksen jälkeenkin perille.
2007 Feb 16
SPSS and library(foreign)
I have a valid SPSS .sav file (which I can open happily in SPSS v11 on
Windows XP).
Opening it in R2.41 on Linux we get this message :-
> HSE3023 <- read.spss("HSE.sav")
Error in read.spss("HSE.sav") :
error reading system-file header
In addition: Warning message: HSE.sav:
Variable X234 indicates variable label of invalid length 256
Now variable X234 has indeed a silly label, which we can easily fix,
but I'm...
2008 May 09
how to check linearity in Cox regression
Hi, I am just wondering if there is a test available for testing if a linear fit of an independent variable in a Cox regression is enough? Thanks for any suggestions.
John Zhang
[[elided Yahoo spam]]
2024 Feb 20
Network issue
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: R Errors.txt
URL: <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20240220/1cb99e48/attachment.txt>
2007 Oct 10
Warning message when using "reldist" package
...n't specify any smoothing parameter and the computer will generate one, in which case no warning message is given but the values computer chooses sometimes are not optimal.
I would be very grateful if anybody could help me with this problem.
Thank you very much!
Best wishes,
Jing Shen
> hse91<-read.table("h:/HSE/hse91p.txt",header=TRUE)
> hse05<-read.table("h:/HSE/hse05p.txt",header=TRUE)
> ghq91<-hse91$ghq12scr
> ghq05<-hse05$ghq12scr
> wgt91<-hse91$wgt
> wgt05<-hse05$wgt
> g10<-reldist(y=ghq05,yo=ghq91,smooth=0.4,ci=TRUE,yw...
2004 Aug 03
VoIP experiences with Cable and DSL
Hash: SHA1
A thought occurred to me;
In the early days of cable, the cable people seemed clueless to things like
over selling bandwidth. But as time went along they got it better and better
under control.
Of course their natural competitor, DSL, created a bigger demand for them to
get things under control.
Today cable is often giving
2003 Oct 17
nlm, hessian, and derivatives in obj function?
[1] 31
I was under the impression that you could also obtain the se of the
parameter estimates using the sqrt( diag( res$hessian ) ), but I haven't
been able to reproduce the se computed by the Jacobian
se <- sqrt( mse * diag( solve( crossprod( J ) ) ) ) # gives the correct
hse <- sqrt( ( res$minimum / 8 ) * diag( solve( res$hessian ) ) ) # gives
similar results, but why 8?
I've tried to put the functionality to include the jacobian and hessian in
the objective function for nlm without success as I don't know what the form
of the functions will be ahead of t...
2005 Oct 06
Backup Maildir
Hi All,
I'm currently doing nightly full backups of /home. I'm not sure if a
full back up is the best way to do backups. I know with my
fileserver i do weekly full backup and daily incremental which would
file on those type of files. I guess my question to the group is,
how do you guys backup Maildir? whats the best way of doing it?
Gabe Granger
2017 Feb 28
[PATCH 3/3] gpu: drm: drivers: Convert printk(KERN_<LEVEL> to pr_<level>
mode->clock = ti->pixel_clock * 10;
#if 0
- printk(KERN_INFO "hdisplay is %d\n", mode->hdisplay);
- printk(KERN_INFO "vdisplay is %d\n", mode->vdisplay);
- printk(KERN_INFO "HSS is %d\n", mode->hsync_start);
- printk(KERN_INFO "HSE is %d\n", mode->hsync_end);
- printk(KERN_INFO "htotal is %d\n", mode->htotal);
- printk(KERN_INFO "VSS is %d\n", mode->vsync_start);
- printk(KERN_INFO "VSE is %d\n", mode->vsync_end);
- printk(KERN_INFO "vtotal is %d\n", mode->vtotal...
2017 Feb 28
[PATCH 2/2] gpu: drm: Convert printk(KERN_<LEVEL> to pr_<level>
...;clock = ti->pixel_clock * 10;
> #if 0
> - printk(KERN_INFO "hdisplay is %d\n", mode->hdisplay);
> - printk(KERN_INFO "vdisplay is %d\n", mode->vdisplay);
> - printk(KERN_INFO "HSS is %d\n", mode->hsync_start);
> - printk(KERN_INFO "HSE is %d\n", mode->hsync_end);
> - printk(KERN_INFO "htotal is %d\n", mode->htotal);
> - printk(KERN_INFO "VSS is %d\n", mode->vsync_start);
> - printk(KERN_INFO "VSE is %d\n", mode->vsync_end);
> - printk(KERN_INFO "vtotal is %d\n&qu...
2003 Jun 03
[Bug 585] sshd core dumping on IRIX 6.5.18 with VerifyReverseMapping enabled
...uot;, addr = 0x7fff24b0, addrlen = 16)
["/usr/local/src/security/openssh-3.6.1p1/sshlogin.c":72, 0x1002be58]
Second core:
6 record_login(pid = 182438, ttyname = 0x1014a22c = "/dev/ttyq39", user =
0x101520d8 = "user2", uid = ####, host = 0x10152358 =
"toronto-hse-ppp3760148.symp`tico.ca", addr = 0x7fff24b0, addrlen = 16)
["/usr/local/src/security/openssh-3.6.1p1/sshlogin.c":72, 0x1002be58]
For some reason, the 29th character of the hostname is messed up. The first
hostname should be .comcast.net, the second hostname should be sympatico.ca...
2003 Mar 02
OT: PRI costs in US
Several of my customers would like to add a backup to their Internet
connection. ISDN is a good solution: decently fast for a dial-up-type
connection, yet still faily affordable. While I was at it, I decided to
look at a couple of more creative telephone service options to possibly
improve their service or lower costs at the same time. These customers
range from having just a
2017 Feb 28
[PATCH 0/2] gpu: drm: Use pr_cont and neaten logging
Joe Perches (2):
drm: Use pr_cont where appropriate
gpu: drm: Convert printk(KERN_<LEVEL> to pr_<level>
drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.h | 3 +-
drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_afmt.c | 4 +-
drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_atpx_handler.c | 4 +-
drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c | 4 +-
2017 Feb 28
[PATCH 2/2] gpu: drm: Convert printk(KERN_<LEVEL> to pr_<level>
mode->clock = ti->pixel_clock * 10;
#if 0
- printk(KERN_INFO "hdisplay is %d\n", mode->hdisplay);
- printk(KERN_INFO "vdisplay is %d\n", mode->vdisplay);
- printk(KERN_INFO "HSS is %d\n", mode->hsync_start);
- printk(KERN_INFO "HSE is %d\n", mode->hsync_end);
- printk(KERN_INFO "htotal is %d\n", mode->htotal);
- printk(KERN_INFO "VSS is %d\n", mode->vsync_start);
- printk(KERN_INFO "VSE is %d\n", mode->vsync_end);
- printk(KERN_INFO "vtotal is %d\n", mode->vtotal...
2003 Dec 01
No subject
does not exist.
Should I have the file stated in the message? If so, how do I create it
Thanks, Theo
Theo Pope
Sandia National Laboratories
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2003 Dec 01
No subject
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