search for: hour

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 18762 matches for "hour".

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2009 Mar 06
Interpreting GLM coefficients
Hi all, I?m fitting GLM?s and I can?t interprete the coefficients when I run a model with interaction terms. When I run the simpliest model there is no problem: Model1<-glm (Fishes ~ Year + I(Year^2) + Kind.Geographic + Kind.Fishers + Zone.2 + Hours + Fishers + Month, family = poisson(log)) # Fishes, Year, Hours, and Fishers are numeric, Kind.Geographic, Kind.Fishers, Zone.2 and Month are factors with 4, 3, 5 and 12 levels respectively. Model1$coefficients (whith Helmert contrasts): (Intercept) Year IYear^2 K...
2009 Dec 24
How to separate a data set by its factors
I have a large data set of airport data and wish to analyze it by hour and day of the week. hour and day of the week are factors. I can do something such as: histogram(~(Arrival.Val) | DAY*Hour, type="count", breaks=60) which displays the data the way I want it in principle, but the plots are too small to read. I added layout=c(7,6,4) to the argument list,...
2013 Jan 24
group by + sum
Hi.. I need some support... table: week_id, user_id, project_id, hours ex. => 33, 2, 1, 10 34, 2,1,15 33, 2, 2, 20 35, 3, 1,20 etc. Want to display a sum of hours per week_id per user_id I have: @hours = HourUser.includes(:user).group_by { |h| h.week_id } @hours.keys.sort.each do |hour| @hours[hour].collect(&:stunden).sum Hours are summed up, but not sort...
2009 Oct 13
OT: pager pay
Hey folks, I'm trying to compare my small company's policy against other companies out there. We pay 10% of your per-hour salary equivalent per every hour you carry it, whether it goes off or not. So for example someone making $55K/year works out to about $27 / hour (I think), so they'd get $2.70 for every hour they carry the pager outside of regular work hours. We are a company of about 25 people. My old empl...
2011 Mar 06
Monte carlo help doing my project and I need some help. I am trying to schedule tutors for a study room where students come in and out for helps. My goal is to schedule the tutors to maximally accomodate to the flow of students that need help with math so that each tutor is given an appropriate(also consecutive) hours of schedule. I am using monte carlo simulation for this, however I have difficulties setting up constraints and variables. First I made some R codes concerning this to first get appropriate number of tutors for each hours (as the place opens from 8 am to 7 pm). I researched how many people are com...
2011 Mar 24
subset and as.POSIXct / as.POSIXlt oddness
...s, Given this data: x <- seq(1,100,1) dx <- as.POSIXct(x*900, origin="2007-06-01 00:00:00") dfx <- data.frame(dx) Now to play around for example: subset(dfx, dx > as.POSIXct("2007-06-01 16:00:00")) Ok. Now for some reason I want to extract the datapoints between hours 10:00:00 and 14:00:00, so I thought well: subset(dfx, dx > as.POSIXct("2007-06-01 16:00:00"), 14 > as.POSIXlt(dx)$hour & as.POSIXlt(dx)$hour < 10) Error in as.POSIXlt.numeric(dx) : 'origin' must be supplied Well that did not work. But why does the following work?...
2008 Dec 09
Voicemail.conf : concise hour prompts
...ks around the filename ; required) ; ${VAR} variable substitution ; A or a Day of week (Saturday, Sunday, ...) ; B or b or h Month name (January, February, ...) ; d or e numeric day of month (first, second, ..., thirty-first) ; Y Year ; I or l Hour, 12 hour clock ; H Hour, 24 hour clock (single digit hours preceded by "oh") ; k Hour, 24 hour clock (single digit hours NOT preceded by "oh") ; M Minute, with 00 pronounced as "o'clock" ; N Minute, with 00 pronounced...
2010 Mar 16
cron.hourly runs twice
For some reason I cannot fathom, cron.hourly runs twice each hour on one of my two CentOS-5.4 systems, as reported in /var/log/cron: ------------------------- Mar 16 14:01:01 helen crond[27833]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly) Mar 16 14:01:01 helen crond[27834]: (root) CMD (run-parts /etc/cron.hourly) ------------------------- On th...
2006 Mar 28
Fastest way of adding " " around multiline text in RADRAILS
lets say i have the following SQL in my database editor : When i paste it into rad rails i have to add quotes and the ''+'' symbol to the end of each line. It is very tedious. What is the best method? select timesheets.employee, sum(items.hours) as hours, sum(items.hours*timesheets.cost) as cost, sum(items.hours*timesheets.charge*decode(activities.chargetype,0,1,0)) as charge, sum(items.hours*decode(activities.chargetype,0,1,0)) as chargehours from timesheets, contacts, items, activities, employees, divisions where contacts.com_branch_i...
2007 Sep 06
So, I have a "schedules" table and a "hours" table, joined by a "hours_schedules" table. Think of the hours table as a category for when people will schedule themselves to work, which happens in weekly increments. At any given hour, there will be X number of people working. I need to represent each worker with an asterisk sy...
2008 Jul 24
time zone - best way to shift hours
I frequently work with hourly data in GMT format, and ensure that any data I read into R are expressed in GMT through as.POSIXct(mydate, tz = "GMT"). I am interested in processing air pollution data in GMT where where peaks in emissions (say from road traffic sources) tend to occur at the same LOCAL time each day....
2024 Feb 22
[Bug 1737] New: meta hour error with different time-zones Bug ID: 1737 Summary: meta hour error with different time-zones Product: nftables Version: 1.0.x Hardware: x86_64 OS: Debian GNU/Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: nft Assignee: pablo at
2003 Dec 18
after hours
When setting include => daytime|9:00-21:00|mo-fri|*|* How does this determine what is different between 9 AM and 9 PM And after hours ??? I want different hours on Saturday and Sunday And a different welcome message after hours Any help appreciated Regards Mick
2011 Jul 01
beginner question - effective way to chart sleep habits
Hi - beginning R user question here - each day, over the course of several months, I've tracked the time I go to bed, the time I wake up, and my hours spent sleeping. What would be a good way to display this information? I think it would be ideal to show something resembling a bar and whisker graph for each day that would show the interval of hours spent asleep (or perhaps just a bar "floating" against a backdrop showing the hours of...
2006 Jan 11
Shell Script Does not complete if rsync returns Code 24
.... I have a problem which I think is a result of this error: rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(789) Any command after the rsync never gets executed if I get the above error. The file system is very large and we have engineers working at all hours so it is rare that this would complete with out the code 24 error. I am using rsync-2.6.4-3. I read the FAQ which describes how to write a wrapper. The problem is that I have no clue what to do with this and or how to make it work with my script. Any hel...
2006 Sep 20
hours() in 'chron': output != input
I encountered surprising (to me, at least) behavior while using 'hours()' in package 'chron.' I will be grateful if someone can point out my error or provide an explanation and intuitive solution (I suppose I could convert chron to a character vector and use substring, but I deal mostly with newbies and kludgy approaches don't inspire much confide...
2006 Mar 01
Dtrace not working for processes running after a couple of hours
Hi, all, I''m a newbie on dtrace and the problem I am having is: For processes which have been running for more than a couple of hours, dtrace doesn''t seem to be able to trace(I waited for at least one hour and didn''t see anything happening). However, it works every time for a relatively new process. Any insight or help will be appreciated. This is my machine: SunOS costello 5.10 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW...
2006 Apr 30
Adding values from a db the rails way?
I have a log table which has a column recording the number of hours worked on a task. So there''ll be multiple lines for a particular task. I want to retrieve the total number of hours worked on a task, so that I can include the information when one views the task details. I can write a sql query to do this easily enough, like "SELECT SUM(hours)...
2013 Mar 13
Determining maximum hourly slope per day
.... These temperatures of surface temperatures and so fluctuate during the day, heating up and then cooling down, so the data is a series of peaks and troughs. I would like to develop a function that would go through a dataset consisting of many sequential dates and determine for each day the maximum hourly slope of temp~date for each site (the fastest hourly rate of heating). The output would be the date, the maximum hourly slope for that date, and the location. It would also be great if I could extract when during the day the maximum hourly slope occurred. I have been playing around with using th...
2009 Mar 30
problem with the transition from winter to summer time usrmgr.exe and logon hours
Hello I have usrmgr.exe (form NT server ver.5.1) to manage user accounts of samba.(one year ago) I set logon hours from 8:00 to 16:00. My server (Fedora 7) changed the time correctly from winter to sumer (+ 1 hour). I chenged hardware time clock -w (write system clock to hardware clock synchro). But users cant' login at 8:00 morning !!!! I must back logon hours one hour back in usrmgr from 8:00 to 7:00...