search for: hobbits

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 27 matches for "hobbits".

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2006 Apr 19
Apache and '(13)Permission denied: access to ...'
I'm attempting to install Hobbit and at the point of web access via Apache. The error_log states: (13)Permission denied: access to /hobbit denied I've tried a number of things and am still getting this: 1) /hobbit is located in /home/hobbit/server/www 2) Made sure all files are in the apache group 3) I've even chcon
2006 Apr 17
Hobbit install requirements
I'm attempting to install Hobbit 4.2.1 on CentOS 4.3. When attempting to "configure -server", I get: : : Checking for RRDtool ... RRDtool include- or library-files not found. These are REQUIRED for hobbitd RRDtool can be found at If you have RRDtool installed, use the "--rrdinclude DIR" and "--rrdlib DIR"
2011 May 10
Proposed table specification (long!)
Gentlefolk, I have been thinking on Markdown's lack of "proper" table support for a long while now. Here's where I have arrived... ## I Don't Like HTML Tables It is often argued that embedded HTML is the way to markdown rich tables. Unfortunately, this contradicts the higher markdown ideal that a raw markdown document (including tables!) should be good 1. Firstly for
2010 Mar 07
Some hints for the R beginner
There is now a document called "Some hints for the R beginner" whose purpose is to get people up and running with R as quickly as possible. Direct access to it is: JRR Tolkien wrote a story (sans hobbits) called 'Leaf by Niggle' that has always resonated with me. I offer you an imperfect, incomplete tree (but my roof is intact). Suggestions for improvements are encouraged. -- Patrick Burns pburns at (home of 'Some hints for the R beginner...
2009 Mar 31
Samba Authorizations
There is one little piece I'm missing. I have a Samba directory: /home/documents I have 10 Window XP users that need R/W access to this directory. I have another 10 Window XP users that need R/O access to this directory. No other Windows users should be able to see this directory. The R/W users will get access by doing a Windows Search, Computers, and click on the directory. They may also
2004 Mar 17
configure samba -RH 7.3
good day to all sambba guru.. im encountering problem witth my installation/configure of samba. after the ./configure and make and make install i do this: TESTING SAMBA SERVER [root@localhost samba]# smbclient -L Hobbit added interface ip= bcast= nmask= error connecting to (Connection refused) Error connecting to (Connection
2010 Aug 06
Remote nautilus, X display forwarding problem
I need to open a Nautilus window on a headless server, but no matter what I try it complains about the display: ?dcl:~$ xhost + localhost localhost being added to access control list ?dcl:~$ ssh -X user at ip.address [user at CentOS-55-32-minimal ~]$ export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 [user at CentOS-55-32-minimal ~]$ nautilus --display=0:0 cannot open display: 0:0 Run 'nautilus --help' to see
2007 May 29
Remote system up/down monitoring tool?
I have a small number of boxes in different locations, and currently have a fairly crude cron job running on each, which does a ping of one or more of the other boxes, and if the ping fails, it emails me to say the other box might be down. It then emails me again the next time the other box appears to be up. Of course, this can't distinguish between the remote box really being down and there
1997 Jan 07
If it''s any help, here''s a sed script that is reasonably good at pulling out suspicious-looking items generated by various daemons. Fix appropriately... _H* ========== # this should match a buncha different stuff / [Pp]ermi/b ff / PERMI/b ff / [Rr]efuse/b ff / REFUSE/b ff / [Dd]en[yi]/b ff / DEN[YI]/b ff /[Rr]eject/b ff /REJECT/b ff /[Bb]ogus/b ff /[Pp]assw/b ff /PASSW/b ff
2005 Jan 26
Problems with Access Control for Shares on Samba 2
Hi all ! I have a question regarding the access control in Samba 2. I want to make shares available to the Windows Network for which only the owner of the share has write access. Other users however should be able to read and browse these shares. My smb.conf : global] workgroup = leat guest account = nobody keep alive = 30 os level = 2 kernel oplocks = false security = user
2004 Aug 06
error compiling icecast on woody
I had this same problem. To fix, I just commented the line with the CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL out since I couldn't find that option anywhere in the curl headers. It's running fine on my Debian woody box. Kevin "Matthias Gronwald" <> writes: > hi. > > i just tried to compile latest icecast version from cvs on a debian 'woody' > intel machine.
2010 Jul 02
Can a guest LDOM discover the identity of the host system?
That there a mechanism provided to do this? As an afterthought, this also applies to non-global zones, although one can stick something in the oem-banner eeprom variable that is identically visible on all the zones, which is not the case on LDOMs. However, that''s not a supported mechanism. Having something that was would be better. Ideal if the same mechanism (on what might or
2002 Mar 11
Samba 2.2.1a and windows 2000
Hi, my name is Rossano and i have a problem with windows 2000 i think. I'm using SAMBA V2.2.1a on a linux system (redhat 7.2) The problem is that i can see the server samba on the windows network browser correctly, but when i try to browse the computer (linux computer) the system send to me a message like this: I can't realize the connection whit the path //HOFFICE (HOFFICE is the name
2001 Dec 21
Problems with Win XP/2000 and Samba 2.2.x
Hello everybody, I have a little network at home with one Win98, one Win XP/2000 ?and two Linux boxes. The Linux boxes are running on SuSE 7.3 and on one of them i have the latest samba 2.2.2 installed. I use security=share on this machine. The connection from the win98 machine works fine, I can read, write and delete files on the share-volumes. When I try the same from the Windows XP or Win 2000
2010 Jul 19
Scripts for monitoring NUT UPSes with Xymon
Hello everyone. I recently created a set of external scripts for the Xymon Networking Monitor system to monitor and graph AC input voltage, AC output voltage, battery charge %, battery voltage, and UPS Load % of UPSes managed by the Network UPS tools (NUT) suite. The scripts make use of the "upsc" program to poll the upsd daemon and report the information back to the Xymon server for
2008 Sep 30
OT - Monitoring tool
Hello everyone, While I know this isn't Centos related, you guys seems to be on top of your game around here. Sorry for the off-topic. I'm looking for a tool to monitor my servers and send either an email or page or both when something breaks. I would like it to monitor all sorts of services on the servers with one small detail, I'd like it to be able to confiugre so if the DBA
2009 Aug 27
Using rsync to backup remote server as root
..., I use this rsync command to backup "/" of a remote server: rsync -Hav --delete --exclude-from=backup.excludes --delete-excluded -e "ssh -p 45658" root at samwise:/ /mnt/backup/samwise/backup Where: samwise: is the name of the server (yes yes, I know, naming computer after Hobbits may be considered bad form) 45685 is the port samwise is listening on for ssh. I need the user to be root so they can see all files on the remote server. The problem is that to do this I have to turn on the "PermitRootLogin" setting in the sshd configuration on the remote server as well...
2013 Jan 10
Precision of values > 53 bits
Hi, I am working with large numbers and identified that R looses precision for such high numbers. The precision is lost exactly when the number is equal or larger than 53 bits. See the following output which shows that the numbers below 53 bit have proper precision: > 2^53 [1] 9007199254740992 > 2^53-1 [1] 9007199254740991 > 2^53-2 [1] 9007199254740990 Now, see the numbers above 53
2012 Dec 29
lda crash?
...ize: 1558 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- KJ -- Little known fact about Middle Earth: The Hobbits had a very sophisticated computer network! It was a Tolkien Ring...
2005 Feb 04
Changing a user's primary GID
I'm using samba version 3.0.10 on an Intel PC running Redhat Linux 3.0 AS. I am using winbind with the idmap_rid module to authenticate users to Windows AD. All the current Linux user account names are exactly the same as the corresponding Windows AD SAM acct names. Everything works beautifully EXCEPT for the GIDs generated from the from the AD Groups that the Windows accounts belong to.