search for: hommed

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 84 matches for "hommed".

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2005 Jun 28
Help with stripplot
For the following code is there a way to make the jitter all line up horizontally, instead of them being just randomly spread around a value. So for ex if there are multiple values at 63 for genotype wt then all the values should be plotted on the same y value of 63 but spaced apart by a certain factor or noise.. library(lattice); dataFrame <- 64,'wt',
2005 Jul 05
plot legend outside the grid
Thanks Bert for all the help. I got the legend figured out Friday but left early becoz of long weekend so didn't get a chance to reply.. I modified the plot margins a little bit and Here's what I finally had... par(mar=c(c(10, 6, 6, 10) + 0.1)); par(xpd=FALSE); with (dataFrame, stripchart(marbles_buried ~ genotype, method="jitter", vertical=TRUE, col = c('blue',
2005 Jun 30
FW: plot legend outside the grid
-----Original Message----- From: Ghosh, Sandeep Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:43 PM To: 'Berton Gunter' Subject: plot legend outside the grid Thanks for the pointers... I managed to get everything to look and feel the way I want except for the legend to plot outside the grid... Thanks for the note on the par, but I'm not able to it to plot outside the plot grid.. dataFrame <-
2012 Mar 06
How to eliminate for next loops in this script
I needed to compute a complicated cross tabulation to show weighted means and standard deviations and the only method I could get that worked uses a series of nested for next loops. I know that there must be a better way to do so, but could use some assistance pointing the way. Here is my working, but inefficient script: library(Hmisc) rm(list=ls()) load('NHTS.Rdata') day.wt <-
2004 Mar 11
Re: without write permission in R.hom e( ) (PR#6664)
So this is on Windows, then? This is documented somewhere (don't remember): If the package is not located under $R_HOME/library, then the html help will not be able to find it. Don't think there's a known work-around. Cheers, Andy > From: > > I did that. In fact the default uses .libPaths()[1], which I > have set to >
2004 Jul 20
wine seti@hom team
For those of you who don't know yet, the Wine project has it's own seti@home team, at The current objective is to overtake the Microsoft team Help is needed, please if you already have seti@home installed. If you don't, it's only 300k to download, runs natively
2003 Jun 05
scales in xyplot doesn't seem to work for x axis
Hi I'm doing a xyplot and I wand to reduce the number of tick marks in the x axis. My x axis are month and I want to reduce the 12 tick marks to 4. I used the scales argument but it doesn't seem to work, althougth it works on y axis if I use scales=list(tick.number=4).
2013 Apr 30
lmer Error: Downdated X'X is not positive definite
Hi, This is the first time I've posted, and I apologize if I formulate this incorrectly. I am analyzing data from a multi-region carrot variety trial. 35 varieties of carrots were grown in 3 randomized complete blocks in organic and conventional fields in Wisconsin, Indiana, Washington, and California. In this example I am comparing the heights of the carrot tops at harvest. In other
2007 Jan 03
Curitel PC5740 Wireless Modem (EVDO)
Dear Sir, I am attempting to get a Broad Band Modem working on: sony# uname -a FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE #2: Tue Dec 19 16:55:50 EST 2006 i386 The device is a Sprint PC5740 pc card. When I perform a "man umodem" the card is listed (vendor = Curitel) UMODEM(4)
2009 Jun 12
FBI Homicide data?
Dear all, do you know if it's available and where the "FBI Homicide" dataset? It has at least the following columns: "victim age", "homicide age". A scatterplot of this data is visible here: Thanks for your help! mario -- Ing. Mario Valle Data Analysis and Visualization Group |
2001 May 03
configure problem
Hi! I am trying to install samba 2.2 on a Sun and I'm getting this error: ./configure --prefix=/local --with-ssl checking how to get filesystem space usage checking statvfs64 function (SVR4)... no checking statvfs function (SVR4)... no checking for 3-argument statfs function (DEC OSF/1)... no checking for two-argument statfs with statfs.bsize member (AIX, 4.3BSD)... no checking for
2007 Oct 02
Push /home/* directories recursively to clients
Hi I am trying to push populate /home & subdirectories from the puppet server to all the Linux clients. I managed this with cfengine using rsync. But I am not sure how do I achieve this in puppet, do we have any inbuilt function for this. Also, is there a function for userdel like for useradd (user) groupadd(group). Any suggestion is appreciated. -- Deepak
2005 Oct 17
Missing In PATH
I'm a newb to linux so please be patient. Running CentOS 4. Using Bash. I'm not sure what happened, but now for some reason /sbin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/local/sbin are all missing from the path. I am su'd as root. I've tried several different methods to put this back including: PATH="/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/hom
2006 Aug 17
[LLVMdev] help with link problems
First, thanks to those who have responded to my earlier pleas for help. You have either directly or indirectly helped me find the answers I needed. I'm slowly getting up to speed with LLVM. Now I have 2 more questions. 1) I'm using LLVM 1.8a with llvm-gcc3. I'm trying to compile firefox (with regular gcc and make) while using LLVM to automatically instrument one source file
2011 Sep 20
Adding a data in Live OR Saving Stream on Server side.
I want to build a website where user can listen my voice. I want to use only Icecast. But on my website I want to display some data too inside a stream. What data I want to add ? basically on my website there are various images. each image having a number. While I deliver my lecture I want to send image number too. Now I can send this number using http PUSH/PULL but I do not know How it will be
1999 Jul 10
swat setup
I am currently useing freebsd 2.2.7 to seu up a gateway,file server, samba server. I only want access from my local lan (192.168.0.nnn). The server is also dual hommed (2 nics for internet access for my local lan via a cable modem). I do not want the world to have access to my samba server. I also have a novell 3.12 server that I do not want the world to have access to. I have tried several times to get the samba server up and running, and I think that I have...
2009 Dec 09
winbind and samba 3.3.9
Hi, We have a small cluster of 4 webservers running iis 7 (windows 2008 64 bit) with an AD domain controller and a samba server. Recently we have had issues where a webserver will randomly lose the network share, the only way to fix this is to restart winbind or samba, When we restart winbind this fixs the problem with the server in question however each of the other web servers servers lose
2006 Jun 30
[LLVMdev] instruction sequence
I'm trying to insert a call to fprintf(stderr, ...). I've looked at the emitted assembly from llvm-gcc, and it consists of a LoadInst (of stderr) and CallInst. It looks like this: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %tmp.1 = load %struct._IO_FILE** %stderr ; ty=%struct._IO_FILE* %tmp.0 = call int (%struct._IO_FILE*, sbyte*, ...)* %fprintf(%struct._IO_FILE* %tmp.1, sbyte*
2006 Aug 05
[LLVMdev] help with phinode
I'm running into an error message about PHINode which I don't understand too well. Hopefully I can explain this clearly. At a high level, I'm just trying to add a fprintf() statement at the end of functions to show me a timestamp. However, I also add an if/then such that I can turn the printing on/off. When using llvm-gcc, I've disabled linker and assembler optimizations in
2006 Jun 25
[LLVMdev] adding args to func call
This question is similar to Ryan Lefever's post on May 1, 2006 about printf declaration. In my case, I want to insert fprintf(stderr, ...) calls. I'm new to LLVM, and I don't know what's the recipe for putting together the arguments. Can someone give me basic instructions or point me in the direction on what to do? I can't find any more documentation on this. Thanks!