search for: hotel's

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 656 matches for "hotel's".

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2013 Apr 30
Panic while running defrag
I ran into a panic while running find -xdev | xargs brtfs fi defrag ''{}''. I don''t remember the exact command because the history was not saved. I also started and stopped it a few times however. The kernel logs were on a different filesystem. Here is the kern.log: My setup is two 2TB hard drives in raid 1. They are both sata drives so
2012 Apr 18
RoR - Search Forms with Checkboxes, display appropriate results
I have a form that allows me to search a hotel by city or name and by rating through radio buttons. It all works. However, my hotel model has_one :facility, this facility model is composed by several boolean fields (for example, roomservice:boolean restaurant:boolean and so on) The question is, I want to add checkbox fields for each facility...
2004 Jul 21
Astricon costs...
Has anyone really looked at the costs for Astricon. But the hotel costs. $111.00 USD per night.. come on guys give me a break. I will not be staying at that hotel. I can rent a car and stay near the air port for almost half that. In addition from what I have been told their will be no shuttle service from the Airport to the hotel. Anyone else have any input o...
2007 Feb 20
Mahalanobis distance and probability of group membership using Hotelling's T2 distribution calculate the probability that a group will include a particular point using the squared Mahalanobis distance to the centroid. I understand that the squared Mahalanobis distance is distributed as chi-squared but that for a small number of random samples from a multivariate normal population the Hotellings T2 (T squared) distribution should be used. I cannot find a function for Hotelling's T2 distribution in R (although from a previous post I have been provided with functions for the Hotelling Test). My understanding is that the Hotelling's T2 distribution is related to the F distributio...
2003 Jul 18
VoIP in hotels
Our company can offer VoIP to premises and domestic users and bill the premises as a whole. We need something to enable the hotel owner to bill each guest in a hotel in real time. What solutions do exist presently? (PS: Our radius (and every telephony equipment outside the hotel) does not recognise which room in the hotel initiated the international (VoIP) call, so that's the main problem - Only the hotel's PMS kn...
2005 Sep 07
Hotelling Test
Hello R-users, I've been looking for a function performing one and two sample Hotelling test for testing equality of mean vectors. Has anyone implemented such a function in R? thanks a lot, Bill ============== Bill Donner Statistician
2003 Feb 19
getting/storing the name of an object passed to a function
Hi I have a couple of functions that work on the object created by another R command and then print out or summarise the results of this work. The main function is defined as: hotelling.t <- function(obj) { #internal commands } I then have print.hotelling.t() that takes the list returned by hotelling.t and prints it with some extra significance calculations, formatting, etc. I want to then use the named object in another calculation in print.hotelling.t() , that only get...
2007 Mar 06
Micros-Fidelio - billing in hotel
There is hotel application weary popular in Croatia - Micros-Fidelio. Now I need to connect Asterisk with this application for purpose of billing. Thing is that hotel would like to give customer one bill for every service that he used while he was in hotel. Has anybody connected Asterisk with Micros-Fidelio?...
2016 Apr 08
Generating Hotelling's T squared statistic with hclust
I am doing a cluster analysis with hclust. I want to get hclust to output the Hotelling's T squared statistic for each cluster so I can evaluate is data points should be in a cluster or not. My research to answer this question has been unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to get hclust to output the Hotelling's T squared statistic for each cluster? Mike [[alternative...
2006 Jul 25
form and pagination question
Hello, How do I get params from a form to use with a paginator? debug(params) shows this city: !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess id: "1" but in my controller, when I try to use @hotel_pages = self, Hotel.count(:conditions => "hotels.city_id = params[:city][:id]"), 3, @params[''page''] it doesn''t work. I suppose it''s a simple syntax error but have no idea to fix it. Thanks for your help! -- Posted via http://www.rub...
2004 Aug 26
Astricon hotel recommendations.....?
Hi all, Looks like I'm going to make the trip over to Astricon next month, but finances being what they are and since I'll be paying for my own flight from the UK, I'm trying to cut down on costs. The problem I've got is that the hotel is about 4 miles from the nearest public transportation (Brookhaven station) and the shuttle bus is only for hotel residents. Hiring a car seems a little like overkill (and expensive) when the public transport seems to be very good. So... does anybody have any recommendations for a cheap hotel/mo...
2006 Oct 12
AstriCon Hotel Full - Here are some near-by alternates
Well, it looks like AstriCon 2006 is going to be big. We've sold out the entire Westin Park Central -- every last room. So, here are some nearby hotels to check if you're planning on coming down to Dallas for the big Asterisk-fest. Wyndham Garden Hotel-Park Central 8051 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas, TX 972-680-3000 Residence Inn LBJ/Park Central 7642 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy Dallas, TX 972-503-1333 Clarion Hotel Park Central 8102 Lyndon...
2007 Mar 23
[LLVMdev] June 2007 LLVM Developer's Meeting familiar with the bay area. TRAVEL: The closest airport is San Jose International Airport (SJC; 10 miles away). There is also San Francisco Internation Airport (SFO; 43 miles away) or Oakland (OAK; 49 miles away). IMHO, I would choose SJC, then SFO, and lastly OAK, depending upont he prices. HOTELS: The Cypress Hotel ( is very close to the Apple campus. It's pretty swank, so I'm not sure how pricey it is. Here's a Google search for hotels in the area: I can't vouch...
2007 Apr 15
Hotelling T-Squared vs Two-Factor Anova
Hi, I am a graduate student at Stanford University and I have a general statistics question. What exactly is the difference between doing a two-factor repeated measures ANOVA and a Hotelling T-squared test for a paired comparison of mean vectors? Given: Anova: repeated measures on both factors, 1st factor = two different treatments, 2nd factor = 4 time points, where you are measuring the blood pressure at each of the time points. Hotelling T^2: You look at the difference in the...
2006 Jun 29
Multiple belongs_to
Let''s say I have a catalog with hotels. Each hotel belongs to a category (4-star, 5-star etc.) This is it''s official category.However, there is also a category that users assign and a category that "independent reviewers" assign. So I have this: hotels { id, category_id, reviewer_category, user_category } c...
2007 Jul 31
country listbox from table
sorry again, i''m building a registration form, getting stumped on the country listbox. any ideas how i could build a listbox for countries, taking it''s content from a data table? i''d imagine i''d have to generate a data model for country, fill it in with all the current ISO spec countries; that i can do. then tie that data model to the account controller.
2003 Sep 19
Budget Hotel PBX
I'm considering using asterisk to replace an existing PBX in a 40 room hotel and would appreciate any comments, corrections or insight before I begin. Only 8 PSTN connections are initially required but since the guests need dial-up internet access in the rooms it has to be Frac-T1 as opposed to using FXO ports on a channel bank. IP phones are not an option strictly bec...
2016 Nov 23
Off-Topic: Travel Router and Firewall
..... I am looking for a travel router/firewall for a number of reasons: - Protect against outside attacks when outside the office/home not relying on whatever protection the laptop/tablet/phone offers. - Allow for fast transfer for data between devices without being limited by the bandwidth of the hotel etc., even without being connected to the internet. - Allow for multiple devices even when the hotel etc. only allows one device to be registered. The ideal device should: - Be small, ideally be able to be charged via a USB port. - Use open-source software that the user can update. - Allow the...
2009 Apr 20
tinc while traveling
...1. When I scan available ports my external IP address from outside using nmap, port 655 doesn't show up even though I've enabled on router. I'm using AT&T DSL and not fixed IP. I had to use port like 80 for tinc to work. Is this normal? 2. If I create a VPN connection to home from hotel, tinc server at home will try to connect my laptop using port 655 which is not open and not forwarded at hotel. Is there any way to get away with this? Can tinc use established connection without creating new connection from home to hotel? I'll appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance. Sinc...
2010 Feb 02
Internet access not working on CentOS but on Windows when travelling
Hello, I'm currently travelling (in south-eastern Europe) with a netbook (Samsung NC 10) running CentOS 5.4 i386. I frequently try to access internet from bars or hotels (mostly via wireless). Although it works pretty often, it happens quite regularly that in some hotels I cannot access internet from CentOS while it is possible from Windows. This is the case in the hotel where I am currently and I'd like to dig this further. To be more precise: - in such cas...